cocos2d-x 读取 json 文件并用 jsoncpp 做解析

Posted on 2013-08-02 23:05  冰天雪域  阅读(737)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报




//  CclUtil.h
//  PracticeDemo
//  Created by kodeyang on 8/1/13.

#ifndef __Practice_Demo__CclUtil__
#define __Practice_Demo__CclUtil__

#include "cocos2d.h"
#include <string>

using namespace cocos2d;
using namespace std;

 * cocos2d-x 读取 Json 文件并做解析
 * 依赖 jsoncpp 库。
 * 注意,cocos2d-x 的 extension 中包含了另一个 json.h 头文件,
 * 而 jsoncpp 所要引入的头文件也是 json.h,这就导致如果不做改名处理的话编译将很难通过,
 * 我也是在将 jsoncpp 库的头文件 json.h 改成 jsoncpp.h 之后才解决编译问题的。
 * 最后,不要忘记在 Header Search Paths 中将 jsoncpp 库所处的目录加上。
void parse(CCLayer* in_pLyr, const char* in_pArrCharCclName);

#endif /* defined(__Practice_Demo__CclUtil__) */




//  CclUtil.cpp
//  PracticeDemo
//  Created by kodeyang on 8/1/13.

#include "CclUtil.h"
#include "Jsoncpp.h"

void parse(CCLayer* in_pLyr, const char* in_pArrCharCclName) {
    CCFileUtils* t_pFileUtils = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils();
    string t_oStrFullPath = t_pFileUtils->fullPathForFilename(in_pArrCharCclName);
    unsigned char* t_pArrCharBuffer = NULL;
    unsigned long t_lBufferSize = 0;
    t_pArrCharBuffer = t_pFileUtils->getFileData(t_oStrFullPath.c_str(), "r", &t_lBufferSize);
    printf("%ld", t_lBufferSize);
    string t_oStrContent((char*)t_pArrCharBuffer, t_lBufferSize);
    printf("读取文件的内容为:%s", t_oStrContent.c_str());
    Json::Value t_oValueSprites;
    Json::Reader t_oReader;
    t_oReader.parse(t_oStrContent, t_oValueSprites);
    for (int i = 0; i < t_oValueSprites.size(); i ++) {
        Json::Value tmp_oValueSprite = t_oValueSprites[i];
        string tmp_oStrName = tmp_oValueSprite["image"].asString();
        printf("精灵所使用的图片名称为 %s\n", tmp_oStrName.c_str());
        CCSprite* sprite = CCSprite::create(tmp_oStrName.c_str());
        float x = tmp_oValueSprite["x"].asDouble();
        float y = tmp_oValueSprite["y"].asDouble();
        sprite->setPosition(ccp(x, y));
    if (t_pArrCharBuffer) {
        delete [] t_pArrCharBuffer;
        t_pArrCharBuffer = NULL;




//  QuickLayer.h
//  TestSocket
//  Created by kodeyang on 7/18/13.

#ifndef TestSocket_QuickLayer_h
#define TestSocket_QuickLayer_h

#include "cocos2d.h"

using namespace cocos2d;

class QuickLayer : public CCLayer {
    static CCScene* scene();
    virtual bool init();





//  QuickLayer.cpp
//  TestSocket
//  Created by kodeyang on 7/18/13.

#include "QuickLayer.h"
#include "CclUtil.h"

CCScene* QuickLayer::scene() {
    // 'scene' is an autorelease object
    CCScene* scene = CCScene::create();
    // 'layer' is an autorelease object
    QuickLayer* layer = QuickLayer::create();
    // add layer as a child to scene
    // return the scene
    return scene;

// on "init" you need to initialize your instance
bool QuickLayer::init() {
    if (!CCLayer::init()) {
        return false;
    parse(this, "project.ccl");
    return true;


    "available": true,
    "clickable": false,
    "desc": "描述...",
    "height": 480,
    "image": "bg.png",
    "visible": true,
    "width": 320,
    "x": 160,
    "y": 240,
    "zorder": -999
    "available": true,
    "clickable": true,
    "desc": "描述...",
    "height": 30,
    "image": "btn_ok.png",
    "visible": true,
    "width": 50,
    "x": 155,
    "y": 414,
    "zorder": 1
    "available": true,
    "clickable": true,
    "desc": "描述...",
    "height": 40,
    "image": "btn_options.png",
    "visible": true,
    "width": 80,
    "x": 151,
    "y": 140,
    "zorder": 2



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