如何在Visual Studio中加载web load test的后缀为.ltrar的结果文件

1. From a Web performance and load test project, open a load test.


2. On the embedded toolbar, choose Open and Manage Results.The Open and Manage Load Test Results dialog box is displayed.



3. In Enter a controller name to find load test results, select a controller. Select <local> to access results stored locally. If there are load test results available, they appear in the Load test results list. The columns are Time, Duration, User, Outcome, Test, and Description. Test contains the name of the test, and Description contains the optional description that is added before the test is run.


4. Choose Import. The Import Load Test Results dialog box appears.


5. In the File name box, type the name of an archived test results file, and then choose Open.

- or -

Browse to the file, and then choose Open.





How to: Import Load Test Results into a Repository


How to: Export Load Test Results from a Repository


Managing Load Test Results


posted on 2013-07-23 14:24  中道学友  阅读(1229)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

