为提高数据库的查询效率,当数据量大了之后,对表进行分区提高查询效率是必然的,我们可以通过手动对数据库表进行分区,当然为了提高系统稳定性和减少系统维护工作量,使用自动分区是明智之选,以下为我调试了半天才ok的一个关于建立任意数据库的任意表的自动分区的一个存储过程,具体事例如下【传说中的存储过程调试工具dbForge Studio for MySQL真的很垃圾,只能进入存储过程的begin处,F10之后就没法单步调试下一步,直接卡死,最后报错为同步...超时】
create database test;
create table test_log ( created datetime, msg varchar(2000) )
alter table test_log partition by range columns(created)( partition p20151001 values less than('2015-10-01 10:10:10'), partition p20161001 values less than('2016-10-01 10:10:10'), partition p20170210 values less than('2017-02-10 10:10:10') );
insert into test_log values('2015-05-01 01:12:10', 'hi'); insert into test_log values('2016-05-01 01:12:10', 'ni'); insert into test_log values('2016-12-01 01:12:10', 'hao');
SELECT partition_name, partition_description AS val FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'test_log' AND TABLE_SCHEMA = 'test';
+----------------+-----------------------+ | partition_name | val | +----------------+-----------------------+ | p20151001 | '2015-10-01 10:10:10' | | p20161001 | '2016-10-01 10:10:10' | | p20170210 | '2017-02-10 10:10:10' | +----------------+-----------------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
-- 注意:使用该存储过程必须保证相应数据库表中至少有一个手动分区
-- 创建存储过程[通过数据库名和对应表名]-建多少个分区,分区时间间隔为多少
-- databasename:创建分区的数据库
-- tablename:创建分区的表的名称
-- partition_number:一次创建多少个分区
-- partitiontype:分区类型[0按天分区,1按月分区,2按年分区]
-- gaps:分区间隔,如果分区类型为0则表示每个分区的间隔为 gaps天;
-- 如果分区类型为1则表示每个分区的间隔为 gaps月
-- 如果分区类型为2则表示每个分区的间隔为 gaps年
create procedure create_table_partition (in databasename varchar(50),in tablename varchar(50), in partition_number int, in partitiontype int, in gaps int)
declare max_partition_description varchar(255) default '';
declare p_name varchar(255) default 0;
declare p_description varchar(255) default 0;
declare isexist_partition varchar(255) default 0;
declare i int default 1;
-- 查看对应数据库对应表是否已经有手动分区[自动分区前提是必须有手动分区]
-- select partition_name into isexist_partition from information_schema.partitions where table_schema = databasename and table_name = tablename limit 1;
-- 如果不存在则打印错误并退出存储过程
-- if ISNULL(isexist_partition) then
-- select "partition table not is exist" as "ERROR";
-- leave L_END;
-- end if;
-- 获取最大[降序获取]的分区描述[值]
select partition_description into max_partition_description from information_schema.partitions where table_schema = databasename and table_name = tablename order by partition_description desc limit 1;
-- 如果最大分区没有,说明自动创建
if ISNULL(max_partition_description) then
set @sqlCreatePartition=CONCAT('alter table ',tablename,' partition by range columns(Time)(PARTITION ',databasename,tablename,DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y%m%d'),' values less than(\'',DATE_FORMAT(NOW(),'%Y-%m-%d'),'\') );');
PREPARE stmt_initPartition FROM @sqlCreatePartition;
EXECUTE stmt_initPartition;
DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt_initPartition;
-- 首次创建表分区后重新在查询一遍
select partition_description into max_partition_description from information_schema.partitions where table_schema = databasename and table_name = tablename order by partition_description desc limit 1;
set partition_number=partition_number-1;
end if;
-- 替换前后的单引号[''两个引号表示一个单引号的转义]
-- set max_partition_description = REPLACE(max_partition_description, '''', '');
-- 或使用如下语句
set max_partition_description = REPLACE(max_partition_description, '\'', '');
-- 自动创建number个分区
while (i <= partition_number) do
if (partitiontype = 0) then
-- 每个分区按天递增,递增gaps天
set p_description = DATE_ADD(max_partition_description, interval i*gaps day);
elseif (partitiontype = 1) then
-- 每个分区按月递增,递增gaps月
set p_description = DATE_ADD(max_partition_description, interval i*gaps month);
-- 每个分区按年递增,递增gaps年
set p_description = DATE_ADD(max_partition_description, interval i*gaps year);
end if;
-- 删除空格
set p_name = REPLACE(p_description, ' ', '');
-- 如果有横杆替换为空
set p_name = REPLACE(p_name, '-', '');
set p_name = LEFT(p_name,8);
-- alter table tablename add partition ( partition pname values less than ('2021-06-07 00:00:00') );
set @sql=CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', tablename ,' ADD PARTITION ( PARTITION ',databasename,tablename,p_name ,' VALUES LESS THAN (\'', p_description ,'\'))');
-- 准备sql语句
PREPARE stmt from @sql;
-- 执行sql语句
-- 释放资源
-- 递增变量
set i = (i + 1) ;
end while;
end ||
-- 恢复语句中断符
set max_partition_description = REPLACE(max_partition_description, '''', '');
set max_partition_description = REPLACE(max_partition_description, '\'', '');
call create_partition_by_number('test', 'test_log', 5, 1, 1);
-- 开启mysql的事件例程 set global event_scheduler=1; -- 查看事件是否开启 show variables like '%event_scheduler'; -- 新建一个事件
mysql> show variables like '%event_scheduler'; +-----------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-----------------+-------+ | event_scheduler | ON | +-----------------+-------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
DELIMITER || drop event if exists auto_create_partition_time || create event auto_create_partition_time on schedule every 1 minute starts sysdate() do BEGIN call create_partition_by_number('test', 'test_log', 5, 1, 1); END || delimiter ;
ALTER TABLE test_log reorganize partition REORGANIZE PARTITION p20151001,p20161001,p20170210 INTO (PARTITION p20150101 VALUES LESS THAN ('2015-01-01 00:00:00'), PARTITION p20160101 VALUES LESS THAN ('2016-01-01 00:00:00'), PARTITION p20170101 VALUES LESS THAN ('2017-01-01 00:00:00'), );
alter table test_log remove partitioning;
/* ------------分区删除存储过程的创建 ----------------*/ -- 替换语句中断符 DELIMITER || -- 删除存储过程 drop procedure if exists remove_partition || -- 删除分区 -- databasename:创建分区的数据库 -- tablename:创建分区的表的名称 -- dateline: 时间点,早于当前点的分区将会被删除[分区删除同时会删除数据] -- recordnumber:删除时间点之前的几个分区 create procedure remove_partition(in databasename varchar(50),in tablename varchar(50), in dateline varchar(50), in recordnumber int) outer_label: begin declare max_partition_description varchar(255) default 0; declare p_description varchar(255) default 0; declare p_name varchar(255) default 0; declare i int default 1; while i <= recordnumber do -- 获取最大[降序获取]的分区描述[值] select partition_description into max_partition_description from information_schema.partitions where table_schema = databasename and table_name = tablename and STRCMP(REPLACE(partition_description, '''', ''), dateline) < 0 order by partition_description asc limit 1; if max_partition_description <=> "" then leave outer_label; end if; set max_partition_description = REPLACE(max_partition_description, '''', ''); set p_description = max_partition_description; -- 删除空格 set p_name = REPLACE(p_description, ' ', ''); -- 如果有横杆替换为空 set p_name = REPLACE(p_name, '-', ''); -- 删除时间冒号 set p_name = REPLACE(p_name, ':', ''); -- ALTER TABLE sale_data DROP PARTITION p201010; set @sql=CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', tablename ,' DROP PARTITION p', p_name); -- 打印sql变量 -- select @sql; -- 准备sql语句 PREPARE stmt from @sql; -- 执行sql语句 EXECUTE stmt; -- 释放资源 DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt; -- 递增变量 set i = (i + 1) ; end while; end || -- 恢复语句中断符 DELIMITER ;
alter table test_log add partition (partition p20170220 values less than('2017-02-20')); alter table test_log drop partition p20170220;
SELECT partition_name,cast(replace(partition_description, ' ', '') AS date) AS val FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'test' ; -- 开启mysql的事件例程 set global event_scheduler=1; -- 查看事件是否开启 show variables like '%event_scheduler';
DELIMITER $$ drop event if exists auto_create_partition_time $$ -- EVERY 1 day STARTS '2016-05-27 23:59:59' create event auto_create_partition_time on schedule every 1 minute -- 定时器完成后是否继续定时 second秒 minute分 hour day month year on completion preserve enable starts sysdate() do BEGIN call proc_test_log_pt(); END$$ delimiter ;
-- 删除定时器
drop event if exists test_event;
-- 开启事件
alter event test_event on completion preserve enable;
-- 关闭事件
alter event test_event on completion preserve disable;
-- 查看我的event
select * from mysql.event;
C# 执行Mysql 脚本 要引用:using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
public static void ExecuteMysqlScript(string connectionstring, string sqlScript) { using (MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(connectionstring)) { connection.Open(); MySqlScript script = new MySqlScript(connection); script.Query = sqlScript; script.Delimiter = "||"; int count = script.Execute(); script.Delimiter = ";"; connection.Close(); } }