来源: http://cn.codeof.com/articles/.net/asp.net-development/564.htm
无刷新的聊天室的制作兼谈组件制作和ClientSide Script(二)
作者: 未知
一般来说我们完全可以做一个html页面,而不用server page,但为了顺便说明怎样做组件,我决定作一个server control,先来看一下代码
1using System;
2using System.Web.UI;
3using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
4using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
5using System.ComponentModel;
7namespace Michael.Web.UI.Controls
9 /// <summary>
10 /// Summary description for chat.
11 /// </summary>
12 [DefaultProperty("Text"),
13 ToolboxData("<{0}:chat runat=server></{0}:chat>")]
14 public class chat : System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table
15 {
16 private string doc;
17 private string text;
18 [Bindable(true),
19 Category("Appearance"),
20 DefaultValue("")]
21 public string Text
22 {
23 get
24 {
25 return text;
26 }
28 set
29 {
30 text = value;
31 }
32 }
34 /// <summary>
35 /// Render this control to the output parameter specified.
36 /// </summary>
37 /// <param name="output"> The HTML writer to write out to </param>
38 protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output)
39 {
40 // The script block is written to the client
41 output.Write(doc);
43 base.Render(output);
44 }
46 private string Serviceurl = "http://localhost/chat/ChatWebService.asmx?WSDL";
47 [Bindable(true),
48 Category("WebServiceProperty"),
49 DefaultValue("http://localhost/chat/ChatWebService.asmx?WSDL")]
50 public string ServiceURL
51 {
52 get
53 {
54 return Serviceurl;
55 }
56 set
57 {
58 Serviceurl = value;
59 }
60 }
61 private string Behaviorurl = "http://localhost/chat/webservice.htc";
62 [Bindable(true),
63 Category("WebServiceProperty"),
64 DefaultValue("")]
65 public string BehaviorURL
66 {
67 get
68 {
69 return Behaviorurl;
70 }
71 set
72 {
73 Behaviorurl = value;
74 }
75 }
77 private string tablecssclass;
78 [Bindable(true),
79 Category("LayoutProperty"),
80 DefaultValue("")]
81 public string TableCssClass
82 {
83 get
84 {
85 return tablecssclass;
86 }
87 set
88 {
89 tablecssclass = value;
90 }
91 }
93 private string titlecssclass;
94 [Bindable(true),
95 Category("LayoutProperty"),
96 DefaultValue("")]
97 public string TitleCssClass
98 {
99 get
100 {
101 return titlecssclass;
102 }
103 set
104 {
105 titlecssclass = value;
106 }
107 }
109 private string onlinecssclass;
110 [Bindable(true),
111 Category("LayoutProperty"),
112 DefaultValue("")]
113 public string OnlineCssClass
114 {
115 get
116 {
117 return onlinecssclass;
118 }
119 set
120 {
121 onlinecssclass = value;
122 }
123 }
125 private string msgcssclass;
126 [Bindable(true),
127 Category("LayoutProperty"),
128 DefaultValue("")]
129 public string MSGCssClass
130 {
131 get
132 {
133 return msgcssclass;
134 }
135 set
136 {
137 msgcssclass = value;
138 }
139 }
141 private string selusercssclass;
142 [Bindable(true),
143 Category("LayoutProperty"),
144 DefaultValue("")]
145 public string SelUserCssClass
146 {
147 get
148 {
149 return selusercssclass;
150 }
151 set
152 {
153 selusercssclass = value;
154 }
155 }
156 protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
157 {
158 this.ID = "service";
160 this.Style["Behavior"] = "url('" + Behaviorurl + "')";
162 this.Style["Table-Layout"] = "Fixed";
164 if( this.Attributes["class"] == null) this.Attributes["class"] = tablecssclass;
166 this.Attributes["onresult"] = UniqueID + "_onmyresult();";
168 TableRow tr;
169 // And also create 7 Table Cell elements one by one
170 TableCell cell = new TableCell();
172 cell.Attributes["class"] = titlecssclass;
173 cell.Attributes["Align"] = "Left";
175 // Set the caption of the control
176 cell.Text = "Portal 聊天室";
177 // Instantiate a Table Roa and attach the First Cell to it
178 tr = new TableRow();
179 tr.Cells.Add(cell);
180 // Add the Table Row to our Control
181 this.Rows.Add(tr);
183 // Row No 2 starts here
185 cell = new TableCell();
187 cell.Attributes["class"] = onlinecssclass;
188 cell.Text = "在线人员";
189 tr = new TableRow();
190 tr.Cells.Add(cell);
191 this.Rows.Add(tr);
193 // Row No 3 Starts here
195 cell = new TableCell();
196 cell.Style["Height"] = "25%";
197 // We create a DIV element using HtmlGenericControl object
198 // We can also do this using the Panel object
199 HtmlGenericControl d = new HtmlGenericControl("Div");
200 d.ID = UniqueID + "_ChatMsgs";
201 d.Style["Height"] = "100%";
202 d.Style["Width"] = "100%";
203 d.Style["Overflow"] = "Auto";
204 d.Style["Padding-Left"] = "15%";
205 d.ID = UniqueID + "_ChatList";
206 // Adding the DIV element to the Table Cell
207 cell.Controls.Add(d);
208 tr = new TableRow();
209 tr.Cells.Add(cell);
210 this.Rows.Add(tr);
212 // Row No 4 Starts here
214 cell = new TableCell();
216 cell.Attributes["class"] = msgcssclass;
217 cell.Text = "消息:";
218 tr = new TableRow();
219 tr.Cells.Add(cell);
220 this.Rows.Add(tr);
222 // Row No 5 starts here
224 cell = new TableCell();
225 cell.Style["Height"] = "35%";
226 d = new HtmlGenericControl("Div");
227 d.ID = UniqueID + "_ChatMsgs";
228 d.Style["Height"] = "100%";
229 d.Style["Width"] = "100%";
230 d.Style["Overflow"] = "Auto";
231 cell.Controls.Add(d);
232 tr = new TableRow();
233 tr.Cells.Add(cell);
234 this.Rows.Add(tr);
236 // Row No 6 Starts here
238 cell = new TableCell();
240 cell.Attributes["class"] = selusercssclass;
241 cell.ID = UniqueID + "_Prompt";
242 cell.Text = "选择一个用户:";
243 tr = new TableRow();
244 tr.Cells.Add(cell);
245 this.Rows.Add(tr);
247 // Row No 7 starts here
249 cell = new TableCell();
250 cell.Text = "<INPUT Type=\"Text\" id= '" + UniqueID + "_UserInput'> \r\n";
251 cell.Text += "<BR>\r\n";
252 cell.Text += "<Button id = '" + UniqueID + "_bnSendMsg' onclick = \"return SendMsg();\" class = " + UniqueID + "_TitleLabel style = \"display:none\"> 发送 </Button>\r\n";
253 cell.Text += "<Button id = '" + UniqueID + "_bnSelectName' onclick = \"return " + UniqueID + "_SelectName();\" class = " + UniqueID + "_TitleLabel style = \"display:block\"> 登陆 </Button> \r\n";
254 cell.Style["Color"] = "Black";
255 cell.Style["Background-Color"] = "Gainsboro";
256 tr = new TableRow();
257 tr.Cells.Add(cell);
258 this.Rows.Add(tr);
260 // First script Block is written into 'doc' variable
262 doc = "\r\n<SCRIPT FOR = 'window' EVENT = 'onload()'>";
263 doc += "//alert(\"done\"); \r\n";
264 doc += "service.use(\"";
265 doc += Serviceurl + "\",\"ChatWebService\"); \r\n";
266 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.focus();\r\n";
267 doc += "</SCRIPT> \r\n";
269 // Then the second script block follows
271 doc += "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\r\n";
272 doc += "var " + UniqueID + "_iCallID1, " + UniqueID + "_iCallID2, " + UniqueID + "_iCallID3; \r\n";
273 doc += "var " + UniqueID + "_NickName; \r\n";
274 doc += "var " + UniqueID + "_MsgXML = new ActiveXObject(\"MSXML.DOMDocument\");\r\n";
275 doc += "function " + UniqueID + "_SelectName() \r\n";
276 doc += "{ \r\n";
277 doc += "if (" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.value == \"\") return false;\r\n";
278 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_NickName = " + UniqueID + "_UserInput.value; \r\n";
279 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_bnSelectName.disabled = 'true'; \r\n";
280 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.disabled = 'true';\r\n";
281 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_iCallID1 = service.ChatWebService.call(\"Login\"," + UniqueID + "_NickName); \r\n";
282 doc += "} \r\n";
283 doc += "function " + UniqueID + "_onmyresult() \r\n";
284 doc += "{ \r\n";
285 doc += "if((event.result.error)&&(" + UniqueID + "_iCallID1==event.result.id)) \r\n";
286 doc += "{ \r\n";
287 doc += "var xfaultcode = event.result.errorDetail.code; \r\n";
288 doc += "var xfaultstring = event.result.errorDetail.string; \r\n";
289 doc += "var xfaultsoap = event.result.errorDetail.raw;\r\n";
290 doc += "\r\n";
291 doc += "// Add code to output error information here\r\n";
292 doc += "alert(xfaultstring);\r\n";
293 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_bnSelectName.disabled = false;\r\n";
294 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.disabled = false; \r\n";
295 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.focus();\r\n";
296 doc += "\r\n";
297 doc += "} \r\n";
298 doc += "else if((!event.result.error)&&(" + UniqueID + "_iCallID1==event.result.id)) \r\n";
299 doc += "{ \r\n";
300 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_ChatList.innerText= event.result.value; \r\n";
301 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_ChatList.scrollTop = 2000; \r\n";
302 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_bnSelectName.style.display = 'none';\r\n";
303 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_bnSendMsg.style.display = 'block';\r\n";
304 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.value = \"\"; \r\n";
305 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.disabled = false; \r\n";
306 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.focus();\r\n";
307 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_Prompt.innerText = " + UniqueID + "_NickName + \" 说:\"; \r\n";
308 doc += "window.setTimeout('" + UniqueID + "_iCallID2 = service.ChatWebService.call(\"GetMsgs\"," + UniqueID + "_NickName);',3000); \r\n";
309 doc += "} \r\n";
310 doc += "else if((event.result.error)&&(" + UniqueID + "_iCallID2==event.result.id))\r\n";
311 doc += " {\r\n";
312 doc += "var xfaultcode = event.result.errorDetail.code; \r\n";
313 doc += "var xfaultstring = event.result.errorDetail.string; \r\n";
314 doc += "var xfaultsoap = event.result.errorDetail.raw;\r\n";
315 doc += "// Add code to output error information here\r\n";
316 doc += "alert(\"xfaultstring\");\r\n";
317 doc += " }\r\n";
318 doc += " else if((!event.result.error)&&(" + UniqueID + "_iCallID2==event.result.id))\r\n";
319 doc += " {\r\n";
320 doc += "var xmlResult = event.result.raw.xml; \r\n";
321 doc += " if (xmlResult != \"\" && xmlResult != null)\r\n";
322 doc += " {\r\n";
323 doc += "\r\n";
324 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_MsgXML.loadXML(xmlResult);\r\n";
325 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_ChatList.innerText = " + UniqueID + "_MsgXML.selectSingleNode(\"//UserList\").text; \r\n";
326 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_ChatList.scrollTop = 2000; \r\n";
327 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_ChatMsgs.innerHTML += " + UniqueID + "_MsgXML.selectSingleNode(\"//Messages\").text;\r\n";
328 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_ChatMsgs.scrollTop = 2000; \r\n";
329 doc += " }\r\n";
330 doc += " window.setTimeout('" + UniqueID + "_iCallID2 = service.ChatWebService.call(\"GetMsgs\"," + UniqueID + "_NickName);',3000);\r\n";
331 doc += " }\r\n";
332 doc += "else if((event.result.error)&&(" + UniqueID + "_iCallID3==event.result.id))\r\n";
333 doc += " {\r\n";
334 doc += "var xfaultcode = event.result.errorDetail.code; \r\n";
335 doc += "var xfaultstring = event.result.errorDetail.string; \r\n";
336 doc += "var xfaultsoap = event.result.errorDetail.raw;\r\n";
337 doc += "// Add code to output error information here\r\n";
338 doc += "alert(\"xfaultstring\");\r\n";
339 doc += " }\r\n";
340 doc += " else if((!event.result.error)&&(" + UniqueID + "_iCallID3==event.result.id))\r\n";
341 doc += " {\r\n";
342 doc += "var xmlResult = event.result.raw.xml; \r\n";
343 doc += " if (xmlResult != \"\" && xmlResult != null)\r\n";
344 doc += " {\r\n";
345 doc += "\r\n";
346 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_MsgXML.loadXML(xmlResult);\r\n";
347 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_ChatList.innerText = " + UniqueID + "_MsgXML.selectSingleNode(\"//UserList\").text; \r\n";
348 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_ChatMsgs.innerHTML += " + UniqueID + "_MsgXML.selectSingleNode(\"//Messages\").text;\r\n";
349 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_ChatList.scrollTop = 2000; \r\n";
350 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_bnSendMsg.disabled = false;\r\n";
351 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_ChatMsgs.scrollTop = 2000; \r\n";
352 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_UserInput.value = \"\";\r\n";
353 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_UserInput.disabled = false;\r\n";
354 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_UserInput.focus();\r\n";
355 doc += " }\r\n";
356 doc += " window.setTimeout('" + UniqueID + "_iCallID2 = service.ChatWebService.call(\"GetMsgs\"," + UniqueID + "_NickName);',3000);\r\n";
357 doc += " }\r\n";
358 doc += "} \r\n";
359 doc += "function SendMsg()\r\n";
360 doc += "{ \r\n";
361 doc += "if (" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.value == \"\") return false;\r\n";
362 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_bnSendMsg.disabled = 'true';\r\n";
363 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.disabled = 'true';\r\n";
364 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_iCallID3 = service.ChatWebService.call(\"XchangeMsgs\"," + UniqueID + "_NickName," + UniqueID + "_UserInput.value);\r\n";
365 doc += "} \r\n";
366 doc += "</script> \r\n";
368 }
369 }
2using System.Web.UI;
3using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
4using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
5using System.ComponentModel;
7namespace Michael.Web.UI.Controls
9 /// <summary>
10 /// Summary description for chat.
11 /// </summary>
12 [DefaultProperty("Text"),
13 ToolboxData("<{0}:chat runat=server></{0}:chat>")]
14 public class chat : System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table
15 {
16 private string doc;
17 private string text;
18 [Bindable(true),
19 Category("Appearance"),
20 DefaultValue("")]
21 public string Text
22 {
23 get
24 {
25 return text;
26 }
28 set
29 {
30 text = value;
31 }
32 }
34 /// <summary>
35 /// Render this control to the output parameter specified.
36 /// </summary>
37 /// <param name="output"> The HTML writer to write out to </param>
38 protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output)
39 {
40 // The script block is written to the client
41 output.Write(doc);
43 base.Render(output);
44 }
46 private string Serviceurl = "http://localhost/chat/ChatWebService.asmx?WSDL";
47 [Bindable(true),
48 Category("WebServiceProperty"),
49 DefaultValue("http://localhost/chat/ChatWebService.asmx?WSDL")]
50 public string ServiceURL
51 {
52 get
53 {
54 return Serviceurl;
55 }
56 set
57 {
58 Serviceurl = value;
59 }
60 }
61 private string Behaviorurl = "http://localhost/chat/webservice.htc";
62 [Bindable(true),
63 Category("WebServiceProperty"),
64 DefaultValue("")]
65 public string BehaviorURL
66 {
67 get
68 {
69 return Behaviorurl;
70 }
71 set
72 {
73 Behaviorurl = value;
74 }
75 }
77 private string tablecssclass;
78 [Bindable(true),
79 Category("LayoutProperty"),
80 DefaultValue("")]
81 public string TableCssClass
82 {
83 get
84 {
85 return tablecssclass;
86 }
87 set
88 {
89 tablecssclass = value;
90 }
91 }
93 private string titlecssclass;
94 [Bindable(true),
95 Category("LayoutProperty"),
96 DefaultValue("")]
97 public string TitleCssClass
98 {
99 get
100 {
101 return titlecssclass;
102 }
103 set
104 {
105 titlecssclass = value;
106 }
107 }
109 private string onlinecssclass;
110 [Bindable(true),
111 Category("LayoutProperty"),
112 DefaultValue("")]
113 public string OnlineCssClass
114 {
115 get
116 {
117 return onlinecssclass;
118 }
119 set
120 {
121 onlinecssclass = value;
122 }
123 }
125 private string msgcssclass;
126 [Bindable(true),
127 Category("LayoutProperty"),
128 DefaultValue("")]
129 public string MSGCssClass
130 {
131 get
132 {
133 return msgcssclass;
134 }
135 set
136 {
137 msgcssclass = value;
138 }
139 }
141 private string selusercssclass;
142 [Bindable(true),
143 Category("LayoutProperty"),
144 DefaultValue("")]
145 public string SelUserCssClass
146 {
147 get
148 {
149 return selusercssclass;
150 }
151 set
152 {
153 selusercssclass = value;
154 }
155 }
156 protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
157 {
158 this.ID = "service";
160 this.Style["Behavior"] = "url('" + Behaviorurl + "')";
162 this.Style["Table-Layout"] = "Fixed";
164 if( this.Attributes["class"] == null) this.Attributes["class"] = tablecssclass;
166 this.Attributes["onresult"] = UniqueID + "_onmyresult();";
168 TableRow tr;
169 // And also create 7 Table Cell elements one by one
170 TableCell cell = new TableCell();
172 cell.Attributes["class"] = titlecssclass;
173 cell.Attributes["Align"] = "Left";
175 // Set the caption of the control
176 cell.Text = "Portal 聊天室";
177 // Instantiate a Table Roa and attach the First Cell to it
178 tr = new TableRow();
179 tr.Cells.Add(cell);
180 // Add the Table Row to our Control
181 this.Rows.Add(tr);
183 // Row No 2 starts here
185 cell = new TableCell();
187 cell.Attributes["class"] = onlinecssclass;
188 cell.Text = "在线人员";
189 tr = new TableRow();
190 tr.Cells.Add(cell);
191 this.Rows.Add(tr);
193 // Row No 3 Starts here
195 cell = new TableCell();
196 cell.Style["Height"] = "25%";
197 // We create a DIV element using HtmlGenericControl object
198 // We can also do this using the Panel object
199 HtmlGenericControl d = new HtmlGenericControl("Div");
200 d.ID = UniqueID + "_ChatMsgs";
201 d.Style["Height"] = "100%";
202 d.Style["Width"] = "100%";
203 d.Style["Overflow"] = "Auto";
204 d.Style["Padding-Left"] = "15%";
205 d.ID = UniqueID + "_ChatList";
206 // Adding the DIV element to the Table Cell
207 cell.Controls.Add(d);
208 tr = new TableRow();
209 tr.Cells.Add(cell);
210 this.Rows.Add(tr);
212 // Row No 4 Starts here
214 cell = new TableCell();
216 cell.Attributes["class"] = msgcssclass;
217 cell.Text = "消息:";
218 tr = new TableRow();
219 tr.Cells.Add(cell);
220 this.Rows.Add(tr);
222 // Row No 5 starts here
224 cell = new TableCell();
225 cell.Style["Height"] = "35%";
226 d = new HtmlGenericControl("Div");
227 d.ID = UniqueID + "_ChatMsgs";
228 d.Style["Height"] = "100%";
229 d.Style["Width"] = "100%";
230 d.Style["Overflow"] = "Auto";
231 cell.Controls.Add(d);
232 tr = new TableRow();
233 tr.Cells.Add(cell);
234 this.Rows.Add(tr);
236 // Row No 6 Starts here
238 cell = new TableCell();
240 cell.Attributes["class"] = selusercssclass;
241 cell.ID = UniqueID + "_Prompt";
242 cell.Text = "选择一个用户:";
243 tr = new TableRow();
244 tr.Cells.Add(cell);
245 this.Rows.Add(tr);
247 // Row No 7 starts here
249 cell = new TableCell();
250 cell.Text = "<INPUT Type=\"Text\" id= '" + UniqueID + "_UserInput'> \r\n";
251 cell.Text += "<BR>\r\n";
252 cell.Text += "<Button id = '" + UniqueID + "_bnSendMsg' onclick = \"return SendMsg();\" class = " + UniqueID + "_TitleLabel style = \"display:none\"> 发送 </Button>\r\n";
253 cell.Text += "<Button id = '" + UniqueID + "_bnSelectName' onclick = \"return " + UniqueID + "_SelectName();\" class = " + UniqueID + "_TitleLabel style = \"display:block\"> 登陆 </Button> \r\n";
254 cell.Style["Color"] = "Black";
255 cell.Style["Background-Color"] = "Gainsboro";
256 tr = new TableRow();
257 tr.Cells.Add(cell);
258 this.Rows.Add(tr);
260 // First script Block is written into 'doc' variable
262 doc = "\r\n<SCRIPT FOR = 'window' EVENT = 'onload()'>";
263 doc += "//alert(\"done\"); \r\n";
264 doc += "service.use(\"";
265 doc += Serviceurl + "\",\"ChatWebService\"); \r\n";
266 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.focus();\r\n";
267 doc += "</SCRIPT> \r\n";
269 // Then the second script block follows
271 doc += "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\r\n";
272 doc += "var " + UniqueID + "_iCallID1, " + UniqueID + "_iCallID2, " + UniqueID + "_iCallID3; \r\n";
273 doc += "var " + UniqueID + "_NickName; \r\n";
274 doc += "var " + UniqueID + "_MsgXML = new ActiveXObject(\"MSXML.DOMDocument\");\r\n";
275 doc += "function " + UniqueID + "_SelectName() \r\n";
276 doc += "{ \r\n";
277 doc += "if (" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.value == \"\") return false;\r\n";
278 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_NickName = " + UniqueID + "_UserInput.value; \r\n";
279 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_bnSelectName.disabled = 'true'; \r\n";
280 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.disabled = 'true';\r\n";
281 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_iCallID1 = service.ChatWebService.call(\"Login\"," + UniqueID + "_NickName); \r\n";
282 doc += "} \r\n";
283 doc += "function " + UniqueID + "_onmyresult() \r\n";
284 doc += "{ \r\n";
285 doc += "if((event.result.error)&&(" + UniqueID + "_iCallID1==event.result.id)) \r\n";
286 doc += "{ \r\n";
287 doc += "var xfaultcode = event.result.errorDetail.code; \r\n";
288 doc += "var xfaultstring = event.result.errorDetail.string; \r\n";
289 doc += "var xfaultsoap = event.result.errorDetail.raw;\r\n";
290 doc += "\r\n";
291 doc += "// Add code to output error information here\r\n";
292 doc += "alert(xfaultstring);\r\n";
293 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_bnSelectName.disabled = false;\r\n";
294 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.disabled = false; \r\n";
295 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.focus();\r\n";
296 doc += "\r\n";
297 doc += "} \r\n";
298 doc += "else if((!event.result.error)&&(" + UniqueID + "_iCallID1==event.result.id)) \r\n";
299 doc += "{ \r\n";
300 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_ChatList.innerText= event.result.value; \r\n";
301 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_ChatList.scrollTop = 2000; \r\n";
302 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_bnSelectName.style.display = 'none';\r\n";
303 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_bnSendMsg.style.display = 'block';\r\n";
304 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.value = \"\"; \r\n";
305 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.disabled = false; \r\n";
306 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.focus();\r\n";
307 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_Prompt.innerText = " + UniqueID + "_NickName + \" 说:\"; \r\n";
308 doc += "window.setTimeout('" + UniqueID + "_iCallID2 = service.ChatWebService.call(\"GetMsgs\"," + UniqueID + "_NickName);',3000); \r\n";
309 doc += "} \r\n";
310 doc += "else if((event.result.error)&&(" + UniqueID + "_iCallID2==event.result.id))\r\n";
311 doc += " {\r\n";
312 doc += "var xfaultcode = event.result.errorDetail.code; \r\n";
313 doc += "var xfaultstring = event.result.errorDetail.string; \r\n";
314 doc += "var xfaultsoap = event.result.errorDetail.raw;\r\n";
315 doc += "// Add code to output error information here\r\n";
316 doc += "alert(\"xfaultstring\");\r\n";
317 doc += " }\r\n";
318 doc += " else if((!event.result.error)&&(" + UniqueID + "_iCallID2==event.result.id))\r\n";
319 doc += " {\r\n";
320 doc += "var xmlResult = event.result.raw.xml; \r\n";
321 doc += " if (xmlResult != \"\" && xmlResult != null)\r\n";
322 doc += " {\r\n";
323 doc += "\r\n";
324 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_MsgXML.loadXML(xmlResult);\r\n";
325 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_ChatList.innerText = " + UniqueID + "_MsgXML.selectSingleNode(\"//UserList\").text; \r\n";
326 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_ChatList.scrollTop = 2000; \r\n";
327 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_ChatMsgs.innerHTML += " + UniqueID + "_MsgXML.selectSingleNode(\"//Messages\").text;\r\n";
328 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_ChatMsgs.scrollTop = 2000; \r\n";
329 doc += " }\r\n";
330 doc += " window.setTimeout('" + UniqueID + "_iCallID2 = service.ChatWebService.call(\"GetMsgs\"," + UniqueID + "_NickName);',3000);\r\n";
331 doc += " }\r\n";
332 doc += "else if((event.result.error)&&(" + UniqueID + "_iCallID3==event.result.id))\r\n";
333 doc += " {\r\n";
334 doc += "var xfaultcode = event.result.errorDetail.code; \r\n";
335 doc += "var xfaultstring = event.result.errorDetail.string; \r\n";
336 doc += "var xfaultsoap = event.result.errorDetail.raw;\r\n";
337 doc += "// Add code to output error information here\r\n";
338 doc += "alert(\"xfaultstring\");\r\n";
339 doc += " }\r\n";
340 doc += " else if((!event.result.error)&&(" + UniqueID + "_iCallID3==event.result.id))\r\n";
341 doc += " {\r\n";
342 doc += "var xmlResult = event.result.raw.xml; \r\n";
343 doc += " if (xmlResult != \"\" && xmlResult != null)\r\n";
344 doc += " {\r\n";
345 doc += "\r\n";
346 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_MsgXML.loadXML(xmlResult);\r\n";
347 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_ChatList.innerText = " + UniqueID + "_MsgXML.selectSingleNode(\"//UserList\").text; \r\n";
348 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_ChatMsgs.innerHTML += " + UniqueID + "_MsgXML.selectSingleNode(\"//Messages\").text;\r\n";
349 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_ChatList.scrollTop = 2000; \r\n";
350 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_bnSendMsg.disabled = false;\r\n";
351 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_ChatMsgs.scrollTop = 2000; \r\n";
352 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_UserInput.value = \"\";\r\n";
353 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_UserInput.disabled = false;\r\n";
354 doc += " " + UniqueID + "_UserInput.focus();\r\n";
355 doc += " }\r\n";
356 doc += " window.setTimeout('" + UniqueID + "_iCallID2 = service.ChatWebService.call(\"GetMsgs\"," + UniqueID + "_NickName);',3000);\r\n";
357 doc += " }\r\n";
358 doc += "} \r\n";
359 doc += "function SendMsg()\r\n";
360 doc += "{ \r\n";
361 doc += "if (" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.value == \"\") return false;\r\n";
362 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_bnSendMsg.disabled = 'true';\r\n";
363 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_UserInput.disabled = 'true';\r\n";
364 doc += "" + UniqueID + "_iCallID3 = service.ChatWebService.call(\"XchangeMsgs\"," + UniqueID + "_NickName," + UniqueID + "_UserInput.value);\r\n";
365 doc += "} \r\n";
366 doc += "</script> \r\n";
368 }
369 }
3。我们这里采用client script的方法,可以看出实现方式与asp中大体一致,即Server端“写”script
4。Dhtml Behavior的应用,Behavior是MS扩展的css元素,大家可去msdn查