
Install Visual Studio on 64bit windows

2004-08-25 17:23  atempcode  阅读(912)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Customers asked if our VSIP package can run on a 64bit Windows, so today I found a dual-Opteron to do the test.
First the 64bit windows. I chose the XP pro X64 build 1218. Downloading, installing. Everything works fine except the embedded networkcard not working.
Then the Visual Studio, the VS.Net 2003 refused to install on the 64bit windows. I have not noticed that the 64bit windows is not on the supported platform list. sign.

Then I began to install VS2005 beta 1 on it just for fun. After the .net framework2.0 installed, the setup stopped and failed to install J# Redistributable package. After check the newsgroup, the bug has been reported to the betaplace and Track ID: 386475471.

So till now, I can't play with VisualStudio on the 64-bit windows and soon I will return the Opteron to other team. :(