Introdution to Spring Mobile
1. In Eclipse, create a new Maven Project using the spring-mvc-jpa-archetype.
2. Add the spring-mobile-device dependency to pom.xml.
[html] view plaincopy
3. Add the following Spring Mobile interceptors in servlet-context.xml
<!-- Resolve the device that originated the web request -->
[html] view plaincopy
<beans:bean class="" />
<!-- Manage the user's site preference -->
<beans:bean class="" />
<!-- Redirects mobile users to -->
<beans:bean class="" factory-method="urlPath"> <beans:constructor-arg value="/m" />
<beans:constructor-arg value="/quickspringmobile/spring" />
4. The resolved device is available under the currentDevice request attribute. The site preference is available under the currentSitePreference request attribute.
<beans:bean class="" />
<beans:bean class="" />
posted on 2014-09-22 16:24 atomgame的记事本 阅读(232) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报