Machine Learning Softwares

Resources Links

C/C++ Programming

C++ Tutoral
The Tutorial
C++ String
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Using C++
Standard Templale Library
Template Example

Machine Learning Softwares

SVM Light - Support Vector Machine in C Source Code (Including SVM Struct for structural output learning)
LIBSVM - A C++ Library for SMO Support Vector Machines (Recommend)
LIBCVM Toolkit - A C++ Library for {Core/Ball} Vector Machines (Recommend for Massive Data-sets)

LIBLINEAR - A Library for Large Linear Classification (Recommend for linear classifiers)
BMRM - Bundle Methods for Regularized Risk Minimization (For general convex loss functions)
Shogun - A Large Scale Machine Learning Toolbox (Including multiple kernel learning)
ManifoldLearn - Matlab Routines for Manifold Regularization
SVMlin - Fast Linear SVM Solvers for Supervised and Semisupervised Learning
Parallel GPDT - Parallel Gradient Projection-based Decomposition Technique for SVM
UniverSVM - Transductive and sparse SVMs in C++
Multi Class SVM - Multiclass SVM by Crammer and Singer
M-SVM - Multiclass SVM Implementation
LASVM - Online SVM Implementation
FlexCRFs -Flexible Conditional Random Fields
SVM-QP - Active Set QP solver for Large Scale SVM in Fortran 77
mySVM - A C++ Implementation of SVMLight
TinySVM - Another C++ Implementation of SVMLight
SVMheavy - Incremental SVM
SVM in the Primal - Direct Primal SVM Solver
LSVM - Lagrangian SVM
LS-SVMlab - Least-Squares SVM
Gaussian Process Softwares by Neil Lawrence
Torch3 - Machine Learning Package in C++
HeroSVM - SVM using Sparse Kernel Matrix
MATLAB Support Vector Machine Toolbox

SimpleSVM Toolbox - An Invariant SVM Implementation
Statlearn Toolbox
Weka 3 - Machine Learning Software in Java (Including SVM package)
Bow - A Toolkit for Text Retrieval, Classification and Clustering
CoresetPACK (C++ and Matlab)
SeDuMi - A MATLAB Package for Semi-Definite Programming
SDPT3 - A MATLAB Package for Semi-Definite-Quadratic-Linear programming

BPMPD - A Matlab LP/QP Solver
Benchmarks for Optimization Softwares
Other Optimization Softwares by Stephen P. Boyd

Some Source Codes for Computer Vision by Sameer Agarwal
MATLAB and Octave Functions for Computer Vision and Image Processing
HSIC Softwares by Le Song
MAXFLOW - An implementation of the maxflow algorithm for graph-cuts
Mosek - An Optimization Software
Statistical Pattern Recognition Toolbox for Matlab
Netlab - A Matlab Neural Network Software

Code for Markov Chain Monte Carlo Parameter Estimation
Decision Tree - C4.5/C5.0
Graclus - A Software for Trace Maximizing Clustering
Cover Tree - Fast Nearest Neighbor Search
GSL - GNU Scientific Library
Numerical Recipes in C

LAPACK++ - Linear Algebra PACKage in C++
Other Software Packages for Kernel Machines

Machine Learning Journals

Machine Learning
Journal of Machine Learning Research
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
Neural Computation
Neural Networks

Journal of the American Statistical Association
Annals of Statistics
Artificial Intelligence
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Pattern Recognition

Machine Learning Benchmark Datasets

Datasets from Data Wrangling
UCI Machine Learning Repository
UCI Knowledge Discovery in Databases Archive
Text Datasets
Datasets for SMO

Benchmark Datasets for Semi Supervised Learning
Datasets for Boosting

Lufs Torgo - Regression Data Sets
EachMovie collaborative filtering data set
Resources for Face Database
The Berkeley Segmentation Dataset and Benchmark
The USC-SIPI Image Database
The NORB Dataset, V1.0

Useful Courses and Links in Machine Learning

Machinel Learning Theory Forum
International Machinel Learning Society
Machinel Learning Conference Information

Artificial Intelligence Conference Information
BI, KDD and Data Mining Conferences / Workshops Information
WikiCFP - Most Popular Categories of Call For Papers
Statistical Learning Theory and Applications at MIT

Foundations of Machine Learning at Princeton
Convex Optimization with Engineering Applications at Stanford
Conic and Robust Optimization at Columbia
Templates for the Solution of Algebraic Eigenvalue Problems: a Practical Guide
Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative Methods
Randomized Algorithms

Wolfram Mathworld
Matrix Reference Manual

Textbooks in Mathmatics
Mathematical Programming at Cornell
Distribution Theory and Statistical Inference at UNE
Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics
Machine Learning, Tom Mitchell, McGraw Hill
Message Board on Kernel Machines

An Introduction to Conditional Random Fields for Relational Learning
Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning
Learning with Kernels Support Vector Machines, Regularization, Optimization and Beyond
Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

posted @ 2012-10-06 01:05  Avril  阅读(825)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报