4.2.3 自定义队列
1 >>> x = []
2 >>>
3 >>> #在列表尾部追加元素,模拟入队操作
4 >>> x.append(1)
5 >>> x.append(2)
6 >>> x.append(3)
7 >>> x
8 [1, 2, 3]
9 >>>
10 >>> #在头部弹出元素,模拟出队操作
11 >>> x.pop(0)
12 1
13 >>> x
14 [2, 3]
15 >>> x.pop(0)
16 2
17 >>> x.pop(0)
18 3
19 >>> x
20 []
21 >>> x.pop(0)
22 Traceback (most recent call last):
23 File "<pyshell#14>", line 1, in <module>
24 x.pop(0)
25 IndexError: pop from empty list
26 >>>
1 class myQueue:
2 #构造函数,默认队列大小为10
3 def __init__(self,size = 10):
4 self._content = []
5 self._size = size
6 self._current = 0
8 #析构函数
9 def __del__(self):
10 del self._content
12 #设置队列的大小
13 def setSize(self,size):
14 if size < self._current:
15 #如果缩小队列,应删除后面的元素
16 for i in range(size,self._current)[::-1]:
17 del self._content[i]
18 self._current = size
19 self._size = size
21 #入队
22 def put(self,v):
23 if self._current < self._size:
24 self._content.append(v)
25 self._current = self._current + 1
26 else:
27 print('The queue is full')
29 #出队
30 def get(self):
31 if self._content:
32 self._current = self._current - 1
33 return self._content.pop(0)
34 else:
35 print('The queue is empty')
37 def show(self):
38 if self._content:
39 print(self.content)
40 else:
41 print('The queue is empty')
43 #把队列置空
44 def empty(self):
45 self._content = []
46 self._current = 0
48 #判断队列是否为空
49 def isEmpty(self):
50 if not self._content:
51 return True
52 else:
53 return False
56 #判断队列是否满了
57 def isFull(self):
58 if self._current == self._size:
59 return True
60 else:
61 return False
63 if __name__ == '__main__':
64 print('Please use me as a module.')
1 #导入包含自定义队列类的模块
2 >>>from myQueue import myQueue
4 #创建自定义队列对象
5 >>> q = myQueue()
7 #获取队列元素
8 >>> q.get()
9 The queue is empty
11 #在队列尾部插入元素
12 >>> q.put(5)
13 >>> q.put(7)
15 #判读队列是否已满
16 >>> q.isFull()
17 False
18 >>> q.put('a')
19 >>> q.put(3)
20 >>> q.show()
21 [5, 7, 'a', 3]
22 >>>
23 >>> q.setSize(3)
25 #查看队列中的所有元素
26 >>> q.show()
27 [5, 7, 'a']
28 >>>
29 >>> q.put(10)
30 The queue is full
31 >>>
33 #修改队列的大小
34 >>> q.setSize(5)
35 >>> q.put(10)
36 >>> q.show()
37 [5, 7, 'a', 10]
38 >>>
拓展知识:Python 标准库queue 提供了LILO队列类Queue、LIFO队列类LifoQueue、优先级队列类PriorityQueue,标准库 collections 提供了双端队列。例如:
>>> #LILO队列
>>> from queue import Queue
>>> #创建队列对象
>>> q = Queue()
>>> q.put(0)
>>> q.put(1)
>>> q.put(2)
>>> #查看队列中的所有元素
>>> print(q.queue)
deque([0, 1, 2])
>>> #返回并删除队列头部元素
>>> q.get()
>>> q.get()
>>> q.queue
1 >>> #LIFO队列
2 >>> from queue import LifoQueue
3 >>>
4 >>> #创建LIFO队列对象
5 >>> q = LifoQueue()
6 >>>
7 >>> #在队列尾部插入元素
8 >>> q.put(1)
9 >>> q.put(2)
10 >>> q.put(3)
11 >>>
12 >>> #查看队列中的所有元素
13 >>> print(q.queue)
14 [1, 2, 3]
15 >>>
16 >>> #返回并删除队列尾部元素
17 >>> q.get()
18 3
19 >>> q.get()
20 2
21 >>>
22 >>> q.queue
23 [1]
24 >>>
1 >>>
2 >>> #优先级队列
3 >>> from queue import PriorityQueue
4 >>>
5 >>> #创建优先级队列对象
6 >>> q = PriorityQueue()
7 >>>
8 >>> #插入元素
9 >>> q.put(3)
10 >>> q.put(8)
11 >>> q.put(100)
12 >>>
13 >>> #查看优先级队列中的所有元素
14 >>> q.queue
15 [3, 8, 100]
16 >>>
17 >>> #再插入元素,自动调整优先级队列
18 >>> q.put(1)
19 >>> q.put(2)
20 >>> q.queue
21 [1, 2, 100, 8, 3]
22 >>>
23 >>> #返回并删除优先级最低的元素
24 >>> q.get()
25 1
26 >>> q.get()
27 2
28 >>> q.get()
29 3
30 >>> q.get()
31 8
32 >>> q.get()
33 100
34 >>> q.get()
1 >>>
2 >>> #导入双端队列
3 >>> from collections import deque
4 >>>
5 >>> #创建双端队列实例
6 >>> q = deque(['Eric','John','Smith'])
7 >>> q
8 deque(['Eric', 'John', 'Smith'])
9 >>>
10 >>> #在右侧插入新元素
11 >>> q.append('Tom')
12 >>> q
13 deque(['Eric', 'John', 'Smith', 'Tom'])
14 >>>
15 >>> #在左侧插入新元素
16 >>> q.appendleft('Terry')
17 >>> q
18 deque(['Terry', 'Eric', 'John', 'Smith', 'Tom'])
19 >>>
20 >>> #返回并删除队列最右端元素
21 >>> q.pop()
22 'Tom'
23 >>>
24 >>> q
25 deque(['Terry', 'Eric', 'John', 'Smith'])
26 >>>
27 >>> #返回并删除队列最左端元素
28 >>> q.popleft()
29 'Terry'
30 >>>
31 >>> q
32 deque(['Eric', 'John', 'Smith'])
33 >>>