- fix - 向零方向取整
fix Round towards zero.
fix(X) rounds the elements of X to the nearest integers towards zero.
t =
7.6806 3.5388 3.6130
2.3309 3.4719 7.4163
5.8736 2.5372 7.0590
ans =
7 3 3
2 3 7
5 2 7
- round - 向最近的方向取整,亦即“四舍五入”
round rounds towards nearest decimal or integer
round(X) rounds each element of X to the nearest integer.
t =
7.6806 3.5388 3.6130
2.3309 3.4719 7.4163
5.8736 2.5372 7.0590
ans =
8 4 4
2 3 7
6 3 7
- floor - 向负无穷大方向取整
floor Round towards minus infinity.
floor(X) rounds the elements of X to the nearest integers towards minus infinity.
t =
7.6806 3.5388 3.6130
2.3309 3.4719 7.4163
5.8736 2.5372 7.0590
ans =
7 3 3
2 3 7
5 2 7
- ceil - 向正无穷大方向取整
ceil Round towards plus infinity.
ceil(X) rounds the elements of X to the nearest integers towards infinity.
t =
7.6806 3.5388 3.6130
2.3309 3.4719 7.4163
5.8736 2.5372 7.0590
ans =
8 4 4
3 4 8
6 3 8
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