Oracle数据库中出现的 CMP$ 表是什么?
经常有 Oracle DBA 提问,数据库中偶然出现的 CMP$ 表是什么?
CMP - 指 Compression Advisor ,是数据库的压缩建议特性,在生成建议时产生的中间过程表,一般会自行删除。
这个特性自 引入( Oracle BP1 or higher),在某些情况,该功能执行失败后,会遗留下一个系列的数据库对象。
这些对象,可以在 SYS 下进行删除。
If you see tables with names like CMP3xxxxxx or CMP4xxxxxxorCMP4xxxxxx (where xxxxxx is a number) left over after running Compression Advisor, it is likely because Compression Advisor failed at some point. These are interim tables created/used by Compression Advisor, which are normally dropped when it completes. You can safely drop those tables.
“MOS Note Is Table SCHEMA.CMP4$222224 Or Similar Related To Compression Advisor? (Doc ID 1606356.1)
alter session set tracefile_identifier = 'CompTest1110201815h51';
alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12';
set serveroutput on
l_blkcnt_cmp PLS_INTEGER;
l_blkcnt_uncmp PLS_INTEGER;
l_row_cmp PLS_INTEGER;
l_row_uncmp PLS_INTEGER;
l_cmp_ratio NUMBER;
l_comptype_str VARCHAR2(32767);
DBMS_COMPRESSION.get_compression_ratio (
scratchtbsname => 'USERS',
ownname => 'TEST_LAF',
objname => 'FOO',
subobjname => NULL,
comptype => DBMS_COMPRESSION.comp_advanced,
blkcnt_cmp => l_blkcnt_cmp,
blkcnt_uncmp => l_blkcnt_uncmp,
row_cmp => l_row_cmp,
row_uncmp => l_row_uncmp,
cmp_ratio => l_cmp_ratio,
comptype_str => l_comptype_str,
subset_numrows => DBMS_COMPRESSION.comp_ratio_allrows,
objtype => DBMS_COMPRESSION.objtype_table
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Number of blocks used (compressed) : ' || l_blkcnt_cmp);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Number of blocks used (uncompressed) : ' || l_blkcnt_uncmp);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Number of rows in a block (compressed) : ' || l_row_cmp);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Number of rows in a block (uncompressed) : ' || l_row_uncmp);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Compression ratio : ' || l_cmp_ratio);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Compression type : ' || l_comptype_str);
Number of blocks used (compressed) : 1325
Number of blocks used (uncompressed) : 1753
Number of rows in a block (compressed) : 74
Number of rows in a block (uncompressed) : 55
Compression ratio : 1.3
Compression type : "Compress Advanced"
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
grep "CMP*" DBI_ora_20529_CompTest1110201823h19.trc
drop table "TEST_LAF".CMP1$23590 purge
drop table "TEST_LAF".CMP2$23590 purge
drop table "TEST_LAF".CMP3$23590 purge
drop table "TEST_LAF".CMP4$23590 purge
create table "TEST_LAF".CMP3$23590 tablespace "USERS" nologging as select /*+ DYNAMIC_SAMPLING(0) FULL("TEST_LAF"."FOO") */ * from "TEST_LAF"."FOO" sample block( 99) mytab
create table "TEST_LAF".CMP4$23590 organization heap tablespace "USERS" compress for all operations nologging as select /*+ DYNAMIC_SAMPLING(0) */ * from "TEST_LAF".CMP3$23590 mytab
drop table "TEST_LAF".CMP1$23590 purge
drop table "TEST_LAF".CMP2$23590 purge
drop table "TEST_LAF".CMP3$23590 purge
drop table "TEST_LAF".CMP4$23590 purge