0. 前言


1. 世界坐标系

世界坐标系并非是一个特殊的坐标系,因为他得到了所有其他坐标系的认可(参照)所以被称为世界坐标系。可以用来表示位置和方向, 基于X Y Z 坐标轴。

我们日常生活中,常用 前后左右(Forward Left Right Up) 来表示其他物体相对于自身的坐标。这是一个很好,很直觉的模式。

涉及到机器人学,飞机,火箭等课程,又会常用 俯仰角(点头) 偏航角(偏头) 滚转角(飞行员在一个直立圆环上转着测试)(Pitch Yaw Roll)来描述一个物体的状态。

好了,人们更愿意用某些方位和姿态的描述性词语来 描绘 这个世界。但这无论如何不是严谨的,不是数学的。这些描述性词语需要与X Y Z坐标轴进行绑定,然后可以走进数学的殿堂。

问题是没有任何强制性的规定说 X代表东方, Y代表北方, Z轴指向天空。

所以在不同的领域里,这些绑定关系是不同的,甚至 X Y Z 坐标轴的旋转顺序也是不同的,有左手系,右手系之分。


2. GLFW 窗口坐标系 与 坐标系变换

GLFW的窗口坐标系以窗口的左上角为坐标原点,向右侧延展为X正轴, 向下侧延展为Y正轴。

ref Introduction to the API GLFW



	printf("mouse_button_callback \n");
    double xpos, ypos;
    glfwGetCursorPos(m_private->window, &xpos, &ypos);
    int width, height;
    glfwGetWindowSize(m_private->window, &width, &height);
    printf("content x:%f, y:%f \n", xpos, ypos);

    float x = (float)(2 * xpos / width - 1);
    float y = (float)(2 * (height - ypos) / height - 1);
    glm::vec2 pos(x, y);
    printf("unit coordinate x:%f, y:%f \n", x, y);

glfwSetMouseButtonCallback 这东西按下去调用一次,抬起来调用一次。

3. 相机是什么东西

在OpenGL中,相机代表着 View 矩阵,即将世界坐标系的物体转换到相机坐标系里。




	eye	Position of the camera
	center	Position where the camera is looking at
	up	Normalized up vector, how the camera is oriented. Typically (0, 0, 1)




4. 相机的平面位移(上下左右)



	/* Code from Peng Yu Bin 《OpenGL Tutor》 */
 	// translate left ,right, up and down. 
    void pan(InputCtl::InputPreference const &pref, glm::vec2 delta) {
        delta *= -pref.pan_speed;

        auto front_vector = glm::normalize(lookat - eye);
        auto right_vector = glm::normalize(glm::cross(front_vector, up_vector));
        auto fixed_up_vector = glm::normalize(glm::cross(right_vector, front_vector));

        auto delta3d = delta.x * right_vector + delta.y * fixed_up_vector;

        eye += delta3d;
        lookat += delta3d;
        printf("translate left and right \n");

	glm::mat4x4 view_matrix() const {
        return glm::lookAt(eye, lookat, up_vector);



所以当我们向左滑动物体,物体位置偏移量delta = pos - lastpos为负值,实际上却是相机向右滑动,在世界坐标系中。

为什么我们需要 fixed_up_vector, 在LearnOpenGL的Camera教程里详细的展示了如何从三个信息中生成View矩阵。在初始化的时候,我们绝不保证up_vector严格的指向相机的上方,而是要和direction vector = cameraPos - cameraTarget共面,来生成 Right axis,之后再通过direction vector X Right axis来生成真正的向上的相机向量。

glm::vec3 cameraUp = glm::cross(cameraDirection, cameraRight);

那么当up_vector在初始化时与direction vector共线会发生什么情况呢?答案就是生成不出正确的View矩阵,因为存在三条信息的限制,却只给出2条信息。OpenGL直接撂挑子不干了, 会黑屏。

glm::vec3 eye = {0, 0, 5};
glm::vec3 lookat = {0, 0, 0};
glm::vec3 up_vector = {0, 0, -5};
glm::lookAt(eye, lookat, up_vector);

5. 相机的聚焦点环绕(球形环绕 ArcBall Orbit)

球形环绕可以想象成相机绕着一个球面进行环绕,相机的镜头聚焦于拍摄物体。相机的成像平面(up_vector right_vector)为球面的切平面。

相机聚焦点环绕有个非常重要的事情,那就是相机的水平轴(right-axis or X-axis or 显示器屏幕的长边。)需要尽可能的保持水平,相对于世界坐标系里正常摆放的物体。



5.1 如何保持水平轴水平 固定向上轴

一个简便的方法就是保持up_vector = {0, 1, 0}这样无论方向向量怎么看,水平轴永远是水平的。将三个自由度化为一个自由度即眼的位置,look_atorbit里不会变化。

围绕up_vector我们可以生成一个过这个向量的平面,这个平面可有无数个,但是唯一需要注意的是相机的front_vector无论怎么变化,都是在其中的某一个平面里,因此 ringht_vector始终垂直于这个平面,并且与up_vector保持垂直。也就是说不会斜过来拍摄。


问题来到了特殊情况,我们知道当我们固定up_vector = {0, 1, 0}时,在移动相机的front_vector时,难免会与up_vector共线,也就是从头顶往下看。这种情况OpenGL绝对撂挑子不干, 会黑屏。

有一个好消息是,只要我们开始计算front_vector, 由于计算机数值的原因,我们几乎不会算出front_vector = {0, 1, 0} ,而是会出现front_vector vec3(-0.000316, -1.000000, -0.000136)这样的情况。也就是说,基本没有可能会与up_vector共线。




// rotation 2: based on the mouse vertical axis
glm::mat4x4 rotation_matrixY = glm::rotate(glm::mat4x4(1), angle_Y_inc, right_vector);

相机到了与up_vector共线的小区域,且每次调用相机绕right_vector滑动距离很小angle_Y_inc: -0.00260419。而相机right_vector的正负摆动非常快,同样的步长,正负转化,导致

  • 正负摆动,导致相机左右异常跳变。直接反应到屏幕上来。
  • 正负摆动,且是同一符号步长,导致旋转抵消。相机位置不可变化。
void orbit(InputCtl::InputPreference const &pref, glm::vec2 delta, bool isDrift) {
        if (isDrift) {
            delta *= -pref.drift_speed;
            delta *= std::atan(film_height / (2 * focal_len));
        } else {
            delta *= pref.orbit_speed;

        auto angle_X_inc = delta.x;
        auto angle_Y_inc = delta.y;

        // pivot choose: drift mode rotates around eye center, orbit mode rotates around target object
        auto rotation_pivot = isDrift ? eye : lookat;

        auto front_vector = glm::normalize(lookat - eye);
        std::cout<<"front_vector "<<glm::to_string(front_vector)<<std::endl;
        // new right vector (orthogonal to front, up)
        auto right_vector = glm::normalize(glm::cross(front_vector, up_vector));

        std::cout<<"right_vector "<<glm::to_string(right_vector)<<std::endl;
        // new up vector (orthogonal to right, front)
        auto new_up_vector = glm::normalize(glm::cross(right_vector, front_vector));
        std::cout<<"new_up_vector "<<glm::to_string(new_up_vector)<<std::endl;

        // rotation 1: based on the mouse horizontal axis
        glm::mat4x4 rotation_matrixX = glm::rotate(glm::mat4x4(1), -angle_X_inc, new_up_vector);

        //auto new_right_vector = glm::vec3(rotation_matrixX * glm::vec4(right_vector, 1));

        // rotation 2: based on the mouse vertical axis
        glm::mat4x4 rotation_matrixY = glm::rotate(glm::mat4x4(1), angle_Y_inc, right_vector);
        std::cout<<"angle_Y_inc: "<<angle_Y_inc<<std::endl;
        std::cout<<"rotation_matrixY: "<<glm::to_string(rotation_matrixY)<<std::endl;

        // translate back to the origin, rotate and translate back to the pivot location
        auto transformation = glm::translate(glm::mat4x4(1), rotation_pivot)
            * rotation_matrixY * rotation_matrixX
            * glm::translate(glm::mat4x4(1), -rotation_pivot);
        std::cout<<"transformation: "<<glm::to_string(transformation)<<std::endl;
        // update eye and lookat coordinates

        eye = glm::vec3(transformation * glm::vec4(eye, 1));
        lookat = glm::vec3(transformation * glm::vec4(lookat, 1));
        std::cout<<"Eye: "<<glm::to_string(eye)<<std::endl;
        // try to keep the camera horizontal line correct (eval right axis error)
        float right_o_up = glm::dot(right_vector, keep_up_axis);
        float right_handness = glm::dot(glm::cross(keep_up_axis, right_vector), front_vector);
        float angle_Z_err = glm::asin(right_o_up);
        angle_Z_err *= glm::atan(right_handness);
        // rotation for up: cancel out the camera horizontal line drift
        glm::mat4x4 rotation_matrixZ = glm::rotate(glm::mat4x4(1), angle_Z_err, front_vector);
        up_vector = glm::mat3x3(rotation_matrixZ) * up_vector;
        printf("orbit \n");

5.1.1 上方观看 跳变LOG

#include <glm/gtx/string_cast.hpp>


front_vector vec3(-0.000316, -1.000000, -0.000136)
right_vector vec3(0.395702, 0.000000, -0.918379)
new_up_vector vec3(-0.918379, 0.000344, -0.395702)
angle_Y_inc: -0.00260419
rotation_matrixY: mat4x4((0.999997, 0.002392, -0.000001, 0.000000), (-0.002392, 0.999997, -0.001030, 0.000000), (-0.000001, 0.001030, 0.999999, 0.000000), (0.000000, 0.000000, 
0.000000, 1.000000))
transformation: mat4x4((0.999997, 0.002392, -0.000001, 0.000000), (-0.002392, 0.999997, -0.001030, 0.000000), (-0.000001, 0.001030, 0.999999, 0.000000), (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000))
Eye: vec3(-0.010380, 4.999970, -0.004472)

front_vector vec3(0.002076, -0.999998, 0.000894)
right_vector vec3(-0.395702, 0.000000, 0.918379)
new_up_vector vec3(0.918377, 0.002260, 0.395701)
rotation_matrixY: mat4x4((0.999997, -0.002392, -0.000001, 0.000000), (0.002392, 0.999997, 0.001030, 0.000000), (-0.000001, -0.001030, 0.999999, 0.000000), (0.000000, 0.000000, 
0.000000, 1.000000))
transformation: mat4x4((0.999997, -0.002392, -0.000001, 0.000000), (0.002392, 0.999997, 0.001030, 0.000000), (-0.000001, -0.001030, 0.999999, 0.000000), (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000))
Eye: vec3(0.001578, 4.999983, 0.000680)

5.2 不固定向上轴 导致水平轴发生旋转





 void orbit(InputCtl::InputPreference const &pref, glm::vec2 delta, bool isDrift) {
        if (isDrift) {
            delta *= -pref.drift_speed;
            delta *= std::atan(film_height / (2 * focal_len));
        } else {
            delta *= pref.orbit_speed;

        auto angle_X_inc = delta.x;
        auto angle_Y_inc = delta.y;

        // pivot choose: drift mode rotates around eye center, orbit mode rotates around target object
        auto rotation_pivot = isDrift ? eye : lookat;

        auto front_vector = glm::normalize(lookat - eye);

        // new right vector (orthogonal to front, up)
        auto right_vector = glm::normalize(glm::cross(front_vector, up_vector));

        // new up vector (orthogonal to right, front)
        up_vector = glm::normalize(glm::cross(right_vector, front_vector));

		// 这块的正负  -angle_X_inc  angle_Y_inc 最好拿自己的拳头当作相机,比划一下。
        // rotation 1: based on the mouse horizontal axis
        glm::mat4x4 rotation_matrixX = glm::rotate(glm::mat4x4(1), -angle_X_inc, up_vector);

        //auto new_right_vector = glm::vec3(rotation_matrixX * glm::vec4(right_vector, 1));

        // rotation 2: based on the mouse vertical axis
        glm::mat4x4 rotation_matrixY = glm::rotate(glm::mat4x4(1), angle_Y_inc, right_vector);

        // translate back to the origin, rotate and translate back to the pivot location
        auto transformation = glm::translate(glm::mat4x4(1), rotation_pivot)
            * rotation_matrixY * rotation_matrixX
            * glm::translate(glm::mat4x4(1), -rotation_pivot);

        // update eye and lookat coordinates
        eye = glm::vec3(transformation * glm::vec4(eye, 1));
        lookat = glm::vec3(transformation * glm::vec4(lookat, 1));

        // try to keep the camera horizontal line correct (eval right axis error)
        float right_o_up = glm::dot(right_vector, keep_up_axis);
        float right_handness = glm::dot(glm::cross(keep_up_axis, right_vector), front_vector);
        float angle_Z_err = glm::asin(right_o_up);
        angle_Z_err *= glm::atan(right_handness);
        // rotation for up: cancel out the camera horizontal line drift
        glm::mat4x4 rotation_matrixZ = glm::rotate(glm::mat4x4(1), angle_Z_err, front_vector);
        up_vector = glm::mat3x3(rotation_matrixZ) * up_vector;
        printf("orbit \n");


  1. 《现代OpenGL 03 By Peng Yu Bin》
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