
Exercise 09

Exercise 09

Exercise 09

Working with them, we created one of the best yarns in the world,which consists of thin metallic alloys 1 wrapped around with polyester fibers and cotton fibers.These yarns were made in the same machines which were making yarns for kimonos for generations.We then took these yarns and gave them to the factory, which is making textiles,and we wove our smart textile using 2 regular machines in a variety of colors and materials,and we gave those textiles to a tailor in Savile Row in London.So tailors are traditionalists, particularly in Savile Row.They don't use computers. They don't use 3 machines . They use hands and they cut.They fit their products on the human body, not on 3-D avatars.Technology is not a part of their vocabulary, but they are modern people. They know how to use technology.So if technology can be 4 formed and shaped like a button, like a textile, like something they can use,they absolutely can make a wearable, a garment which can place a phone call.So now we've proven that you can actually make a wearable, not by an 5 electronic company, but by a tailor.We worked and collaborated with Levi's, our partners and our neighbors,to make a real product, and this product is this jacket I'm wearing right now. You can buy it. It's on sale.It was made in the same factories which make all their products,and you have noticed I've been controlling my 6 presentation from the sleeve of the jacket.I go like this, it goes forward. Like this, it goes backward.And of course, I can do more things. It's not just to control a presentation.I can now control my navigation, control my music,but most importantly, it stays a jacket, it stays a thing, which makes me look great.And that's the most important thing.So OK, we proved we can turn things into interfaces.We proved that these things can be made by makers of things and not by technology companies. I look awesome. Are we done?Not yet. The third challenge: How can we scale?How can we go from one product to many products?And that's what we're working on right now. Let me tell you how we're going to do this.First of all, I want to make myself clear -- I am not talking about the Internet of Things.I'm not talking about creating another gadget you get bored with and throw in the back of your drawer and forget about.I am talking about the foundational, important 7 principle which guides my work:"Technology has to make existing things better."It makes them better by connecting them to your digital life and adds new usefulness and new functionality while remaining the same original purpose, not changing it.This jacket I am wearing can control my mobile phone and presentation, but it still remains a jacket.That means that once we start making all things interactive and connected,every thing would have its own set of actuators, displays and 8 sensors specific for those things.A pair of running shoes does not need to have a touch sensor. Why would it have one? If you have a sensor, it should measure your running performance or knee impact, while remaining a great pair of shoes.Makers of things will have to start thinking what kind of digital functionality they have to offer to their consumers.They will have to become service providers, or they may become irrelevant.We will have to provide and create a service ecosystem just like we've done for mobile phones,where you have apps and services and everything else, and sometimes, you're still making a phone call.Now to make this ecosystem possible, we have to avoid fragmentation.We have to avoid different interfaces for different people for different things.We have to create uniform user experience and,for that reason, we have to create a single computing 9 platform which powers all those things.What is the platform going to be? And I think the answer is obvious: it's a cloud, cloud computing.Now you cannot connect things directly to the cloud, obviously.So you have to develop a small device which can be plugged into all the things and make them connected to the cloud to unlock their potential and add new functionality.So let me show, for the first time, the real device which we've built.We are showing this for the first time.That's what it looks like, and it's a small device which will be connected to things we want to make smart and connected and interactive.How is it going to work? So on the back, you have a few electrodes.So when you 10 plug them into different things, like here,the device will recognize where you're plugging them and then reconfigure itself to enable specific functionality for this particular thing.We would like to give this device to makers of things, the people who make your clothing and furniture,so they can use it just like they use a button or a zipper.And what they're going to make with them is up to them.We don't want to dictate the use cases.We would like to let people who make those things -- artists and designers, brands and craftsmen to imagine and create this new world where things are connected and have all this new, exciting digital functionality.We don't need keyboards and screens and mouses to interact with your computer.So I've been working on this idea for 20 years, and now it's taking shape, and as it's taking shape,what we are realizing is that I always thought I was working on computer interfaces,I always thought of myself as an interaction designer, but I'm realizing that I'm not building interfaces.What I realized is that me and my team, we're building a new kind of computer, an ambient computer. Thank you.


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