(转)Source vs Binary Disadvantages & Advantages of each!


1. SourcePackages:


When you compile your source packages they are tailored much more to the system, and thus will give better performance, as it is more optimized for your system. It is also generaly smaller and doesn't take up as much room on the hrd drive or your bandwidth.


They can take a long time to compile all of the program. Also the dependancy issues can be slightly mor difficult to desipher.


  2. Binary Package:


They are usually quick and easy to install, and some can resolve dependacy issues for you.


They are big files, and take up more space. They are usually enabled with all the options on the install, and thus the file isn't as well tailored for your system, andit will run slower (this is one of the reasons why source based distro's like gentoo are so fast).

This is by no means a full overview, but I hope it helps awnsware your question.


posted @ 2014-04-21 17:25  刺客主谋  Views(178)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报