SharePoint coauthoring报FileName 'is locked for editing by' another user的问题

之前明明测试通过了的使用SharePoint Foundation 2010和Word 2010的coauthoring特性, 今天却遇到了问题.

用户A打开在SharePoint上的word文档, 编辑, 可以保存.

同时, 用户B打开同样的文档, 看不到别人在修改, 编辑后点保存, 报错"XXX is locked for editing by YYY".


研究了下, 发现我们的文档后缀是docm, 即带有宏的文档. 而coauthoring必须是docx格式的才可以.

鉴于文档协作前期主要是大家共同丰富内容, 所以解决方案就是先另存为docx.

后面需要启用宏的时候, 再修改回去.


To get Co Authoring feature, versioning should be enabled and check out before edit should be disabled. And The Document should be .docx

Regards, Akilaskk.




How to realise Co authoring feature of office 2010 in sharepoint 2010

You receive a "<FileName> is locked for editing by 'another user'" message when you try to modify a document in Windows SharePoint Services even though you are the user who previously opened the document

posted on 2013-01-15 14:22  中道学友  阅读(877)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

