
Label and Filter in Gmail

2004-07-01 11:36  atempcode  阅读(906)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报

Gmail中,我们可以给mail打上一个label, 再结合filter 功能,就可以对mail进行分类管理,十分方便。

1. 创建label:

Click the edit label and then input the label name. Here I use SQLLite as the name.


2. 设置filter.

Click Create a filter.

I want the mail came from the SQLite mail list to have the SQLLite label, so first specify the criteria to Subject contains [SQLite].

Click next step:


Here I set the action: for the mails match the criteria specified in last step, apply the SQLLite label.


3. 看看效果:

When click the SQLLite in the labels aera, the mails labeled SQLLite will be listed.