

 1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
 2 class Solution:
 3     def __init__(self):
 4         self.l = []
 5         self.min = 0
 6         self.max = 0
 7         self.len = 0
 9     def Insert(self, num):
10         if self.len == 0:
11             self.l.append(num)
12             self.min = num
13             self.max = num
14         else:
15             if num <= self.min:
16                 self.min = num
17                 self.l.insert(0,num)
18             elif num >= self.max:
19                 self.max = num
20                 self.l.append(num)
21             else:
22                 for i in range(1,self.len):
23                     if  self.l[i-1] <= num  and num <= self.l[i]:
24                         self.l.insert(i,num)
25                         break
26         self.len += 1
27         # write code here
28     def GetMedian(self,data):
29         if self.len == 0:
30             return 0
31         elif self.len == 1:
32             return self.l[0]
33         elif self.len == 2 :
34             return (self.l[0] + self.l[1]) / 2.0
35         else:
36             result = 0
37             if self.len % 2 == 1:
38                 mid = self.len // 2
39                 result = self.l[mid]
40             else:
41                 mid = self.len // 2
42                 result = (self.l[mid] + self.l[mid - 1]) / 2.0
43             return result
44         # write code here




 1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
 2 class Solution:
 3     # 返回对应char
 4     def __init__(self):
 5         self.cnts = [0] * 256
 6         self.queue = []
 8     def FirstAppearingOnce(self):
 9         return '#' if len(self.queue)==0 else chr(self.queue[0])
10         # write code here
11     def Insert(self, char):
12         self.cnts[ord(char)] += 1
13         self.queue.append(ord(char))
14         while len(self.queue) > 0 and self.cnts[self.queue[0]] > 1:
15             self.queue.pop(0)
16         # write code here


posted on 2019-06-13 13:15  Sempron2800+  阅读(132)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报