CTools (Java常用工具类)

package com.jeecms.cms;

import java.io.Reader;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.UUID;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

import com.jeecms.cms.rest2.common.Page;

public class CTools {

private static int iFileNameCount = 1000; // 产生文件名时用到的计数器
private static int iJHIDCount = 1000; // 产生 JHID 时用到的计数器
private static int bsnumCount =0;
private static int iIDCount = 100;
private static Object obj = new Object(); // 用于产生文件名的作锁定用
private static Object oJhid = new Object(); // 用于产生 JHID 的作锁定用

* 转换日期字符串至 Timestamp 类型
* @param strDate
* 日期字符串
* @return Timestamp
* @throws java.lang.Exception
public static Timestamp convertStringToTimestamp(String strDate)
throws Exception {

if (strDate == null || strDate.equals(""))
return null;
Timestamp t = null;
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

try {
t = new java.sql.Timestamp(format.parse(strDate).getTime());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
return t;

* 将 timestamp 类型转换为日期字符串
* @param pTimestamp
* 输入 timestamp
* @return 日期字符串
* @throws java.lang.Exception
public static String convertTimestampToString(Timestamp pTimestamp)
throws Exception {

if (pTimestamp == null)
return "";

SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
try {
return format.format(pTimestamp);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;

* 业务流水号生成器
* @return
public static String serialnumberGenerator() {

String sync = "serialNum";
synchronized (sync) {
String[] seed = { "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "G", "H", "I",
"J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U",
"V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z" };

String[] serialNum = new String[10000];
StringBuilder sd = new StringBuilder();
for (int m = 0; m < 10000; m++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int index = (int) Math.round(Math.random() * 36);
serialNum[m] = sd.toString();
sd.delete(0, sd.length());

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyMMdd");
StringBuilder restSd = new StringBuilder();
synchronized (restSd) {
int irest = (int) Math.round(Math.random() * 10000);
restSd.append(sdf.format(new Date()));
sync = restSd.toString();
return sync;

* 将 timestamp 类型转换为日期字符串
* @param pTimestamp
* Timestamp
* @param pFormat
* String
* @return String
* @throws Exception
public static String convertTimestampToString(Timestamp pTimestamp,
String pFormat) throws Exception {

if (pTimestamp == null)
return "";

SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(pFormat);
try {
return format.format(pTimestamp);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;

* 将 timestamp 类型转换为日期字符串
* @param strDate
* String 输入 timestamp
* @param sFormat
* String 输入 格式
* @return Timestamp
* @throws Exception
public static Timestamp convertStringToTimestamp(String strDate,
String sFormat) throws Exception {

if (strDate == null || strDate.equals(""))
return null;
Timestamp t = null;
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(sFormat);

try {
t = new java.sql.Timestamp(format.parse(strDate).getTime());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
return t;

* 获取当前时间的 Timestamp 类型
* @return 当前时间的 Timestamp 类型
public static Timestamp getCurrentTimestamp() {

return new Timestamp(new java.util.Date().getTime());

* 获取当前时间的 String 类型
* @return 当前时间的 String 类型
public static String getCurrentTimeString() throws Exception {

try {
return getTimeString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;

* 获取当前时间的 String 类型
* @return 当前时间的 String 类型
public static String getTimeString(String sFormat) throws Exception {

SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(sFormat);
try {
return format.format(new java.util.Date());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;

* 从 byteBuffer 中获取字符串
* @param byteBuffer
* 从 channel 中得到的 byteBuffer
* @return 字符串
public static String bufferToString(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer) {

int intLimit = byteBuffer.limit();
byte[] bytes = new byte[byteBuffer.limit()];
System.arraycopy(byteBuffer.array(), 0, bytes, 0, byteBuffer.limit());
return new String(bytes);

* 向 byteBuffer 中写入信息
* @param byteBuffer
* 从 channel 中得到的 byteBuffer
* @param message
* 要写入的信息
public static void addMsgToBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer byteBuffer,
String message) {


* 按照命名规则生成发送方的文件名,发送用
* @param sStartDept
* 开始单位,既是源单位
* @param sEndDept
* 结束单位,既是目标单位
* @return 文件名
* @throws java.lang.Exception
public static String createFileName(String sStartDept, String sEndDept)
throws Exception {

synchronized (obj) {
if (iFileNameCount >= 9999)
iFileNameCount = 1000;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(24);
return sb.toString();

* 产生一个 21 位长的文件名,接收用
* @return 文件名
public static String createFileName() {

synchronized (obj) {
if (iFileNameCount >= 9999)
iFileNameCount = 1000;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(24);
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
sb.append("R"); // Receive file
sb.append(format.format(new java.util.Date()));
// sb.append(".xml");
return sb.toString();

* 产生一个 19 位长的 JHID,第 20、21 位由 sp_createIterateWork 内产生
* @return JHID
public static String createJHID() {

synchronized (oJhid) {
if (iJHIDCount >= 9999)
iJHIDCount = 1000;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(19);
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");

sb.append(format.format(new java.util.Date()));
return sb.toString();

* 得到数据库的类型
* @param sType
* 数据库名称
* @return 数据库类型
public static int getSqlTypes(String sType) {

if (sType.equalsIgnoreCase("Date")
|| sType.equalsIgnoreCase("DateTime"))
return java.sql.Types.DATE;
if (sType.equalsIgnoreCase("CHAR"))
return java.sql.Types.CHAR;
if (sType.equalsIgnoreCase("VARCHAR"))
return java.sql.Types.VARCHAR;
if (sType.equalsIgnoreCase("INTEGER"))
return java.sql.Types.INTEGER;
if (sType.equalsIgnoreCase("NUMERIC"))
return java.sql.Types.NUMERIC;
if (sType.equalsIgnoreCase("DECIMAL"))
return java.sql.Types.DECIMAL;
return -99; // 一个不存在的类型


* 数组扩容
* @param src
* byte[] 源数组数据
* @param size
* int 扩容的增加量
* @return byte[] 扩容后的数组
public static byte[] grow(byte[] src, int size) {

byte[] tmp = new byte[src.length + size];
System.arraycopy(src, 0, tmp, 0, src.length);
return tmp;

* 数组扩容
* @param src
* char[] 源数组数据
* @param size
* int 扩容的增加量
* @return char[] 扩容后的数组
public static char[] grow(char[] src, int size) {

char[] tmp = new char[src.length + size];
System.arraycopy(src, 0, tmp, 0, src.length);
return tmp;

* 对输入字符串按指定字符集转码,其中有几种字符集不需要转码
* @param str
* 需要进行转码的字符串
* @param sCharset
* 输出字符串使用的字符集
* @return 转码后的字符串
* @throws java.lang.Exception
public static String strEncode(String str, String sCharset)
throws Exception {

* JVM对字符集的处理: JVM核心完全使用Unicode字符集,编码上采用UTF-16LE(x86和Unix)。 Java编译器扫描.
* java源文件时将完成预转换,比如在中文Windows上编译.java文件时,你可能已经注意
* 到.java文件中的字符串和.class中的不一样。因为.java文件本身用的是gb2312编码,
* 而.class内则是UTF-16LE编码。如果你的编辑器支持,你可能会选择直接用UTF-8来书
* 写.java源程序,这时Java编译器就会用UTF-8对源程序解码。
if (str == null)
return null;

// 如果是以下几种字符集,则不需要进行转码

if (sCharset.equalsIgnoreCase("GB2312")
|| sCharset.equalsIgnoreCase("GBK")
|| sCharset.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF8")
|| sCharset.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF16")) {
return str;

String sTemp;
try {
sTemp = new String(str.getBytes(), sCharset);
} catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
throw uee;

return sTemp;

* 对按指定字符集编码的输入字符串转码为 JAVA 默认字符集的字符串
* @param str
* 采用指定字符集编码的字符串
* @param sCharset
* 指定的字符集
* @return JAVA 默认字符集的字符串
* @throws java.lang.Exception
public static String strDecode(String str, String sCharset)
throws Exception {

if (str == null)
return null;

// 如果是以下几种字符集,则不需要进行转码

if (sCharset.equalsIgnoreCase("GB2312")
|| sCharset.equalsIgnoreCase("GBK")
|| sCharset.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF8")
|| sCharset.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF16")) {
return str;

String sTemp;
try {
sTemp = new String(str.getBytes(sCharset));
} catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
throw uee;
return sTemp;

* 将 XML 的保留符号(<、>、&、'、")替换成对应的转义字符
* @param str
* 输入字符串
* @return 转义后的字符串
public static String toXMLStr(String str) {

if (str == null)
return null;

if (str.length() < 1)
return str;

str = str.replaceAll("&", "&amp;");
str = str.replaceAll("<", "&lt;");
str = str.replaceAll(">", "&gt;");
str = str.replaceAll("'", "&apos;");
str = str.replaceAll("\"", "&quot;");
return str;

* 将 List 集合中的字符转换为 'value1','value2','value3'...,用于 SQL 查询
* @param list
* AbstractList
* @return String
public static String listToString(AbstractList list) {
StringBuffer sReturn = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
sReturn.append("'").append((String) list.get(i)).append("',");
return sReturn.substring(0, sReturn.length() - 1);

public static String arrayToString(String[] args) {
StringBuffer sReturn = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
return sReturn.substring(0, sReturn.length() - 1) + ")";

* 取输入的字节的 MD5 摘要
* @param strBytes
* byte[] 输入的字节
* @throws java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException
* @return byte[] MD5 摘要
public static byte[] getMD5Digest(byte[] strBytes)
throws java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException {

java.security.MessageDigest mdTemp = java.security.MessageDigest

return mdTemp.digest();

* 取输入字符串的 MD5 摘要(字符串形式)
* @param str
* String 输入字符串
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
* @return String MD5 摘要(字符串形式)
public static String getMD5Digest(String str)
throws java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException {

char hexDigits[] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L',
'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X',
'Y', 'Z' };

byte[] md = getMD5Digest(str.getBytes());
int j = md.length;
char strOut[] = new char[j * 2];
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) {
byte byte0 = md[i];
strOut[k++] = hexDigits[byte0 >>> 4 & 0xf];
strOut[k++] = hexDigits[byte0 & 0xf];
return new String(strOut);

* 生成 18 位的编号
* @return String
public static String getNewID() {
synchronized (oJhid) {
if (iJHIDCount >= 9999)
iJHIDCount = 1000;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(20);
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
sb.append(format.format(new java.util.Date()));
return sb.toString();

* 生成Bsnum
* @return
public static String getBsnum() {
synchronized (oJhid) {
if (bsnumCount >= 9999){
bsnumCount = 0;
int ci = 10000 + bsnumCount;
String rstr = (Integer.toString(ci)).substring(1);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(20);
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyMMddHHmmss");
sb.append(format.format(new java.util.Date()));
// sb.append("0");//用于标识数据来源,0表示网上办事大厅入口
sb.append("01"); //用于标识数据来源,01表示网上办事大厅入口
return sb.toString();

* 生成移动端申报业务流水号
* @return
public static String getMobileBsnum() {
synchronized (oJhid) {
if (bsnumCount >= 9999){
bsnumCount = 0;
int ci = 10000 + bsnumCount;
String rstr = (Integer.toString(ci)).substring(1);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(20);
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyMMddHHmmss");
sb.append(format.format(new java.util.Date()));
// sb.append("1");//用于标识数据来源,1表示移动网上办事大厅入口
sb.append("02"); //用于标识数据来源,02表示移动网上办事大厅入口
return sb.toString();

* 生成18位的编号,最后一位加N
* @return String
public static String getNewIDN() {
synchronized (oJhid) {
if (iIDCount >= 999)
iIDCount = 100;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(20);
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");

sb.append(format.format(new java.util.Date()));
return sb.toString();

* 生成 15 位的编号
* @return String
public static long getNewNumID() {
synchronized (oJhid) {
if (iIDCount >= 999)
iIDCount = 100;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(20);
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmm");

sb.append(format.format(new java.util.Date()));
return Long.parseLong(sb.toString());

public static String getDateStr(Date date) {
String str = "";
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
if (null != date) {
str = format.format(date);
return str;

public static void main(String[] args) {

// try{
// System.out.println(CTools.getMD5Digest("123"));
// }catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException e){
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {

* 截取特定字符串后的字符串
* @param str、flagStr
* @return endStr
public static String getEndStr(String str, String flagStr) {
String endStr;
int index = str.indexOf(flagStr);

if (index > 0) {
endStr = str.substring(index + 2);
} else {
endStr = str;
return endStr;


* @param s
* @return
public static boolean getSex(String s) {

if (s.equals("Male")) {
return true;
return false;

* 为字符串每个字符添加一个字符
* @param baseString
* 基础字符串
* @param addString
* 需要添加的字符
* @return 添加之后的字符串
public static String getStringAdd(String baseString, String addString) {
if (baseString != null && baseString.trim().length()>0) {
char[] chars = baseString.toCharArray();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
sb.append(chars[i] + addString);
return sb.length() > 1 ? sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 1) : sb.toString();
else {
return "";

* 拼接分页查询sql<br/>
* @param field
* @param from
* @param page
* @param size
* @return
public static String joinPageQuerySql(final String field, final String from, final String page, final String size,
final String orderBy) {
int pageNum = 1;// 页数从1开始计数
int sizeNum = SystemConstant.PAGE_SIZE;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(page)) {
pageNum = Integer.parseInt(page);
if (pageNum < 1) {
pageNum = 1;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(size)) {
sizeNum = Integer.parseInt(size);
if (sizeNum < 0) {
sizeNum = SystemConstant.PAGE_SIZE;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");
sb.append(StringUtils.isNotBlank(orderBy) ? orderBy : field);
sb.append(") AS RN,PAGE1.* FROM(");
sb.append(") PAGE1 ) PAGE2 WHERE RN <= ");
sb.append(pageNum * sizeNum);
sb.append(" AND RN > ");
sb.append((pageNum - 1) * sizeNum);
return sb.toString();

* 拼接分页查询sql<br/>
* @param field
* @param from
* @param page
* @param orderBy
* @return
public static String joinPageQuerySql(String field, String from, Page page, String orderBy) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("SELECT ");
sb.append(StringUtils.isNotBlank(orderBy) ? orderBy : field);
sb.append(") AS RN,PAGE1.* FROM(");
sb.append(") PAGE1 ) PAGE2 WHERE RN <= ");
sb.append(" AND RN > ");
return sb.toString();

* like查询防止sql注入
* @param key
* @return
public static String escapeLike(String key) {
return escapeLike(key, true);

* like查询防止sql注入
* @param key
* @param needPercent
* @return
public static String escapeLike(String key, boolean needPercent) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(key)) {
return null;

StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
if (needPercent) {

int len = key.length();
// 注意:"]"不能处理
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
char c = key.charAt(i);
switch (c) {
case '\'':
buf.append("''");// 单引号替换成两个单引号
case '[':
case '_':
case '%':
if (needPercent) {
return buf.toString();

* 将Clob转成String
* @param clob
* 字段
* @return 内容字串,如果出现错误,返回 null
public static String clobToString(Clob clob) {
if (clob == null)
return null;
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
Reader stream = null;
try {
stream = clob.getCharacterStream();
char[] b = new char[10240];// 每次获取10K
int i = 0;
while ((i = stream.read(b)) != -1) {
buf.append(b, 0, i);
} catch (Exception e) {
buf = null;
} finally {
try {
if (stream != null)
} catch (Exception ignored) {
if (buf == null)
return null;
return buf.toString();

* 获取UUID
* @return
public static synchronized String getUUID() {
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
return uuid.toString().toUpperCase();

* 全角转半角
* @param input String.
* @return 半角字符串
public static String ToDBC(String input) {
char c[] = input.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
if (c[i] == '\u3000') {
c[i] = ' ';
} else if (c[i] > '\uFF00' && c[i] < '\uFF5F') {
c[i] = (char) (c[i] - 65248);
String returnString = new String(c);
return returnString;

* 半角转全角
* @param input String.
* @return 全角字符串.
public static String ToSBC(String input) {
char c[] = input.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
if (c[i] == ' ') {
c[i] = '\u3000';
} else if (c[i] < '\177') {
c[i] = (char) (c[i] + 65248);

return new String(c);

* 生成 20 位的编号
* @return String
public static String getMobileNewID() {
synchronized (oJhid) {
if (iJHIDCount >= 9999)
iJHIDCount = 1000;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(20);
SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
sb.append(format.format(new java.util.Date()));
sb.append("02"); //用于标识数据来源,02表示移动网上办事大厅入口
return sb.toString();


public String trimToEmpty(Object obj) {
return obj != null ? obj.toString().trim() : "";


posted @ 2018-02-01 10:42  auldlangsynezh  阅读(1556)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报