newlib 编译 使用

1 newlib download

 1.1 ftp server:

 1.2 document:

 1.3 toolchain:

 1.4 unzip the tar package.

 1.5 compilation:

../newlib-2.0.0/configure --target=mips-sde-elf --prefix=/home/xxx/install --target=$TARGET --prefix=$PREFIX --disable-newlib-supplied-syscalls --enable-interwork --enable-multilib --with-gnu-ld --with-gnu-as --disable-newlib-io-float --disable-werror
make all-target-newlib
make all-target-libgloss
make install-target-newlib
make install-target-libgloss

 1.6 Portting


    Some of the library functions depend on support from the underlying operating system and may not be available on every platform. For embedded systems in particular, many of these underlying operating system services may not be available or may not be fully functional. The specific operating system subroutines required for a particular library function are listed in the “Portability” section of the function description.

  For detail information you can see:



posted @ 2016-10-06 22:11  JustRelax  阅读(1090)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报