ThreadLocal 并不能替代同步机制,两者面向的问题领域不同。
private static ThreadLocal<Connection> connectionHolder = new ThreadLocal<Connection>() { protected Connection initialValue() { return DriverManager.getConnection(DB_URL); } }; public static Connection getConnection() { return connectionHolder.get(); }
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Random; public class ThreadLocalExample implements Runnable{ // SimpleDateFormat is not thread-safe, so give one to each thread private static final ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat> formatter = new ThreadLocal<SimpleDateFormat>(){ @Override protected SimpleDateFormat initialValue() { return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd HHmm"); } }; public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { ThreadLocalExample obj = new ThreadLocalExample(); for(int i=0 ; i<10; i++){ Thread t = new Thread(obj, ""+i); Thread.sleep(new Random().nextInt(1000)); t.start(); } } @Override public void run() { System.out.println("Thread Name= "+Thread.currentThread().getName()+" default Formatter = "+formatter.get().toPattern()); try { Thread.sleep(new Random().nextInt(1000)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //formatter pattern is changed here by thread, but it won't reflect to other threads formatter.set(new SimpleDateFormat()); System.out.println("Thread Name= "+Thread.currentThread().getName()+" formatter = "+formatter.get().toPattern()); } }
Thread Name= 0 default Formatter = yyyyMMdd HHmm Thread Name= 0 formatter = yy-M-d ah:mm Thread Name= 1 default Formatter = yyyyMMdd HHmm Thread Name= 2 default Formatter = yyyyMMdd HHmm Thread Name= 1 formatter = yy-M-d ah:mm Thread Name= 2 formatter = yy-M-d ah:mm Thread Name= 3 default Formatter = yyyyMMdd HHmm Thread Name= 4 default Formatter = yyyyMMdd HHmm Thread Name= 5 default Formatter = yyyyMMdd HHmm