- 常用的日志文件
- access-log 记录HTTP日志
- acc/pacct 记录用户命令
- aculog 记录MODEM的活动
- btmp 记录失败的记录
- lastlog 记录最近几次成功登录的事件和最后一次不成功的登录事件
- messages 从syslog中记录信息
- sudolog 记录使用sudo发出的命令
- sulog 记录使用su命令的记录
- syslog 从syslog中记录信息
- utmp 记录当前登录的每个用户
- wtmp 一个用户每次登录进入和退出事件的永久记录
- xferlog 记录FTP会话
- ===========================================================================================================================================================================================
- 查看日志的具体命令
- wtmp和utmp文件都是二进制文件,她们是不能被more,cat,tail等命令打开查看,剪切合并的,需要用户通过who,w,users,last等来使用这两个文件包含的信息
- who命令:查询utmp文件并报告当前登录的每个用户,who默认输出包括用户名,终端类型,登录日期,及远程主机,如果who命令指明了wtmp文件名,则可以通过who命令查询所有以前的记录,who /var/log/wtmp将报告自从wtmp文件创建或删除,修改以来的每一次登录
- w命令:查询utmp文件并显示当前系统中每个用户和它允许的进程信息
- users命令:单独的一行打印当前登录的用户,每个显示的用户名对应一个登录会话,如果一个用户有不止一个登录会话,那么其他的用户名将显示相同的次数
- last命令:往回搜索wtmp来显示自从文件第一次创建以来登录过的用户
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- Linux SSH Log日志文件
- 不同的操作系统其SSH记录日志文件和位置都有所差别,但是常见的目录默认位置是一样的,有secure,auth.log,messages等
- Centos,Fedora --> /var/log/secure
- last命令显示用户最近登录信息
- last命令用于显示当前操作系统中用户最近登录信息,单独执行last命令,将会读取/var/log/wtmp 文件,并把该文件记录的登录系统的用户名全部显示出来
- 参数如下:
<number> 设置显示多少行 -a --hostslast 把从何处登录的主机名称或IP地址,显示在最后一行 -d --dns 将IP地址转换成主机名 -f --file 指定记录文件取代/var/log/wtmp -F --fulltimes 打印所有的登录,注销时间和日期 -i --ip 显示IP地址信息 -n --limit 设置显示列数 -R --nohostname 不显示系统的主机名称或IP地址 -s --since 显示特定时间的行 -t --until 显示知道特定时间的行 -p --present 显示指定时间仍在登录的用户 -w --fullnames 显示所有用户及域名名称 -x --system 显示系统关机,重新开机,及执行等级的改变等信息 -h --help 显示帮助信息并退出 -V --version显示版本信息及退出
- 查看当前登录的用户信息last
- 使用脚本分析
- /var/log/secure
- 分析脚本代码
#/usr/bin/env python3.4 #Anyalize the /etc/auth.log files to get # 1) how many failed login trials # 2) how many succeeded login trials # 3) how many IP's where the login trials comes from and what they are # 4) how many invalid usernames are tested and what they are # # usage: # anyalyze <filename> # note: - for standard input stream import sys import re # # of trials DEBUG_FLAG = 0 INFO_FLAG = 0 def debug(msg): if DEBUG_FLAG: print("[DEBUG] ", msg) def info(msg): if INFO_FLAG: print("[INFO] ", msg) def openLog( source ): if( source == "-"): return sys.stdin; else: debug("opening file:" + source) f = open(source,'r') return f # failed login ptnFailed = re.compile(r'Failed password for (?P<user>\w+) from (?P<ip>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)') # invalid user trail ptnInvalid = re.compile(r'Failed password for invalid user (?P<user>\w+) from (?P<ip>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)') # login succeeded ptnSuccess = re.compile(r'Accepted password for (?P<user>\w+) from (?P<ip>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)') # sudo ptnSudo = re.compile(r'session opened for user (?P<user>\w+) by (?P<ip>\w+)') # >0: valid user & incorreck password # <0: invalid user nFailed = {} nSuccess = {} nSuccess_records = {} ipFailed={} ipSuccess={} if(len(sys.argv) < 2): print("Usage:") print("\t"+sys.argv[0]+" <filename>") print("Note: <filename> can be - for standard input stream") exit(0) log = openLog(sys.argv[1]) for line in log: m = debug(m) if not m: m = debug(m) if m: user =['user']) if user not in nFailed: info("[FAILED] Found a new user <" + user + ">"); nFailed[user] = 0 nFailed[user] = nFailed[user]+1 ip =['ip']) if ip not in ipFailed: ipFailed[ip] = 0 info("[FAILED] Found a new ip <" + ip + ">"); ipFailed[ip] = ipFailed[ip] + 1 else: m = if not m: m = debug(m) if m: print(line) user =['user']) if user not in nSuccess: nSuccess[user] = 0 info("[SUCCESS] Found a new user <" + user + ">"); nSuccess[user] = nSuccess[user]+1 ip =['ip']) if ip not in ipSuccess: ipSuccess[ip] = 0 info("[SUCCESS] Found a new ip <" + ip + ">"); ipSuccess[ip] = ipSuccess[ip] + 1 else: debug("*** Unknown:" + line) # TODO: close(log) print("nFailed:" ) print(nFailed) print("nSuccess:" ) print(nSuccess) # a key-value list # it assure that the order is the same to the coming order class KeyValue: def __init__(self, key, value): self.key = key self.value = value def __repr__(self): return repr((self.key, self.value)) # return a KeyValue list because of the order of the keys in a dictionary # is unexpected, not same to the order as they are put in def sortDict(adict): result=[] keys = sorted(adict.keys(),key=adict.__getitem__, reverse = True) for k in keys: result.append(KeyValue(k,adict[k])) return result # convert a KeyValue list to html table # @return a html string def KeyValueList2Html(kvlist, headerMap): html ="<table>\n" hkey = 'Key' hvalue = 'Value' if headerMap: hkey = headerMap['key']; hvalue = headerMap['value']; debug(hkey) debug(hvalue) html+= "<th>"+"<td>"+hkey+'</td>'+'<td>'+hvalue+'</td>'+ '</th>\n' for kv in kvlist: html += "<tr>"+"<td>"+kv.key+'</td>'+'<td>'+str(kv.value)+'</td>'+ '</tr>\n' html += "</table>\n" return html print("------------ Tested user list *Failed* -------------", sortDict(nFailed)) print("------------ Source IP *Failed* ------------------",sortDict(ipFailed)) print("------------ Login Success -------------", sortDict(nSuccess)) print("------------ Source IP *Success* -----------------", sortDict(ipSuccess)) # writing result to a HTML report print("Wring result to result.html ...") reportFilename = 'auth.log-analysis.html' report = open(reportFilename, 'w') if report: title = 'Auth Log Analysis' report.write('<html>\n') report.write('<head>'+title+'</head>\n') report.write('<style>' + 'table {border:black 1px solid}' +'</style>') report.write("------------ Tested user list *Failed* -------------\n") report.write(KeyValueList2Html(sortDict(nFailed),{'key':'username','value':'# of trial'})) report.write("------------ Source IP *Failed* ------------------") report.write(KeyValueList2Html(sortDict(ipFailed),{'key':'source IP','value':'# of trial'})) report.write("------------ Login Success -------------") report.write(KeyValueList2Html(sortDict(nSuccess),{'key':'username','value':'# of trial'})) report.write("------------ Source IP *Success* -----------------") report.write(KeyValueList2Html(sortDict(ipSuccess),{'key':'source IP','value':'# of login'})) report.write('<body>\n') report.write('</body>\n') report.write('</html>\n') # close(report) print('OK') else: print('Failed to open file:', reportFilename)