从MOSS2007升级到SharePoint2010后Report Server content types升级失败



把MOSS2007的content DB挂到SharePoint 2010的场中之后, 发现某站点里的下面几个content type显示不正常. 并且这几个content type导致该站点生成的模板无法被用来创建新的其他站点.


SharePoint 2010 里content type显示为




在MOSS 2007中这几个content type应该显示为下面的样子.

Report Server Content Types

      Report Builder Model
      Report Builder Report
      Report Data Source

尝试去删除这几个content type, 报错: The content type "$Resources:ReportBuilderContentTypeName" is part of an application feature".

经过研究发现这个几个content type是属于几个叫做'ReportServer' 的feature的.


在ULS log中可以发现如下的条目

    Content type 0x010100C3676CDFA2F24E1D949A8BF2B06F6B8B in Feature '{e8389ec7-70fd-4179-a1c4-6fcb4342d7a0}' in the current web
    {0c6885f1-4a0e-4967-bb92-8a14cf3e540a} was not updated because the OverWrite attribute is FALSE or the content type does not exist in
    the current scope. Content type scope is /, current web scope is /.
    Content type 0x0101007DFDDF56F8A9492DAA9366B83A95B3A0 in Feature '{e8389ec7-70fd-4179-a1c4-6fcb4342d7a0}' in the current web
    {0c6885f1-4a0e-4967-bb92-8a14cf3e540a} was not updated because the OverWrite attribute is FALSE or the content type does not exist in
    the current scope. Content type scope is /, current web scope is /.
    Content type 0x010100D8704AF8ED734F4088724751E0F2727D in Feature '{e8389ec7-70fd-4179-a1c4-6fcb4342d7a0}' in the current web
    {0c6885f1-4a0e-4967-bb92-8a14cf3e540a} was not updated because the OverWrite attribute is FALSE or the content type does not exist in
    the current scope. Content type scope is /, current web scope is /.




这几个content type没有被正确地upgrade




运行下面的两条power shell命令, 问题解决.

Disable-SPfeature -id reportserver -url http://<servername> –force

Enable-SPfeature -id reportserver -url http://<servername> -force


注意, 从这里我们可以看出, 如果某个feature没有正确地被upgrade, 那么关闭后再开启这个feature可以强制其升级更新.





posted on 2011-10-20 16:16  中道学友  阅读(379)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

