Rest之路 - 介绍篇
What is REST ?
REST 是 REpresentational State Transfer 的缩写。是一种基于HTTP协议来进行进行数据交换的web标准框架。她的思想是:视组件为资源。REST可以分成Client与Server。顾名思义,server用来提供资源,client用来呈现资源。在Rest中的每一个资源都可以被URL所描述和定义。在REST有多种表现形式中(text, xml etc...),JSON成为了目前最为流行的一种方式。
HTTP Methods
GET - Provides a read only access to a resource.
PUT - Used to create a new resource.
DELETE - Used to remove a resource.
POST - Used to update a existing resource or create a new resource.
OPTIONS - Used to get the supported operations on a resource.
RESTFul Web Services
web service 是由许多协议和标准共同构建的,用于在系统与软件之间传递数据的集合。她不受编程语言以及平台(OS)的限制,只需通过网络以及HTTP协议,即可完成数据交换的工作。
RESTful web services 是一种基于REST架构的,使用HTTP方法实现 web service 实现。她通常讲service定义为URI (Uniform Resource Identifier),并将资源JSON +一组 HTTP Methods 的方式提供/暴露给调用者。
A sample of RESTFul Web Services
This tutorial will create a web service say user management with following functionalities
Sr. No. | HTTP Method | URI | Operation | Operation Type |
1 | GET | /UserService/users | Get list of users | Read Only |
2 | GET | /UserService/users/1 | Get User with Id 1 | Read Only |
3 | PUT | /UserService/users/2 | Insert User with Id 2 | Idempotent |
4 | POST | /UserService/users/2 | Update User with Id 2 | N/A |
5 | DELETE | /UserService/users/1 | Delete User with Id 1 | Idempotent |
6 | OPTIONS | /UserService/users | List the supported operations in web service | Read Only |