Java 集合类学习笔记
不管哪一种数据结构本质上来说都是一种容器, 都需要搞清楚两点
数组的逻辑结构是线性的, 属于顺序的存储结构, 一旦申请到内存那么内存就固定了
在数组这个存储结构中所有的数据都是紧密分布的, 中间不能有间隔
int[] numbers = new int[length];
for(int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++){ //数组的下表从0开始
//TODO 对数组的操作
- 按照索引查询, 查询效率高
- 添加/删除效率低, 删除和添加都要设计移动数组中的元素
集合有两个基本接口: Collection 和 Map
boolean add(Object o); //添加元素
addAll(Collection other); //添加另一个集合中的所有元素, 结果为两个集合的并集
boolean remove(Object o); //从当前集合中删除第一个找到的与Object对象相同的元素
boolean removeIf(Predicate<? super E> filter); //根据过滤器移除集合中的元素
boolean isEmpty(); //判断当前集合是否为空集合
boolean contains(Object o); //判断是否存在该元素
boolean containsAll(Collection c); //判断集合c中的元素是否在当前集合中都存在
int size(); //获取当前集合长度
boolean retainAll(Collectioj coll); //当前集合仅保留与coll集合相同的元素, 保留两个集合的交集
Object[] toArray(); //返回当前集合中所有元素的数组
<T> T[] toArray(T[] a); //根据集合元素返回数组
Iterator<E> iterator(); //返回一个迭代器对象
Stream<E> stream(); //返回一个Stream流
Stream<E> parallelStream(); //返回一个平行Stream流
void clear(); //删除所有元素
在java 5时Collection接口继承了java.lang.Iterable
接口, 因此Collection集合在java 5之后都可使用foreach
Implementing this interface allows an object to be the target of the "for-each loop" statement.
default Spliterator<E> spliterator() {
return Spliterators.spliterator(this, 0);
boolean removeIf(Predicate<? super E> filter);
removeIf(filter -> filter something)
因为Collection结构扩展了Iterator接口, 因此, 对于标准类库中的任何集合都可以使用"foreach循环"
public interface Iterable<E>{
Iterator<T> iterator(); //for each循环可以处理任何实现了Iterable的对象, 因为其返回了Iterator迭代器对象
public interface Iterator<E>{
E next(); //返回迭代的下一个元素, 若没有下一个元素的情况下进行迭代则抛出NoSuchElementException异常
boolean hasNext(); //返回是否还有元素可以迭代
void remove(); //从collection中移除返回的最后一个元素, 若已经调用过remove再次调用或者没有调用next就调用remve就会抛出IllegalStateException异常
default void forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super E> action); //提供一个lambda表达式,将对迭代器的每一个元素一一调用这个lambda表达式
遍历的顺序取决于集合类型, 如果是ArrayList, 迭代器将按照索引从0开始, 每迭代一次, 索引值加1. 如果是访问HashSet中的元素, 则会按照一种基本上随机的顺序获得元素.
HashSet使用的是HashMap中的迭代器, HashMap中的迭代器按照key值进行消费, 所以具有一定的随机性.
public void forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super K> action) {
int i, hi, mc;
if (action == null) //若消费动作为空则抛出空指针异常
throw new NullPointerException();
HashMap<K,V> m = map;
* Node中有四个值
* final int hash; 节点的hash值
* final K key; 节点key
* V value; 节点value
* Node<K,V> next; 下个节点的引用
Node<K,V>[] tab = m.table;
if ((hi = fence) < 0) { // fence: one past last index 过去的最后一个索引
mc = expectedModCount = m.modCount; //表被修改次数, 保证线程安全
hi = fence = (tab == null) ? 0 : tab.length;
mc = expectedModCount;
if (tab != null && tab.length >= hi &&
(i = index) >= 0 && (i < (index = hi) || current != null)) {
Node<K,V> p = current;
current = null;
do {
if (p == null)
p = tab[i++];
else {
action.accept(p.key); //根据指针指向node值进行消费
p =;
} while (p != null || i < hi);
if (m.modCount != mc)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); //如果遍历的过程中被修改, 抛出ConcurrentModificationException异常
ListItr extends Itr implements ListIterator
* An optimized version of AbstractList.ListItr
private class ListItr extends Itr implements ListIterator<E> {
ListItr(int index) {
super(); //显示调用父类构造器
cursor = index; //游标指向当前索引
public boolean hasPrevious() {
return cursor != 0; //游标不为初始值0
public int nextIndex() {
return cursor; //返回游标指向的元素索引
public int previousIndex() {
return cursor - 1; //返回游标上一个索引
public E previous() {
checkForComodification(); //检查修改次数
int i = cursor - 1; //赋值为游标前一个索引(返回的当前对象)
if (i < 0)
throw new NoSuchElementException(); //元素缺省, 和Iterator中没有元素的情况下调用next()抛出异常一致
//non-private to simplify nested class access(用于简化嵌套类的访问), 代表元数组
Object[] elementData = ArrayList.this.elementData;
if (i >= elementData.length)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); //检查数组是否被修改过
cursor = i; //游标向前移
return (E) elementData[lastRet = i]; //lastRet 最后返回的数据下标
public void set(E e) {
if (lastRet < 0) //集合做remove或add操作之后lastRet置为-1, 对于移除的元素没法进行设置, 所以抛出异常
throw new IllegalStateException();
try {
ArrayList.this.set(lastRet, e); //设置返回位置的元素为e
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
public void add(E e) {
checkForComodification(); //检查集合前后一致性
try {
int i = cursor; //设置当前游标位置
ArrayList.this.add(i, e); //判断容量是否够, 然后调用System.arraycopy(datas, index, data, index +1, size - index)方法,然后赋值和容量增加
cursor = i + 1; //游标+1
lastRet = -1; //新增元素后最后修改元素重置为1
expectedModCount = modCount; //集合修改操作时modCount增加
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
System.arraycopy(Object src, int srcPos, Object dest, int destPos, int length);
* @param src the source array.
* @param srcPos starting position in the source array.
* @param dest the destination array.
* @param destPos starting position in the destination data.
* @param length the number of array elements to be copied.
* @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if copying would cause
* access of data outside array bounds.
* @exception ArrayStoreException if an element in the <code>src</code>
* array could not be stored into the <code>dest</code> array
* because of a type mismatch.
* @exception NullPointerException if either <code>src</code> or
* <code>dest</code> is <code>null</code>.
public static native void arraycopy(Object src, int srcPos,
Object dest, int destPos,
int length);
从源数组src取元素, 范围为下标srcPos到srcPos+length-1, 存放到目标数组dest中, 范围为destPos到destPos+length-1
JAVA核心技术卷中提及了一个推论: 可以将 与 InputStream.read看成等效的: 从数据流中读取一个字节, 就会自动的消耗掉这个字节. 下一次调用read将会消耗并返回输入的下一个字节. 用同样的方式, 反复的调用next就可以读取集合中的所有元素
list是一个有序集合. 元素会增加到容器中的特定位置.
- 使用迭代器Iterator访问
- 使用一个整数索引来访问(随机访问 Random Access), get(int index);
- Vector类
- ArrayList类
- Stack类
- LinkedList类
default void replaceAll(UnaryOperator<E> operator); //对集合中所有元素执行此操作
default void sort(Comparator<? super E> c); //对集合中元素进行排序, 默认调用Arrays.sort
E get(int index); //根据索引位置取得元素
E set(int index, E element); //设置索引位置的元素
void add(int index, E element); //在索引位置添加元素
E remove(int index); //移除索引位置的元素
int indexOf(Object o); //查找到的第一个该元素的位置
int lastIndexOf(Object o); //查找到的最后一个该元素的位置
List<E> subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex); //集合切割
default Spliterator<E> spliterator(); //用于遍历和区分元素对象, 提供了单独和批量遍历元素的功能
ListIterator<E> listIterator(); //返回一个列表迭代器, 用来访问列表中的元素
default void replaceAll(UnaryOperator<E> operator) { Objects.requireNonNull(operator); final ListIterator<E> li = this.listIterator(); while (li.hasNext()) { li.set(operator.apply(; } }
/** * Represents an operation on a single operand that produces a result of the * same type as its operand. This is a specialization of {@code Function} for * the case where the operand and result are of the same type. * * <p>This is a <a href="package-summary.html">functional interface</a> * whose functional method is {@link #apply(Object)}. * * @param <T> the type of the operand and result of the operator * * @see Function * @since 1.8 */ @FunctionalInterface public interface UnaryOperator<T> extends Function<T, T> { /** * Returns a unary operator that always returns its input argument. * * @param <T> the type of the input and output of the operator * @return a unary operator that always returns its input argument */ static <T> UnaryOperator<T> identity() { return t -> t; } }
interface Function 接口方法R apply(T t); : 接受泛型对象T并返回泛型对象R
/** * Applies this function to the given argument. * * @param t the function argument * @return the function result */ R apply(T t);
public void unaryOperatorTest(){
List<String> list1 = Arrays.asList("abc", "def", "ghi");
UnaryOperator<String> operator1 = (v) -> v.substring(0,1);
List<Integer> list2 = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);
UnaryOperator<Integer> operator2 = (v) -> v * 2;
List sort(Comparator<? super E> c);
List中默认调用Arrays.sort(T[] a, Comparator<? super T> c)方法进行分类(排序), 排序完之后使用迭代器赋值给源集合
default void sort(Comparator<? super E> c) {
Object[] a = this.toArray();
Arrays.sort(a, (Comparator) c);
ListIterator<E> i = this.listIterator();
for (Object e : a) {;
i.set((E) e);
Arrays.sort(T[] a, Comparator<? super T> c);
public static <T> void sort(T[] a, Comparator<? super T> c) {
if (c == null) { //若没有传入比较器则使用默认排序
} else {
if (LegacyMergeSort.userRequested) //用户请求传统归并排序(jdk5的传统排序方法, 存在缺陷)
legacyMergeSort(a, c);
TimSort.sort(a, 0, a.length, c, null, 0, 0);
TimSort.sort(T[] a, int lo, int hi, Comparator<? super T> c, T[] work, int workBase, int workLen);
* Sorts the given range, using the given workspace array slice
* for temp storage when possible. This method is designed to be
* invoked from public methods (in class Arrays) after performing
* any necessary array bounds checks and expanding parameters into
* the required forms.
* @param a the array to be sorted
* @param lo the index of the first element, inclusive, to be sorted
* @param hi the index of the last element, exclusive, to be sorted
* @param c the comparator to use
* @param work a workspace array (slice)
* @param workBase origin of usable space in work array
* @param workLen usable size of work array
* @since 1.8
static <T> void sort(T[] a, int lo, int hi, Comparator<? super T> c,
T[] work, int workBase, int workLen) {
// 断言传入比较器, 排序数组不为空, 起始索引大于0, 结束索引大于等于起始索引且不大于数组长度
assert c != null && a != null && lo >= 0 && lo <= hi && hi <= a.length;
int nRemaining = hi - lo; //结束索引减去起始索引为需要排序的长度
if (nRemaining < 2)
return; // Arrays of size 0 and 1 are always sorted
// private static final int MIN_MERGE = 32;如果小于32的长度则进行二分排序
// If array is small, do a "mini-TimSort" with no merges
if (nRemaining < MIN_MERGE) {
int initRunLen = countRunAndMakeAscending(a, lo, hi, c); //返回升序片段长度
binarySort(a, lo, hi, lo + initRunLen, c);
* March over the array once, left to right, finding natural runs,
* extending short natural runs to minRun elements, and merging runs
* to maintain stack invariant.
TimSort<T> ts = new TimSort<>(a, c, work, workBase, workLen);
int minRun = minRunLength(nRemaining); //对需要排序的长度进行分片, 返回分片长度
do {
// Identify next run
int runLen = countRunAndMakeAscending(a, lo, hi, c); //取得该分片长度内的最小升序片段长度
// If run is short, extend to min(minRun, nRemaining)
if (runLen < minRun) { //若有序长度等于需要排序的长度则无需排序
int force = nRemaining <= minRun ? nRemaining : minRun;
binarySort(a, lo, lo + force, lo + runLen, c);
runLen = force;
// Push run onto pending-run stack, and maybe merge
ts.pushRun(lo, runLen); //将起始位置和长度入栈
ts.mergeCollapse(); //有序片段合并
// Advance to find next run
lo += runLen; //增加排序完成的片段, 起始位置右移
nRemaining -= runLen; //减少需要排序的片段长度
} while (nRemaining != 0);
// Merge all remaining runs to complete sort
assert lo == hi;
assert ts.stackSize == 1;
countRunAndMakeAscending(T[] a, int lo, int hi, Comparator<? super T> c)
private static <T> int countRunAndMakeAscending(T[] a, int lo, int hi,
Comparator<? super T> c) {
assert lo < hi;
int runHi = lo + 1;
if (runHi == hi)
return 1;
// Find end of run, and reverse range if descending
if ([runHi++], a[lo]) < 0) { // Descending
while (runHi < hi &&[runHi], a[runHi - 1]) < 0)
reverseRange(a, lo, runHi); //若为降序则进行反转, 反转成升序
} else { // Ascending
while (runHi < hi &&[runHi], a[runHi - 1]) >= 0)
return runHi - lo;
binarySort(T[] a, int lo, int hi, int start,Comparator<? super T> c)
private static <T> void binarySort(T[] a, int lo, int hi, int start,
Comparator<? super T> c) {
assert lo <= start && start <= hi; //start为有序片段末尾索引
if (start == lo)
for ( ; start < hi; start++) {
T pivot = a[start];
// Set left (and right) to the index where a[start] (pivot) belongs
int left = lo;
int right = start;
assert left <= right;
* Invariants:
* pivot >= all in [lo, left).
* pivot < all in [right, start).
while (left < right) {
int mid = (left + right) >>> 1; //无符号右移(等价于left+reight/2)
if (, a[mid]) < 0)
right = mid;
left = mid + 1;
assert left == right;
* The invariants still hold: pivot >= all in [lo, left) and
* pivot < all in [left, start), so pivot belongs at left. Note
* that if there are elements equal to pivot, left points to the
* first slot after them -- that's why this sort is stable.
* Slide elements over to make room for pivot.
int n = start - left; // The number of elements to move
// Switch is just an optimization for arraycopy in default case
switch (n) {
case 2: a[left + 2] = a[left + 1];
case 1: a[left + 1] = a[left];
default: System.arraycopy(a, left, a, left + 1, n);
a[left] = pivot;
TimSort int minRunLength(int n)
private static int minRunLength(int n) {
assert n >= 0; //断言需要分片的长度大于0
int r = 0; // Becomes 1 if any 1 bits are shifted off
while (n >= MIN_MERGE) {
r |= (n & 1); //若n为奇数则用r进行标记
n >>= 1; //长度折半
return n + r;
TimSort void pushRun(int runBase, int runLen)
* Pushes the specified run onto the pending-run stack.
* @param runBase index of the first element in the run
* @param runLen the number of elements in the run
private void pushRun(int runBase, int runLen) {
this.runBase[stackSize] = runBase;
this.runLen[stackSize] = runLen;
TimSort void mergeAt
private void mergeAt(int i) {
assert stackSize >= 2;
assert i >= 0;
assert i == stackSize - 2 || i == stackSize - 3;
int base1 = runBase[i];
int len1 = runLen[i];
int base2 = runBase[i + 1];
int len2 = runLen[i + 1];
assert len1 > 0 && len2 > 0;
assert base1 + len1 == base2;
* Record the length of the combined runs; if i is the 3rd-last
* run now, also slide over the last run (which isn't involved
* in this merge). The current run (i+1) goes away in any case.
runLen[i] = len1 + len2;
if (i == stackSize - 3) {
runBase[i + 1] = runBase[i + 2];
runLen[i + 1] = runLen[i + 2];
* Find where the first element of run2 goes in run1. Prior elements
* in run1 can be ignored (because they're already in place).
int k = gallopRight(a[base2], a, base1, len1, 0, c);
assert k >= 0;
base1 += k;
len1 -= k;
if (len1 == 0)
* Find where the last element of run1 goes in run2. Subsequent elements
* in run2 can be ignored (because they're already in place).
len2 = gallopLeft(a[base1 + len1 - 1], a, base2, len2, len2 - 1, c);
assert len2 >= 0;
if (len2 == 0)
// Merge remaining runs, using tmp array with min(len1, len2) elements
if (len1 <= len2)
mergeLo(base1, len1, base2, len2);
mergeHi(base1, len1, base2, len2);
LinkList是一个有序集合, 将每个对象存放在单独的链接中, 每个链接存放着下一个链接的引用
JDK1.6之后LinkedList实现了Deque接口. 如果要使用堆栈结构的集合, 也可以考虑使用LinkedList而不是Stack
public class LinkedList<E>
extends AbstractSequentialList<E>
implements List<E>, Deque<E>, Cloneable,{
transient int size = 0;
* Pointer to first node.
* Invariant: (first == null && last == null) ||
* (first.prev == null && first.item != null)
transient Node<E> first; //头结点
* Pointer to last node.
* Invariant: (first == null && last == null) ||
* ( == null && last.item != null)
transient Node<E> last; //尾节点
public E getFirst(); //取得头结点中的元素
public E getLast(); //取得尾结点中的元素
public E removeFirst(); //移除头结点,头结点后移
public E removeLast(); //移除尾结点, 尾结点前移
public void addFirst(E e); //添加新的头结点
public void addLast(E e); //添加新的尾结点
public boolean add(E e); //添加一个元素, 实际上调用addLast(E e);
Node<E> node(int index); //根据索引位置取得节点
ListIterator<E> listIterator(int index); //返回new ListItr(int index);
private static class Node<E> {
E item;
Node<E> next;
Node<E> prev;
Node(Node<E> prev, E element, Node<E> next) {
this.item = element; = next;
this.prev = prev;
建议使用listIterator返回迭代器对LinkedList进行操作, 因为LInkedList的随机访问每一次都要遍历链表, 效率低下
for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){
do something with list.get(i); //这一步操作每一次都会遍历整个链表来取得i位置的节点, 属于虚假的随机访问
若访问的位置index大于等于size()/2, 则从尾部开始遍历
如果有随机访问的需要, 通常不会选择使用LInkedList
- 在ArrayList上进行的操作都是非同步的也就是非线程安全的
- ArrayList封装了一个动态再分配的数组,初始为一个空数组, 当添加第一个元素时扩容为10, 而之后调用add(或其他)方法使容量不够时就会进行扩容, ArrayList扩容增加原来的50%(Vector增加1倍)
public class ArrayList<E> extends AbstractList<E>
implements List<E>, RandomAccess, Cloneable,
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8683452581122892189L;
* Default initial capacity.
private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10; //初始容量, 若超过这个容量就会进行扩容
* Shared empty array instance used for empty instances.
private static final Object[] EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA = {};
* Shared empty array instance used for default sized empty instances. We
* distinguish this from EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA to know how much to inflate when
* first element is added.
private static final Object[] DEFAULTCAPACITY_EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA = {};
* The array buffer into which the elements of the ArrayList are stored.
* The capacity of the ArrayList is the length of this array buffer. Any
* empty ArrayList with elementData == DEFAULTCAPACITY_EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA
* will be expanded to DEFAULT_CAPACITY when the first element is added.
transient Object[] elementData; // non-private to simplify nested class access //transient 无法被持久化的变量类型
* The size of the ArrayList (the number of elements it contains).
* @serial
private int size;
private void grow(int minCapacity) { //minCapacity 要求的最小容量
// overflow-conscious code
int oldCapacity = elementData.length;
int newCapacity = oldCapacity + (oldCapacity >> 1); //增加50%容量
if (newCapacity - minCapacity < 0)
newCapacity = minCapacity;
if (newCapacity - MAX_ARRAY_SIZE > 0) //若超出ArrayList最大长度则取Integer.MAX_VALUE
newCapacity = hugeCapacity(minCapacity);
// minCapacity is usually close to size, so this is a win:
elementData = Arrays.copyOf(elementData, newCapacity);
private static int hugeCapacity(int minCapacity) {
if (minCapacity < 0) // overflow
throw new OutOfMemoryError();
return (minCapacity > MAX_ARRAY_SIZE) ?
Integer.MAX_VALUE :
public static <T> T[] copyOf(T[] original, int newLength) {
return (T[]) copyOf(original, newLength, original.getClass());
整形的最大值: Integer.MAX_VALUE = 231 - 1 (int 长度为32bit 最高位为标志位标识正数或负数)
* Constructs an empty list with the specified initial capacity.
* @param initialCapacity the initial capacity of the list
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified initial capacity
* is negative
public ArrayList(int initialCapacity) { //带初始化容量的构造
if (initialCapacity > 0) {
this.elementData = new Object[initialCapacity];
} else if (initialCapacity == 0) {
this.elementData = EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Capacity: "+
* Constructs an empty list with an initial capacity of ten.
public ArrayList() { //空参构造, 没有执行add时为一个空的Objec数组
* Constructs a list containing the elements of the specified
* collection, in the order they are returned by the collection's
* iterator.
* @param c the collection whose elements are to be placed into this list
* @throws NullPointerException if the specified collection is null
public ArrayList(Collection<? extends E> c) { //传入一个Collection集合的子类
Object[] a = c.toArray();
if ((size = a.length) != 0) {
if (c.getClass() == ArrayList.class) {
elementData = a;
} else {
elementData = Arrays.copyOf(a, size, Object[].class); //通过复制数组的方式将传入Collection集合转化为ArrayList
} else {
// replace with empty array.
public Object[] toArray() { return Arrays.copyOf(elementData, size); } public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) { if (a.length < size) // Make a new array of a's runtime type, but my contents: return (T[]) Arrays.copyOf(elementData, size, a.getClass()); System.arraycopy(elementData, 0, a, 0, size); if (a.length > size) a[size] = null; return a; }
* Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element
* in this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element.
* More formally, returns the lowest index <tt>i</tt> such that
* <tt>(o==null ? get(i)==null : o.equals(get(i)))</tt>,
* or -1 if there is no such index.
public int indexOf(Object o) { //通过遍历数组的方式查找元素(区分大小写), 返回查找到的第一个元素
if (o == null) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (elementData[i]==null)
return i;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (o.equals(elementData[i]))
return i;
return -1;
* Returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified element
* in this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element.
* More formally, returns the highest index <tt>i</tt> such that
* <tt>(o==null ? get(i)==null : o.equals(get(i)))</tt>,
* or -1 if there is no such index.
public int lastIndexOf(Object o) { //查找最后一个元素, 倒着查找就行了
if (o == null) {
for (int i = size-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (elementData[i]==null)
return i;
} else {
for (int i = size-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (o.equals(elementData[i]))
return i;
return -1;
/** * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this list contains the specified element. * More formally, returns <tt>true</tt> if and only if this list contains * at least one element <tt>e</tt> such that * <tt>(o==null ? e==null : o.equals(e))</tt>. * * @param o element whose presence in this list is to be tested * @return <tt>true</tt> if this list contains the specified element */ public boolean contains(Object o) { return indexOf(o) >= 0; }
如果想要找到集合中所有和元素相同的元素的下标可以使用for循环根据下标遍历查找也可以使用ListIterator进行迭代, 下面是一个使用ListIterator的例子
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add("1"); //index 0 list.add("2"); list.add("3"); list.add("1"); //3 list.add("5"); list.add("6"); list.add("1"); //6 list.add("1"); //7 String target = "1"; ListIterator<String> listIterator = list.listIterator(); while (listIterator.hasNext()){ Object str =; if (str.equals(target)){ //TODO 这里存放想要对下标做的事previousIndex() System.out.print(listIterator.previousIndex() + " "); } }
0 3 6 7
E elementData(int index) {
return (E) elementData[index];
* Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
* @param index index of the element to return
* @return the element at the specified position in this list
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc}
public E get(int index) {
return elementData(index);
* Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with
* the specified element.
* @param index index of the element to replace
* @param element element to be stored at the specified position
* @return the element previously at the specified position
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc}
public E set(int index, E element) {
E oldValue = elementData(index);
elementData[index] = element;
return oldValue;
* Appends the specified element to the end of this list.
* @param e element to be appended to this list
* @return <tt>true</tt> (as specified by {@link Collection#add})
public boolean add(E e) {
ensureCapacityInternal(size + 1); // Increments modCount!!
elementData[size++] = e;
return true;
* Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this
* list. Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and
* any subsequent elements to the right (adds one to their indices).
* @param index index at which the specified element is to be inserted
* @param element element to be inserted
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc}
public void add(int index, E element) { //指定位置插入元素
ensureCapacityInternal(size + 1); // Increments modCount!!
System.arraycopy(elementData, index, elementData, index + 1,
size - index); //将数组index之后的所有元素后移一位(直接复制index之后的数据到index+1)
elementData[index] = element;
public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) {
Object[] a = c.toArray();
int numNew = a.length;
ensureCapacityInternal(size + numNew); // Increments modCount
System.arraycopy(a, 0, elementData, size, numNew);
size += numNew;
return numNew != 0;
* Inserts all of the elements in the specified collection into this
* list, starting at the specified position. Shifts the element
* currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent elements to
* the right (increases their indices). The new elements will appear
* in the list in the order that they are returned by the
* specified collection's iterator.
* @param index index at which to insert the first element from the
* specified collection
* @param c collection containing elements to be added to this list
* @return <tt>true</tt> if this list changed as a result of the call
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc}
* @throws NullPointerException if the specified collection is null
public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c) { //从index开始之后添加Collection集合, 和add(int index, E element)实现方法很相似
Object[] a = c.toArray();
int numNew = a.length; //新增集合的长度
ensureCapacityInternal(size + numNew); // Increments modCount
int numMoved = size - index; //index之后所有元素都要移动, 这是需要移动的数量
if (numMoved > 0)
System.arraycopy(elementData, index, elementData, index + numNew,
numMoved); //把elementData中index到index+munMoved范围的数据移动到(复制)index+新集合长度numNew之后
System.arraycopy(a, 0, elementData, index, numNew); //如果当index=size时直接拼接到list集合后面
size += numNew;
return numNew != 0;
移除元素和添加元素很相似, 都涉及到了数组的复制, 只不过一个是根据index往前移, 一个是往后移
* Removes the element at the specified position in this list.
* Shifts any subsequent elements to the left (subtracts one from their
* indices).
* @param index the index of the element to be removed
* @return the element that was removed from the list
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc}
public E remove(int index) {
E oldValue = elementData(index);
int numMoved = size - index - 1;
if (numMoved > 0)
System.arraycopy(elementData, index+1, elementData, index,
elementData[--size] = null; // clear to let GC do its work
return oldValue;
* Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from this list,
* if it is present. If the list does not contain the element, it is
* unchanged. More formally, removes the element with the lowest index
* <tt>i</tt> such that
* <tt>(o==null ? get(i)==null : o.equals(get(i)))</tt>
* (if such an element exists). Returns <tt>true</tt> if this list
* contained the specified element (or equivalently, if this list
* changed as a result of the call).
* @param o element to be removed from this list, if present
* @return <tt>true</tt> if this list contained the specified element
public boolean remove(Object o) {
if (o == null) {
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
if (elementData[index] == null) {
return true;
} else {
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
if (o.equals(elementData[index])) {
return true;
return false;
* Private remove method that skips bounds checking and does not
* return the value removed.
private void fastRemove(int index) {
int numMoved = size - index - 1;
if (numMoved > 0)
System.arraycopy(elementData, index+1, elementData, index,
elementData[--size] = null; // clear to let GC do its work
* Removes all of the elements from this list. The list will
* be empty after this call returns.
public void clear() { //直接清空List元素, 保留数组长度
// clear to let GC do its work
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
elementData[i] = null;
size = 0;
* Removes from this list all of the elements whose index is between
* {@code fromIndex}, inclusive, and {@code toIndex}, exclusive.
* Shifts any succeeding elements to the left (reduces their index).
* This call shortens the list by {@code (toIndex - fromIndex)} elements.
* (If {@code toIndex==fromIndex}, this operation has no effect.)
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code fromIndex} or
* {@code toIndex} is out of range
* ({@code fromIndex < 0 ||
* fromIndex >= size() ||
* toIndex > size() ||
* toIndex < fromIndex})
protected void removeRange(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
int numMoved = size - toIndex;
System.arraycopy(elementData, toIndex, elementData, fromIndex,
// clear to let GC do its work
int newSize = size - (toIndex-fromIndex);
for (int i = newSize; i < size; i++) {
elementData[i] = null;
size = newSize;
ArrayList中无论是添加还是删除都涉及到了元素的移动数组的复制, 相比于她的高效的get()方法, 插入元素的效率过于低下
* Returns a shallow copy of this <tt>ArrayList</tt> instance. (The
* elements themselves are not copied.)
* @return a clone of this <tt>ArrayList</tt> instance
public Object clone() {
try {
ArrayList<?> v = (ArrayList<?>) super.clone();
v.elementData = Arrays.copyOf(elementData, size); //如果数组元素为对象则直接把对象地址复制过去
v.modCount = 0;
return v;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
// this shouldn't happen, since we are Cloneable
throw new InternalError(e);
ArrayList的拷贝只是吧原有数组中的引用(地址)复制到了新数组中, 如果对源数组进行操作也会影响到新数组中
@Test public void cloneTest(){ ArrayList<A> list1 = new ArrayList<>(); list1.add(new A(1)); ArrayList<A> listClone = (ArrayList<A>)list1.clone(); list1.get(0).setId(2); listClone.forEach(System.out::println); } class A{ int id; public A(int _id){ = _id; } public int getId() { return id; } public void setId(int id) { = id; } @Override public String toString(){ return "[ id = " + id + "]"; } }
[ id = 2]
Set接口是Collection的子接口, 它没有提供额外的方法, 所以同样Set也支持foreach和Iterator.
- HashSet和LinkedHashSet按hash算法来存储集合中的元素, 具有很好的存取和查找性能.
- 这种结构无法控制出现的次序, 如果不在意元素的顺序那么这将会是一种很好的结构.
- 散列表为每一个对象计算一个整数hash code, 散列码(hash code)是由对象实例字段得出的一个整数, 有不同数据的对象将产生不同的散列码.
- jdk1.8中HashSet含有一个HashMap对象, 对hashSet的操作实际上都是对hashMap的操作
- HashTable用链表数组实现, 要想查找元素在表中的位置, 要计算他的散列码然后将她的散列码和桶的总数取余, 结果为这个元素在桶中的索引
- 若这时桶已经被填充满, 就需要先与桶中所有元素进行比较, 查看对象是否已经存在,
static final long serialVersionUID = -5024744406713321676L;
private transient HashMap<E,Object> map;
// Dummy value to associate with an Object in the backing Map
private static final Object PRESENT = new Object();
HashSet的所有方法实际上都是对成员变量中HashMap的操作, 也利用了Map中key值唯一的特性
- LinkedHashSet是HashSet的子类, 他在HashSet的基础上, 在节点中增加两个属性, before和after, 维护了节点前后添加功能
- 相比于HashSet, LinkedHashSet插入性能有所不足, 而迭代访问所有元素中LinkedHashSet有较好的性能
和HashSet实际上是对HashMap的操作一样, LinkedHashSet实际上也是对LinkedHashMap的操作
public LinkedHashSet(xxx){}//不管传入参数是什么最终都是调用父类的
HashSet(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor, boolean dummy) {
map = new LinkedHashMap<>(initialCapacity, loadFactor);
LinkedHashSet.Entry维护了两个Entry<K,V>变量: before, after; 其继承了Node<K,V>, 相比于Node只有指向下一个元素的Node<K,V> next变量Linked是双向的
* HashMap.Node subclass for normal LinkedHashMap entries.
static class Entry<K,V> extends HashMap.Node<K,V> {
Entry<K,V> before, after;
Entry(int hash, K key, V value, Node<K,V> next) {
super(hash, key, value, next);
static class Node<K,V> implements Map.Entry<K,V> {
final int hash;
final K key;
V value;
Node<K,V> next;
- TreeSet和HashSet十分相似, 但她是一个有序集合. 可以任意顺序将元素插入到集合中
- TreeSet的排序使用红黑数实现, 添加元素时总会将其放到正确的排序位置上, 因此迭代器可以有序的访问每一个元素(没错因为TreeMap用的红黑树)
TreeSet(NavigableMap<E,Object> m) {
this.m = m;
public TreeSet() {
this(new TreeMap<E,Object>());
public TreeSet(Comparator<? super E> comparator) {
this(new TreeMap<>(comparator));
public TreeSet(Collection<? extends E> c) {
public TreeSet(SortedSet<E> s) {
对于某些数据来说, 对其进行排序要比给出一个散列函数更加困难, 散列函数只需要将对象适当的打乱存放, 而比较函数必须精准的区分各个对象
, E就必须要提供Comparator 的实现 , 能够进行集中两个元素的精准比较, 区分出每一个唯一的元素
public interface Comparator<T> {
int compare(T o1, T o2);
boolean equals(Object obj);
public void treeTest(){
Apple appleOne = new Apple("red", 1);
Apple appleTwo = new Apple("blue", 2);
Apple appleThree = new Apple("green", 3);
Set<Apple> set = new TreeSet<>(); //使用Apple实现的比较器
TreeSet<Apple> apples = new TreeSet<>(Comparator.comparing(Apple::getId)); //创建TreeSet时传入比较器
private class Apple implements Comparable<Apple>{
private int id;
private String color;
public Apple(String _color, int _id){
this.color = _color; = _id;
public int compareTo(Apple o) {
return color.compareTo(o.getColor());
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == this) return true;
if (obj == null) return false;
return (((Apple)obj).getColor().equalsIgnoreCase(this.color));
//Getter ...
//Setter ...
public String toString() {
return " [color: "+ color + ", id = " + id + "] ";
[ [color: blue, id = 2] , [color: green, id = 3] , [color: red, id = 1] ]
[ [color: red, id = 1] , [color: blue, id = 2] , [color: green, id = 3] ]
虽然添加到TreeSet不使用equals方法, 但当元素实现Comparable接口时重写了comparaTo()方法, 也建议重写equals()方法, 保证comparaTo()方法和equals()方法返回结果一致
- 映射(Map)用来存放键值对(key, value), key和value可以是任何类型的值
- 键值对的映射是唯一的总能通过key找到唯一的value, 所以key不允许重复,而value允许重复
int size(); //取得大小
boolean isEmpty(); //判断为空
boolean containsKey(Object key); //判断是否包含key
boolean containsValue(Object value); //判断是否包含value
V put(K key, V value); //添加(key, value)映射
void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m); //添加m中的所有映射
V get(Object key); //取得value
V remove(Object key); //移除(key, xxx)映射
Set<K> keySet(); //返回key集
Collection<V> values(); //返回value集合
Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet(); //返回键值对组成的EntrySet
default V getOrDefault(Object key, V defaultValue); //若get(key)==null返回defaultValue, 否则返回get(key)
default void forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V> action); //遍历所有元素并执行操作apply(k,v), 不对原本map产生影响
default void replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V> function); //对所有元素v=apply(k,v)然后将v返回到map中
default V putIfAbsent(K key, V value); //若get(key) == null,则put(key, value), 不会覆盖以前的key值
default boolean remove(Object key, Object value); //存在(key, value的情况下), remove(key)
default boolean replace(K key, V oldValue, V newValue); //保证存在(key, oldValue)的情况下, put(key, newValue);
default V replace(K key, V value); //若存在get(key), 则put(key, value)
default V computeIfAbsent(K key, Function<? super K, ? extends V> mappingFunction); //计算新值并返回, 若不存在则创建
default void forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V> action) {
for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : entrySet()) {
K k;
V v;
try {
k = entry.getKey();
v = entry.getValue();
} catch(IllegalStateException ise) {
// this usually means the entry is no longer in the map.
throw new ConcurrentModificationException(ise);
action.accept(k, v);
default void replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V> function) {
for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : entrySet()) {
K k;
V v;
try {
k = entry.getKey();
v = entry.getValue();
} catch(IllegalStateException ise) {
// this usually means the entry is no longer in the map.
throw new ConcurrentModificationException(ise);
// ise thrown from function is not a cme.
v = function.apply(k, v);
try {
} catch(IllegalStateException ise) {
// this usually means the entry is no longer in the map.
throw new ConcurrentModificationException(ise);
由此可知, Map的遍历可以使用keySet();返回key集然后遍历, 或者使用entrySet();进行遍历
除了遍历替换以外还提供了基于(key,value)的替换, 这两个方法差别就是替换条件不同
default boolean replace(K key, V oldValue, V newValue) {
Object curValue = get(key);
if (!Objects.equals(curValue, oldValue) ||
(curValue == null && !containsKey(key))) {
return false;
put(key, newValue);
return true;
default V replace(K key, V value) {
V curValue;
if (((curValue = get(key)) != null) || containsKey(key)) {
curValue = put(key, value);
return curValue;
default V putIfAbsent(K key, V value) {
V v = get(key);
if (v == null) {
v = put(key, value);
return v;
除了这几个方法以外, map提供了merge()方法
default V merge(K key, V value, //操作映射的key和新值
BiFunction<? super V, ? super V, ? extends V> remappingFunction) { //remappingFunction : 组合原值和新值的函数
V oldValue = get(key); //取得原本的值
V newValue = (oldValue == null) ? value :
remappingFunction.apply(oldValue, value); //若oldValue不为空则使用remappingFunction组合旧值和新值
if(newValue == null) {
} else {
put(key, newValue);
return newValue;
public void merge(){
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("first", "f-i-r-s-t");
map.merge("first", "value", (v1, v2)->{
//v1为oldValue这里是"f-i-r-s-t", v2为新值
return v2 + ":" + v1.replaceAll("-", "");
- HashMap是线程不安全的, 允许使用null键, null值
public boolean isEmpty() {
return size == 0;
public V get(Object key) {
Node<K,V> e;
return (e = getNode(hash(key), key)) == null ? null : e.value;
public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
return getNode(hash(key), key) != null;
public V remove(Object key) {
Node<K,V> e;
return (e = removeNode(hash(key), key, null, false, true)) == null ? null : e.value;
public V put(K key, V value) {
return putVal(hash(key), key, value, false, true);
对map中的操作其实都是对map中Node数组 table的操作
* The table, initialized on first use, and resized as
* necessary. When allocated, length is always a power of two.
* (We also tolerate length zero in some operations to allow
* bootstrapping mechanics that are currently not needed.)
transient Node<K,V>[] table;
* Basic hash bin node, used for most entries. (See below for
* TreeNode subclass, and in LinkedHashMap for its Entry subclass.)
static class Node<K,V> implements Map.Entry<K,V> {
final int hash; //元素hash值
final K key; //键
V value; //值
Node<K,V> next; //下一个元素的引用
Node(int hash, K key, V value, Node<K,V> next) {
this.hash = hash;
this.key = key;
this.value = value; = next;
public final K getKey() { return key; }
public final V getValue() { return value; }
public final String toString() { return key + "=" + value; }
public final int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(key) ^ Objects.hashCode(value); //按位异或该位上若相同返回1 不同则返回0
public final V setValue(V newValue) {
V oldValue = value;
value = newValue;
return oldValue;
public final boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this)
return true;
if (o instanceof Map.Entry) {
Map.Entry<?,?> e = (Map.Entry<?,?>)o;
if (Objects.equals(key, e.getKey()) &&
Objects.equals(value, e.getValue()))
return true;
return false;
/* ---------------- Static utilities -------------- */
* Computes key.hashCode() and spreads (XORs) higher bits of hash
* to lower. Because the table uses power-of-two masking, sets of
* hashes that vary only in bits above the current mask will
* always collide. (Among known examples are sets of Float keys
* holding consecutive whole numbers in small tables.) So we
* apply a transform that spreads the impact of higher bits
* downward. There is a tradeoff between speed, utility, and
* quality of bit-spreading. Because many common sets of hashes
* are already reasonably distributed (so don't benefit from
* spreading), and because we use trees to handle large sets of
* collisions in bins, we just XOR some shifted bits in the
* cheapest possible way to reduce systematic lossage, as well as
* to incorporate impact of the highest bits that would otherwise
* never be used in index calculations because of table bounds.
static final int hash(Object key) {
int h;
//保证hashCode不变的情况下, 把hashCode和hashCode高16位进行异或运算, 这种计算方法是灵活性和实用性的一种权衡
return (key == null) ? 0 : (h = key.hashCode()) ^ (h >>> 16);
* Implements Map.put and related methods.
* @param hash hash for key
* @param key the key
* @param value the value to put
* @param onlyIfAbsent if true, don't change existing value
* @param evict if false, the table is in creation mode.
* @return previous value, or null if none
final V putVal(int hash, K key, V value, boolean onlyIfAbsent,
boolean evict) {
Node<K,V>[] tab; Node<K,V> p; int n, i;
if ((tab = table) == null || (n = tab.length) == 0)
n = (tab = resize()).length;
if ((p = tab[i = (n - 1) & hash]) == null)
tab[i] = newNode(hash, key, value, null);
else {
Node<K,V> e; K k;
if (p.hash == hash &&
((k = p.key) == key || (key != null && key.equals(k))))
e = p;
else if (p instanceof TreeNode)
e = ((TreeNode<K,V>)p).putTreeVal(this, tab, hash, key, value);
else {
for (int binCount = 0; ; ++binCount) {
if ((e = == null) { = newNode(hash, key, value, null);
if (binCount >= TREEIFY_THRESHOLD - 1) // -1 for 1st
treeifyBin(tab, hash);
if (e.hash == hash &&
((k = e.key) == key || (key != null && key.equals(k))))
p = e;
if (e != null) { // existing mapping for key
V oldValue = e.value;
if (!onlyIfAbsent || oldValue == null)
e.value = value;
return oldValue;
if (++size > threshold)
return null;
* Initializes or doubles table size. If null, allocates in
* accord with initial capacity target held in field threshold.
* Otherwise, because we are using power-of-two expansion, the
* elements from each bin must either stay at same index, or move
* with a power of two offset in the new table.
* @return the table
final Node<K,V>[] resize() {
Node<K,V>[] oldTab = table;
int oldCap = (oldTab == null) ? 0 : oldTab.length;
int oldThr = threshold;
int newCap, newThr = 0;
if (oldCap > 0) {
if (oldCap >= MAXIMUM_CAPACITY) {
threshold = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return oldTab;
else if ((newCap = oldCap << 1) < MAXIMUM_CAPACITY &&
newThr = oldThr << 1; // 若原来有值小于允许的最大值, 且大于16(默认桶大小), 则进行扩容扩容为2的幂数倍
else if (oldThr > 0) // initial capacity was placed in threshold
newCap = oldThr;
else { // zero initial threshold signifies using defaults 第一次装填数据时, 桶初始化
newCap = DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY; // 默认桶大小为16
if (newThr == 0) {
float ft = (float)newCap * loadFactor;
newThr = (newCap < MAXIMUM_CAPACITY && ft < (float)MAXIMUM_CAPACITY ?
(int)ft : Integer.MAX_VALUE);
threshold = newThr;
Node<K,V>[] newTab = (Node<K,V>[])new Node[newCap];
table = newTab;
if (oldTab != null) { //自动再散列
for (int j = 0; j < oldCap; ++j) {
Node<K,V> e;
if ((e = oldTab[j]) != null) {
oldTab[j] = null;
if ( == null)
newTab[e.hash & (newCap - 1)] = e;
else if (e instanceof TreeNode)
((TreeNode<K,V>)e).split(this, newTab, j, oldCap);
else { // preserve order
Node<K,V> loHead = null, loTail = null;
Node<K,V> hiHead = null, hiTail = null;
Node<K,V> next;
do {
next =;
if ((e.hash & oldCap) == 0) {
if (loTail == null)
loHead = e;
else = e;
loTail = e;
else {
if (hiTail == null)
hiHead = e;
else = e;
hiTail = e;
} while ((e = next) != null);
if (loTail != null) { = null;
newTab[j] = loHead;
if (hiTail != null) { = null;
newTab[j + oldCap] = hiHead;
return newTab;
在更改Map中的元素时, 如果元素的散列码发生了变化, name元素在数据结构中的位置也会发生变化.
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
// iterators
abstract class HashIterator {
Node<K,V> next; // next entry to return
Node<K,V> current; // current entry
int expectedModCount; // for fast-fail
int index; // current slot
HashIterator() {
expectedModCount = modCount;
Node<K,V>[] t = table;
current = next = null;
index = 0;
if (t != null && size > 0) { // advance to first entry
do {
}while (index < t.length && (next = t[index++]) == null); //这里进行循环,找到节点中不为空的下一个元素
public final boolean hasNext() {
return next != null;
final Node<K,V> nextNode() {
Node<K,V>[] t;
Node<K,V> e = next;
if (modCount != expectedModCount)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
if (e == null)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
if ((next = (current = e).next) == null && (t = table) != null) {
do {} while (index < t.length && (next = t[index++]) == null);
return e;
public final void remove() {
Node<K,V> p = current;
if (p == null)
throw new IllegalStateException();
if (modCount != expectedModCount)
throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
current = null;
K key = p.key;
removeNode(hash(key), key, null, false, false);
expectedModCount = modCount;
HashIterator构造方法和nextNode都有 do {} while (index < t.length && (next = t[index++]) == null);这句话的作用是跳过那些表中指向null的节点, 因为HashMap放置元素是根据计算hash值放到不同的桶中, 所以遍历整个集合的时候会有桶指向null, 所以我们用Iterator遍历时就需要跳过那些为null的位置.
- 作为HashMap的子类, 由双向链表实现, 定义了迭代顺序.
- HashMap和HashTable都是Hash表
- HashTable是线程安全的, 而HashMap不是, HashTable, 不允许
HashTable 添加操作分析
private transient Entry<?,?>[] table; //HashTable中的键值对存放在各个存储桶中, 存储桶为Entry<k,v>数组
* The table is rehashed when its size exceeds this threshold. (The
* value of this field is (int)(capacity * loadFactor).)
* @serial
private int threshold;
* Maps the specified <code>key</code> to the specified
* <code>value</code> in this hashtable. Neither the key nor the
* value can be <code>null</code>. <p>
* The value can be retrieved by calling the <code>get</code> method
* with a key that is equal to the original key.
* @param key the hashtable key
* @param value the value
* @return the previous value of the specified key in this hashtable,
* or <code>null</code> if it did not have one
* @exception NullPointerException if the key or value is
* <code>null</code>
* @see Object#equals(Object)
* @see #get(Object)
public synchronized V put(K key, V value) {
// Make sure the value is not null
if (value == null) { //要求value不为空
throw new NullPointerException();
// Makes sure the key is not already in the hashtable.
Entry<?,?> tab[] = table;
int hash = key.hashCode();
int index = (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % tab.length; //计算存储桶位置
Entry<K,V> entry = (Entry<K,V>)tab[index]; //取出存储桶
for(; entry != null ; entry = { //遍历该存储桶查找是否key已经存在
if ((entry.hash == hash) && entry.key.equals(key)) {
V old = entry.value;
entry.value = value;
return old;
addEntry(hash, key, value, index); //若不存在则进行添加
return null;
private void addEntry(int hash, K key, V value, int index) {
Entry<?,?> tab[] = table;
if (count >= threshold) { //若存储数量达到临界值
// Rehash the table if the threshold is exceeded
rehash(); //则进行扩容和table的再散列
tab = table; //再散列后引用地址改变需要重新赋值
hash = key.hashCode();
index = (hash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % tab.length; //重新计算存储桶位置
// Creates the new entry.
Entry<K,V> e = (Entry<K,V>) tab[index]; //找到该存储桶
tab[index] = new Entry<>(hash, key, value, e); //添加在存储桶头部(e==Entry<K,V> next;)
protected void rehash() {
int oldCapacity = table.length;
Entry<?,?>[] oldMap = table;
// overflow-conscious code
int newCapacity = (oldCapacity << 1) + 1; //
if (newCapacity - MAX_ARRAY_SIZE > 0) { //判断是否已经到最大了
if (oldCapacity == MAX_ARRAY_SIZE)
// Keep running with MAX_ARRAY_SIZE buckets
newCapacity = MAX_ARRAY_SIZE;
Entry<?,?>[] newMap = new Entry<?,?>[newCapacity];
threshold = (int)Math.min(newCapacity * loadFactor, MAX_ARRAY_SIZE + 1); //返回扩容后的大小和边界大小(最大大小)小的那个
table = newMap;
for (int i = oldCapacity ; i-- > 0 ;) { //原有内容进行再散列
for (Entry<K,V> old = (Entry<K,V>)oldMap[i] ; old != null ; ) {
Entry<K,V> e = old;
old =;
int index = (e.hash & 0x7FFFFFFF) % newCapacity; = (Entry<K,V>)newMap[index];
newMap[index] = e;
//HashMap中的扩容: x2
newCap = oldCap << 1;
//HashTable中的扩容: x2 + 1 (实际可以使用的为容量x加载因子【默认0.75】)
int newCapacity = (oldCapacity << 1) + 1;
//ArrayList中的扩容: x1.5
int newCapacity = oldCapacity + (oldCapacity >> 1);
* Hashtable bucket collision list entry
private static class Entry<K,V> implements Map.Entry<K,V> {
final int hash;
final K key;
V value;
Entry<K,V> next;
protected Entry(int hash, K key, V value, Entry<K,V> next) {
this.hash = hash;
this.key = key;
this.value = value; = next;
protected Object clone() {
return new Entry<>(hash, key, value,
(next==null ? null : (Entry<K,V>) next.clone()));
// Map.Entry Ops
public K getKey() {
return key;
public V getValue() {
return value;
public V setValue(V value) {
if (value == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
V oldValue = this.value;
this.value = value;
return oldValue;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry))
return false;
Map.Entry<?,?> e = (Map.Entry<?,?>)o;
return (key==null ? e.getKey()==null : key.equals(e.getKey())) &&
(value==null ? e.getValue()==null : value.equals(e.getValue()));
public int hashCode() {
return hash ^ Objects.hashCode(value);
public String toString() {
return key.toString()+"="+value.toString();
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