
Create a new babel package

2004-07-21 21:42  atempcode  阅读(696)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
From the newsgroup:

Andre W B Furtado wrote:
>>I've made some changes do the babel source and would like to compile it
>>giving it a new ID. What previous GUID(s) do I need to change?
> Answering myself, I think the following steps are OK to create a new
> babelpackage.dll:
> 1) Generate a new GUID (can be done with guidgen windows application)
> 2) Backup babel source code in a safe place
> 3) Open Babel source code (lservice solution)
> 4) In the beginning of the file dllmain.cpp, change the value of "const
> CLSID clsidBabelPackage" with the guid you've created
> 5) In dllmain.def, rename "LIBRARY babelpackage" to "LIBRARY
> <newNameOfThePackage>"
> 6) Access lservice Property Pages
>   6a) In Linker / General, change the "Output" field to match the library
> name (ex.: Debug/newNameOfThePackage.dll instead of Debug/babelpackage.dll)
>   6b) Do the same to Linker / Debugging / "Generate Program Database file"
> field
>   6c) Do the same to Linker / Advanced / "Import Library" field
> 7) Rebuild the Babel solution
> 8) Move the generated newNameOfThePackage.dll to its definitive place (such
> as c:\windows\system32)
> 9) Register (with regsvr32) the generated newNameOfThePackage.dll
> Obs: when you register the dll, it will register in the main branch, not in
> the Exp branch. In order to use this new babelpackage in development
> machines (which will probably be using the Exp branch), you must execute
> "VsRegEx.exe getorig  7.1 Exp" from [Program Files]\VSIP
> 7.1\EnvSDK\tools\bin\x86. This will copy the current VS.NET registry
> configuration from the main branch to the Exp branch. Be aware that, after
> doing this, you'll need to re-register any VSPackages that were under
> development.
> Plase correct me if you see any issues!
> Cheers,
> -- AFurtado

Agree with most of your opinion.

1. I don't think change the output name is needed.
> Obs: when you register the dll, it will register in the main branch,
not in
> the Exp branch. In order to use this new babelpackage in development
> machines (which will probably be using the Exp branch), you must execute
> "VsRegEx.exe getorig  7.1 Exp" from [Program Files]\VSIP
> 7.1\EnvSDK\tools\bin\x86. This will copy the current VS.NET registry
> configuration from the main branch to the Exp branch. Be aware that, after
> doing this, you'll need to re-register any VSPackages that were under
> development.
I think in the dllmain.cpp, we can add some code to retrieve the
environment value 'ENVSDK_REGKEY', then decided which registry hive we
will write to. The code to do this can be be stolen from the samples
come with VSIP like bscproject.

3. I changed all of the GUID in the .idl for safety.  ;) 
