Content Deployment执行之前是否需要开启feature? 安装dll到GAC?

feature要安装, 但是不要开启.




准备Content Deployment目的站点集的具体步骤:

1. 创建一个空的站点集. 你需要使用stsadm –o createsite 命令来创建空站点集. 注意, 空站点集与空白站点集是不同的.

2. 添加并部署所有的sharepoint solution package(wsp)文件到目的服务器场. 一般来说, 部署wsp文件会安装feature到目的服务器场. 如果你没有使用wsp, 那么你需要确保所有的feature被安装到服务器场上, 但是不被开启.

3. 进行必要的文件系统的修改. 比如说, 修改web.config文件, 安装或者部署没有被wsp部署包括进去的.net程序集到GAC中.




To prepare the destination site collection

  1. Create an empty site collection in the production farm. This is where the content will be deployed. An empty site template differs from a blank site template in that it contains no content, libraries, or activated features. A blank site contains some content and has some features that are activated. The only way to create an empty site collection is with the following STSADM command:

    STSADM.EXE -o createsite -url <url-to-site-collection> -ownerlogin domain\user -owneremail <email-address>

  2. Add and deploy all the SharePoint Solution Packages (WSP) to the production farm. Typically, deploying the WSP should install all features to the production farm. However, if you are not using WSPs or if you have an exceptional case, ensure that all features are installed but not activated.
  3. Make any necessary file system changes. For example, modify the Web.config files and install or place in the global assembly cache any .NET Framework assemblies that were not included in the WSP deployment.

Do not activate any of the features in the empty site collection. The content deployment process handles feature activation.



Understanding Publishing and Content Deployment

posted on 2010-04-21 20:09  中道学友  阅读(247)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

