Axiom 2.2. If is a natural number, then is also a natural number.
i.e., is also a natural number, is also a natural number.
Definition 2.1.3 We define to be the number , to be the number , to be the number , etc. (In other words, , , , etc. In this text I use "" to denote the statement that is defined to equal .)
Proposition 2.1.4 is a natural number.
By Axiom 2.1, is a natural number. By Axiom 2.2, is a natural number. By Axiom 2.2 again, is a natural nuber. By Axiom 2.2 again, is a natural number.
Axiom 2.3. is not the successor of any natural number; i.e., we have for every natural number .
Proposition 2.1.6 is not equal to .
By definition, . By Axioms 2.1 and 2.2, is a natural number. Thus by Axiom 2.3, , i.e., .
Axiom 2.4. Different natural numbers must have different successors; i.e., if are natural numbers and , then . Equivalently, if , then we must have .
This is an example of reformulating an implication using its contrapositive; see Section A.2 for more details. In the converse diretion, if , then ; this is the axiom of substitution (see Section A.7) applied to the operation ++.
Proposition 2.1.8 is not equal to .
Suppose for sake of contradiction that . Then , so by Axiom 2.4 we have , so that . By Axiom 2.4 again we then have , which contradicts our previous proposition.
Axiom 2.5. (Principle of mathematical induction). Let be any property pertaining to a naural number n. Suppose that is true and supose that whenwver is true, is also true. Then is true for every natural nummber .
Assumption 2.6. (Informal) There exists a number system , whose elements we will call natural numbers, for which Axioms 2.1-2.5 are true.
We will make this assumption a bit more precise once we have laid down our notation for sets and functions in the next chapter.
One consquence of the axioms is that we can now define sequences . Suppose we want to build a sequence of numbers by first defining to be some base value, e.g., for some number c, and then bu lettimg be some fnunction of , , be some fnunction of , , and so forth. In geneal, we set for some function from to . By using all the axionms together we will now conclude that this procedure will give a single value to the sequence element for each ntural number .
(Strictly speaking, this proposition requires one to define the notion of a , which we shall do in the next chapter. However, this will not be circular, as the concept of a function does not require the Peano axioms. Proposition 2.1.6 can be formalized more rigorously in the language of set theory; se Exercise 3.5.12.)
Proposition 2.1.6 (Recursive definitions). Suppose for each natural number n, we have some function from the natural numbers to the natural numbers. Let c be a natural number. Then we can assign a unique natural number to each number n, such that and for each natural number n.
(Informal) We use induction. we first observe that this procedure gives a single value to , namelt c. (None of the other definitions will redefine the value of , because of Axiom 2.3.)
Now suppose inductively that the procedure gives a single value to . Then it gives a single value to , namely . (None of the other definitions will redefine the value of , because of Axiom 2.4.). This completes the induction, and so is defined for each natural number n, with a single value assigned to each .
Recursive definitions are very powerful; for instance, we can use them to define addition and multiplication, to which we now urn.
2.2 Addition
So we give a recursive definition for addition as follows.
Definition 2.2.1 (Addition of natural numbers) Let m be a natural number. To add zero to m, we define . Now suppose inductively that we have defined how to add n to m. Then we can add to m by defining .
Thus is , 1+ is ; ; and so forth; for instance we have .
Notice that we can prove easily, using Axioms 2.1, 2.2, and induction (Axiom 2.5), that the sum of two natural numbers is again a natural number (why?).
Lemma 2.2.2. For any natural number , .
Note that we cannot deduce this immediately from because we do not know yet that .
We use induction. The base case follows since we know that for every natural number , and is a natural number. Now suppose inductively that . We wish to show that . But by definition of addition, is equal to , which is equal to since . This closes the induction.
Lemma 2.2.3. For any natural numbers and , .
Again, we cannot deduce this yet from because we do not know yet that .
We induct on (keeping fixed). We first consider the base case . In this case we have to prove . But by definition of addition, and , so both sides are equal to and are thus equal to each other. Now we assume inductively that ; we now have to show that . The left-hand side is by definition of addition, which is equal to by the inductive hypothesis. Similarly, we have by the definition of addition, and so the right-hand side is also equal to . Thus both sides are equal to each other, and we have closed the induction.
From a logical point of view, there is no difference between a lemma, proposition, theorem, or corollary - they are all claims waiting to be proved. However, we use these terms to suggest different levels of importance and difficulty. A lemma is an easily proved claim which is helpful for proving other propositions and theorems, but is usually not particularly interesting in its own right. A proposition is a statement which is interesting in its own right, while a theorem is a more important statement than a proposition which says something definitive on the subject, and often takes more effort to prove than a proposition or lemma. A corollary is a quick consequence of a proposition or theorem that was proven recently.
As a particular corollary of Lemma 2.2.2 and Lemma 2.2.3 we see that (why?).
As promised earlier, we can now prove that .
Proposition 2.2.4 (Addition is commutative). For any natural numbers and , .
We shall use induction on (keeping fixed). First we do the base case , i.e., we show . By the definition of addition, , while by Lemma 2.2.2, . Thus the base case is done. Now suppose inductively that , now we have to prove that to close the induction. By the definition of addition, . By Lemma 2.2.3, , but this is equal to by the inductive hypothesis . Thus and we have closed the induction.
Proposition 2.2.5 (Addition is associative). For any natural numbers , , , we have .
Proposition 2.2.6 (Cancellation law). Let , , be natural numbers such that . Then we have .
Note that we cannot use subtraction or negative numbers yet to prove this proposition, because we have not developed these concepts yet. In fact, this cancellation law is crucial in letting us define subtraction (and the integers) later on in this text, because it allows for a sort of “virtual subtraction” even before subtraction is officially defined.
We prove this by induction on . First consider the base case . Then we have , which by definition of addition implies that as desired. Now suppose inductively that we have the cancellation law for (so that implies ); we now have to prove the cancellation law for . In other words, we assume that and need to show that . By the definition of addition, and so we have . By Axiom 2.4, we have . Since we already have the cancellation law for , we thus have as desired. This closes the induction.
We now discuss how addition interacts with positivity. 这里没有 Fixed, 是因为 是性质与值无关。
Definition 2.2.7 (Positive natural numbers). A natural number is said to be positive iff it is not equal to . (“iff” is shorthand for “if and only if” - see Section A.1).
Proposition 2.2.8. If is a positive number and b is a natural number, then is positive (and hence is also, by Proposition 2.2.4).
We use induction on . If , then , which is positive, so this proves the base case. Now suppose inductively that is positive. Then , which cannot be zero by Axiom 2.3, and is hence positive. This closes the induction.
Corollary 2.2.9. If and are natural numbers such that , then and .
Suppose for sake of contradiction that or . If then is positive, and hence is positive by Proposition 2.2.8, a contradiction. Similarly if then b is positive, and again is positive by Proposition 2.2.8, a contradiction. Thus and must both be zero.
Lemma 2.2.10. Let be a positive number. Then there exists exactly one natural number such that .
Once we have a notion of addition, we can begin defining a notion of order.
Definition 2.2.11 (Ordering of the natural numbers). Let and be natural numbers. We say that is greater than or equal to , and write or , iff we have for some natural number . We say that is strictly greater than , and write or , iff and .
Thus for instance , because and . Also note that for any ; thus there is no largest natural number , because the next number is always larger still.
Proposition 2.2.12 (Basic properties of order for natural numbers). Let , , be natural numbers. Then
(a) (Order is reflexive) .
(b) (Order is transitive) If and , then .
(c) (Order is anti-symmetric) If and , then .
(d) (Addition preserves order ) if and only if .
(e) if and only if .
(f) if and only if for some positive number .
Proposition 2.2.13 (Trichotomy of order for natural numbers). Let and be natural numbers. Then exactly one of the following statements is true: , , or .
This is only a sketch of the proof; the gaps will be filled in Exercise 2.2.4. First we show that we cannot have more than one of the statements , , holding at the same time. If then by definition, and if then by definition. If and then by Proposition 2.2.12 we have , a contradiction. Thus no more than one of the statements is true.
Now we show that at least one of the statements is true. We keep fixed and induct on . When we have for all (why?), so we have either or , which proves the base case. Now suppose we have proven the proposition for , and now we prove the proposition for . From the trichotomy for , there are three cases: , , and . If , then (why?). If , then (why?). Now suppose that . Then by Proposition 2.2.12, we have . Thus either , and in either case we are done. This closes the induction.
The properties of order allow one to obtain a stronger version of the principle of induction:
Proposition 2.2.14 (Strong principle of induction). Let be a natural number, and let be a property pertaining to an arbitrary natural number m. Suppose that for each , we have the following implication: if is true for all natural numbers , then is also true. (In particular, this means that is true, since in this case the hypothesis is vacuous.) Then we can conclude that is true for all natural numbers .
— Exercises 2.2 —
The sum of two natural numbers is again a natural number. (Hint: using Axioms 2.1, 2.2, and induction (Axiom 2.5))
Let are two natural numbers, is also a natural number.
We use induction on (keeping fixed ).
The base case , by definition of Addition. is a natural number.
Now suppose inductively is a natural number. We wish to show that is also a natural number. By definition of Addition , is a natural number by inductive hypothesis. Since is a natural number, is also a natural number by Axiom 2.2. We have closed the induction.
Let be a natural number, . (Hint: As a particular corollary of Lemma 2.2.2 and Lemma 2.2.3)
by lemma 2.2.2. by lemma 2.2.3, by definition 2.1.3.
Prove Proposition 2.2.5. (Hint: fix two of the variables and induct on the third.)(Priority calculations are indicated in parentheses.)
Proposition 2.2.5 (Addition is associative). For any natural numbers , we have .
We use induction on (keeping fixed). We first consider the base case , i.e. . By lemma 2.2.2, . By lemma 2.2.2, , so . Thus the base case is done.
Now suppose inductively that , we now have to prove that . The left-hand side is by lemma 2.2.3. The right-hand side is by lemma 2.2.3. Thus this is equal to by the inductive hypothesis , and Axiom 2.3. We have closed the induction.
Prove Lemma 2.2.10. (Hint: use induction.)
Proposition 2.2.m.0. Every natural number is exactly one.
Base case , is exactly one by Axiom 2.3.
Now suppose every natural number is exactly one, we have to prove is exactly one. By Axiom 2.2 is also a natural number. Since no one natural number can be equal to n expect by itself, so no one natural number can be equal to expect by itself. Thus is exactly one by the inductive hypothesis and Axiom 2.4. We have closed the induction.
Lemma 2.2.10. Let be a positive number. Then there exists exactly one natural number such that .
注意这里的条件,Let be a positive number是对于所有的 . 当 时,显然是vacuosly true(总是显然的),但是毫无意义,它不能打倒 , 我们就得证一下 ,这个空真和真的支点的分界. 然后用这个真的支点去归纳。 同时注意等于号的神奇之处(=是可替换的)。
We use induction on . The base case , vacuously true. Then when , by definition 2.1.3, , by Axiom 2.3 is exactly one.
Now suppose inductively that be a positive number there exists exactly one natural number such that . We now have to prove there exists exactly one natural number such that . We see that there have at least one natural number . Suppose that there have some natural number , which . So , by Axiom 2.4. So there exists one natural number such that . We have closed induction.
Prove Proposition 2.2.12. (Hint: you will need many of the preceding propositions, corollaries, and lemmas.)
Proposition 2.2.12 (Basic properties of order for natural numbers). Let , , be natural numbers. Then
(a) (Order is reflexive) .
(b) (Order is transitive) If and , then .
(c) (Order is anti-symmetric) If and , then .
(d) (Addition preserves order ) if and only if .
(e) if and only if .
(f) if and only if for some positive number .
(a) By lemma 2.2.2 , by definition of Ordering.
(b) By definition of Ordering and euqal to and , are some natural numbers. So, , by why 2.2.x.1 is also a natural number. By definition of Ordering again, .
(c) By the definition of Ordering, , . m, n are some natural numbers. So , by Proposition 2.2.5 , by lemma 2.2.2 , by Corollary 2.2.9 , . Thus , by lemma 2.2.2.
Proposition 2.2.m.1. If are some natural numbers and , then ; The left-hand side is by the hypothesis, The right-hand side is , so the both side are equal. Done.
(d) First, if , then . By definition of Ordering, , is a natural number. By Proposition 2.2.4, . By Proposition 2.2.6, . By definition of Ordering, .
Second, if , then . By definition of Ordering, , is a natural number. By Proposition 2.2.m.1, . By Proposition 2.2.4, . By definition of Ordering, .
Proposition 2.2.m.2. If , iff ;
First if then . Suppose for the sake of contradiction that , by lemma 2.2.2, so . By hypothesis , so . By Proposition 2.2.6 , which contradicts our hypothesis .
Second if then . Suppose for the sake of contradiction that . Since , by lemma 2.2.2. A contradiction. Done.
(e) First, if a<b then . By definition of Ordering, , , is a naturnal number. By proposition 2.2.m.2, . By lemma 2.2.10, there exists exactly one natural number such that , so . By lemma 2.2.3, . By definition of Addition, . By definition of Ordering, .
Second, if then . By definition of Ordering, , is a naturnal number. By definition of Addition, . By lemma 2.2.3, . By Axiom 2.3, . By Proposition 2.2.m.2., . Thus by definition of Ordering.
(f) First, if then for some positive number . By definition of Ordering, , , is a naturnal number. By proposition 2.2.m.2, .
Second, if for some positive number then . Because of and , by Proposition 2.2.m.2. Thus by definition of Ordering.
Justify the three statements marked (why?) in the proof of Proposition 2.2.13.
Proposition 2.2.13 (Trichotomy of order for natural numbers). Let and be natural numbers. Then exactly one of the following statements is true: , , or .
This is only a sketch of the proof; the gaps will be filled in Exercise 2.2.4. First we show that we cannot have more than one of the statements , , holding at the same time. If then by definition, and if then by definition. If and then by Proposition 2.2.12 we have , a contradiction. Thus no more than one of the statements is true.
Now we show that at least one of the statements is true. We keep fixed and induct on . When we have for all (why?), so we have either or , which proves the base case. Now suppose we have proven the proposition for , and now we prove the proposition for . From the trichotomy for , there are three cases: , , and . If , then (why?). If , then (why?). Now suppose that . Then by Proposition 2.2.12, we have . Thus either , and in either case we are done. This closes the induction.
Why_1. When we have for all . By lemma 2.2.2, . is a natural number by Axiom 2.1. By definition of Ordering, .
Lemma 2.2.m.3. Let are natural numbers and , then . (Axiom of substitution (see Section A.7))
The left-hand side is by the hypothesis , The right-hand side is , so the both side are equal. Done.
Why_2. If , then . By definition of Ordering, , , is a natural number. So , by lemma 2.2.3. By Axiom 2.3 . By Proposition 2.2.m.2, . Thus by definition of Ordering.
Why_3. If , then . By lemma 2.2.2 . Thus . By lemma 2.2.3, . By Axiom 2.3 . By Proposition 2.2.m.2, . Thus by definition of Ordering.
Prove Proposition 2.2.14. (Hint: define to be the property that is true for all ; note that is vacuously true when .)
Proposition 2.2.14 (Strong principle of induction). Let be a natural number, and let be a property pertaining to an arbitrary natural number m. Suppose that for each , we have the following implication: if is true for all natural numbers , then is also true. (In particular, this means that is true, since in this case the hypothesis is vacuous.) Then we can conclude that is true for all natural numbers .
For clarity transcribing Proposition 2.2.14 in logic symbol it takes the form.
Which can be rewritten in terms of our definition of as
Above transfromations are writen by Gabríel Snær Völuson from
We use the direct proof. First we assume the hypothesis is true that "for each , we have the following implication: if is true for all natural numbers , then is also true." is true.
We use induction on .
When , is vacuosly true. There have no one this time.
And when , is vacuosly true. So is true by the hypothesis.
When , because of is true, thus we have is real true.(Real fulcrum! The real Base Case!)
Now suppose inductively that is true when . We need to prove is true. Equal to " is true for all " is true. Since can be rewritten in terms of . By Proposition 2.2.12(e), equal to . By Proposition 2.2.12(d), . Now we need to prove " is true for all " is true. We know that is true by the inductive hypothesis. Since , we can use implication hypothesis to deduce that is true. Finally and are both true, thus the is true. We have closed the induction.
is true for each natural number n. For any natural number , , we have is ture. Thus is ture. is true for all natural number , .
Let be a natural number, and let be a property pertaining to the natural numbers such that whenever is true, then is true. Suppose that is also true. Prove that is true for all natural numbers ; this is known as the principle of backwards induction. (Hint: apply induction to the variable .)
We use the induction on . We consider teh base case . In this case we need to prove " is ture for all ". By the definition of Ordering, , is a natural number. By the corollary 2.2.9, and . Thus there have just one case of that . is true by the hypothesis is true. So is ture for all .
Now we suppose inductively that is true for all . We need to prove that is true for all . When , this time is ture by the hypothesis. is true then is also true by the hypothesis implication. is ture then is true for all by the inductive hypothesis. Thus is true for all . We have closed the induction.
2.3 Multiplication
In the previous section we have proven all the basic facts that we know to be true about addition and order. To save space and to avoid belaboring the obvious, we will now allow ourselves to use all the rules of algebra concerning addition and order that we are familiar with, without further comment. Thus for instance we may write things like a + b + c = c + b + a without supplying any further justification. Now we introduce multiplication. Just as addition is the iterated increment operation, multiplication is iterated addition.
Definition 2.3.1 (Multiplication of natural numbers). Let be a natural number. To multiply zero to , we define . Now suppose inductively that we have defined how to multiply to . Then we can multiply to by defining .
Thus for instance , etc. By induction one can easily verify that the product of two natural numbers is a natural number.
Lemma 2.3.2 (Multiplication is commutative). Let be natural numbers. Then .
Proof. See Exercise 2.3.1
Lemma 2.3.3 (Positive natural numbers have no zero divisors). Let be natural numbers. Then if and only if at least one of is equal to zero. In particular, if and are both positive, then is also positive.
Proof. See Exercise 2.3.2.
Proposition 2.3.4 (Distributive law). For any natural numbers , we have and .
Proof. Since multiplication is commutative we only need to show the first identity . We keep and fixed, and use induction on . Let’s prove the base case , i.e., . The left-hand side is , while the right-hand side is , so we are done with the base case. Now let us suppose inductively that , and let us prove that . The left-hand side is , while the right-hand side is by the induction hypothesis, and so we can close the induction.
Proposition 2.3.5 (Multiplication is associative). For any natural numbers , we have .
Proof. See Exercise 2.3.3
Proposition 2.3.6 (Multiplication preserves order). If a, b are natural numbers such that , and is positive, then .
Proof. Since , we have for some positive . Multiplying by and using the distributive law we obtain . Since d is positive, and is positive, is positive, and hence as desired.
Corollary 2.3.7 (Cancellation law). Let be natural numbers such that and is non-zero. Then .
Remark 2.3.8. Just as Proposition 2.2.6 will allow for a “virtual subtraction” which will eventually let us define genuine subtraction, this corollary provides a “virtual division” which will be needed to define genuine division later on.
Proof. By the trichotomy of order (Proposition 2.2.13), we have three cases: , , . Suppose first that , then by Proposition 2.3.6 we have , a contradiction. We can obtain a similar contradiction when . Thus the only possibility is that , as desired.
Proposition 2.3.9 (Euclidean algorithm). Let be a natural number, and let be a positive number. Then there exist natural numbers such that and .
Remark 2.3.10. In other words, we can divide a natural number by a positive number to obtain a quotient (which is another natural number) and a remainder (which is less than ). This algorithm marks the beginning of number theory, which is a beautiful and important subject but one which is beyond the scope of this text.
Proof. See Exercise 2.3.5
Definition 2.3.11 (Exponentiation for natural numbers). Let be a natural number. To raise to the power 0, we define ; in particular, we define . Now suppose recursively that mn has been defined for some natural number , then we define .
Examples 2.3.12. Thus for instance ; ; ; and so forth. By induction we see that this recursive definition defines for all natural numbers .
— Exercises 2.3 —
Exercise 2.3.1. Prove Lemma 2.3.2. (Hint: modify the proofs of Lemmas 2.2.2, 2.2.3 and Proposition 2.2.4.)
Lemma 2.2.2.m.3 For any natural number , .
We use induction on . The base case follows since we know that for every natural number , and is a natural number. Now suppose inductively that . We wish to show that . But by the definition of Multiplication , is equal to , which is equal to since . This close the induction.
Lemma 2.2.3.m.3 For any natural numbers and , .
We use induction on (keeping fixed). We first consider the base case . In this case we have to prove . By the definition of Multiplication and . So both sides are equal to . Now we assume inductively that . We now have to show that . The left-hand side is by definition of Multiplication which is equal to by the inductive hypothesis. Similarly, we have by definition of Multiplication. Thus the both side are equal to by the lemma 2.2.3 and Proposition 2.2.4. We have closed the induction.
Lemma 2.3.2 (Multiplication is commutative). Let be natural numbers. Then .
We shall use induction on (keeping fixed). First we do the base case , i.e., we show . By the definition of Multiplication, , while by lemma 2.2.2.m.3, . Thus the base case is dowm.
Now suppose inductively that , now we have to prove that to close the induction. By definition of Multiplication, . By lemma 2.2.3.m.3 , but this is equal to by the inductive hypothesis . Thus and we have closed the induction.
Exercise 2.3.2. Prove Lemma 2.3.3. (Hint: prove the second statement first.)
Lemma 2.3.3 (Positive natural numbers have no zero divisors). Let be natural numbers. Then if and only if at least one of is equal to zero. In particular, if and are both positive, then is also positive.
First. Let m, n be natural numbers. If , then at least one of be equal to zero. The statement equal to “Let be natural numbers. If and both positive, then is also positive.”. By lemma 2.2.10, , is a natural number. , is a naturnal number. . Since is positive. By proposition 2.2.8 is positive.
Second. If at least one of is equal to zero, then . The first case: , , by Definition of Multiplication. The second case: , , by lemma 2.2.2.m.3. The third case: , by Definition of Multiplication.
Exercise 2.3.3. Prove Proposition 2.3.5. (Hint: modify the proof of Proposition 2.2.5 and use the distributive law.)
Proposition 2.3.5 (Multiplication is associative). For any natural numbers , we have .
We use induction on (keeping and fixed). Let's prove the base case , i.e., . The left-hand side is , while the right-hand side is . So we are done the base case. Now suppose inductively that , and we need to prove that . The left-hand side is . The right-hand side is . By the Distributive law, . And this is equal to by the inductive hyothesis that . We have closed the induction.
Exercise 2.3.4. Prove the identity for all natural numbers .
By the Definition 2.3.11, . The left-hand side is by the Distributive law and Definition 2.3.11. So both side are equal.
Exercise 2.3.5. Prove Proposition 2.3.9. (Hint: fix q and induct on n.)
数学归纳法证明的时候,遇到多个变量我们可以用的方法是。只对一个变量来进行归纳,对于其他变量我们采用的方法是(Keep them fixed.) 这个东西老师没有细说,但在我的理解是,其他变量是变量,可以有任意值,如果我们不固定住他们的话,P(0):0+m=m 是对的,i.e. 0+1=1。 但是到了假设 P(n) 的时候, P(n):n+m=n+m 这个时候m可以为不为1, i.e. 0+2=2, 这就与我们的支点脱节了。我们固定他们,P(n):n+m=n+1,这就保证了证明前后的一致性。最重要的,数学归纳法只能归纳一个变量 i.e. n+0=n, 不固定的话就成了多个变量了,这就得使用多变量的数学归纳法了。
Principle of Double Induction:
If is a doubly indexed family of statements, one for each m ≥ a and n ≥ b such that is true For all , if is true, then is true For all , if is true for all , then is true for all , then is true for all and .
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