High Availability (HA) 和 Disaster Recovery (DR) 的区别

High availability 和disaster recovery不是一回事. 尽管在规划和解决方案上有重叠的部分, 它们俩都是business contiunity的子集.

HA的目的是在主数据中心内部, 提供弹性(resiliency)支持和计划允许内的宕机的时间.

DR的目的是使得一个组织能在第一个数据中心发生灾难且影响到了基础设施的可用性的时候, 在第二个数据中心恢复计算机的正常使用.


High availability and disaster recovery are not the same things. Although there is overlap in planning and solutions, they are subsets of business continuity.

The purpose of high availability is to provide resiliency within the primary data center and planned downtime.

The purpose of disaster recovery is to enable an organization to resume computer operations in a secondary data center when a disaster at the primary data center makes the infrastructure unusable.



Create a high availability architecture and strategy for SharePoint 2013


posted on 2016-01-06 17:21  中道学友  阅读(1340)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

