QGIS的编译 (Windows)






Following a summary of the required dependencies for building:

Required build tools:


* CMake >= 3.10.0

* Flex >= 2.5.6

* Bison >= 2.4

* Python >= 3.7


Required build dependencies:


* Qt >= 5.12.0

* Proj >= 4.9.3

* GEOS >= 3.4

* Sqlite3 >= 3.0.0

* SpatiaLite >= 4.2.0

* libspatialindex

* GDAL/OGR >= 2.1

* Qwt >= 5.0 & (< 6.1 with internal QwtPolar)

* expat >= 1.95

* QScintilla2


* qtkeychain (>= 0.5)

* libzip


Optional dependencies:


* for GRASS providers and plugin - GRASS >= 7.0.0.

* for georeferencer - GSL >= 1.8

* for PostGIS support - PostgreSQL >= 8.0.x

* for gps plugin - gpsbabel

* for mapserver export and PyQGIS - Python >= 3.6

* for python support - SIP >= 4.12, PyQt >= 5.3 must match Qt version, Qscintilla2

* for qgis mapserver - FastCGI

* for oracle provider - Oracle OCI library

Indirect dependencies:

Some proprietary formats (e.g., ECW and MrSid) supported by GDAL require proprietary third party libraries. QGIS doesn't need any of those itself to build, but will only support those formats if GDAL is built accordingly. Refer to http://gdal.org/formats_list.html ff. for instructions how to include those formats in GDAL.


三、Building on Windows using vs

3.1 Other tools and dependencies

Download and install following packages:





GNU flex, GNU bison and GIT

在 windows 系统上提供的类 unix 环境,用于下载所需要的包。

http://cygwin.com/setup-x86.exe (32bit) or 

http://cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe (64bit)


用于 windows 系统里一系列的开源 gis 的发布。

http://download.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/osgeo4w-setup-x86_64.exe  (推荐)






For the QGIS build you need to install following packages from cygwin:

  • bison
  • flex
  • git

and from OSGeo4W (select Advanced Installation):

  • qgis-dev-deps

This will also select packages the above packages depend on.

If you install other packages, this might cause issues. Particularly, make sure not to install the msinttypes package. It installs a stdint.h file in OSGeo4W[64]\include, that conflicts with Visual Studio own stdint.h, which for example breaks the build of the virtual layer provider.

Earlier versions of this document also covered how to build all above dependencies. If you're interested in that, check the history of this page in the Wiki or the SVN repository.

ninja: copy ninja.exe to d:\OSGeo4W64\bin\




1. cygwin的安装

一步步安装,直至选择包的界面,分别搜索需以上的包,若未安装,会显示 skip,点击切换版本即可。下图为已安装,显示为 keep。


搜索了:flex,  bison, ninja,。


2. OSGeo4W安装 (例如,若自己电脑上有QGIS 3.12安装版本,可省去这部分)

选择 Advanced Install,否则安装路径假设默认为 C:\OSGeo4W64。



到选择包界面时,输入 qgis-dev-deps,同样,若未安装,会显示为 skip,点击切换版本即可。




avce00    (2.0.0-1)

The AVCE00 commandline utilities for Arc/Info E00 conversion

Required by: grass


boost-libs    (1.56.0-2)

The Boost library (runtime libraries).

Required by: libkml


cairo    (1.12.14-1)

Cairo library

Required by: grass


curl    (7.67.0-1)

The CURL HTTP/FTP library and commandline utility.

Required by: gdal-dev, proj-dev, netcdf, gdal, gdal111dll


curl-ca-bundle    (20191119-1)

CURL CA certificates

Required by: curl


exiv2    (0.26-1)

Image metadata library

Required by: exiv2-devel


exiv2-devel    (0.26-1)

Image metadata library (development)

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


expat    (2.1.0-1)

The Expat XML Parser library

Required by: qgis-dev-deps, gdal-dev, ogdi, gpsbabel, gdal, exiv2, gdal111dll, libkml


fcgi    (2.4.1-2)

FastCGI Library

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


fftw    (3.3.3-1)

Fast Fourier transformation library (Development)

Required by: grass


freexl    (1.0.2-1)

The FreeXL library for accessing Excel (.xls) spreadsheet.

Required by: gdal-dev, spatialite, gdal, gdal111dll


gdal    (3.0.4-2)

The GDAL/OGR library and commandline tools

Required by: grass, gpsbabel, python3-gdal


gdal-dev    (3.1.0-273)

The GDAL/OGR library and commandline tools (nightly master)

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


gdal111dll    (1.11.3-1)

The GDAL/OGR 1.11 DLL (backward compability package)

Required by: liblas


geos    (3.8.1-1)

The GEOS geometry library

Required by: gdal-dev, spatialite, gdal, liblwgeom, gdal111dll


gpsbabel    (1.4.4-2)

GPS file conversion plus transfer to/from GPS units

Required by: grass


grass    (7.8.2-2)


Required by: qgis-dev-deps


gs    (9.07-1)


Required by: grass


gsl-devel    (1.15-1)

GNU Scientific Library (GSL; Development)

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


gsl-libs    (1.15-1)

GNU Scientific Library (GSL)

Required by: gsl-devel


hdf4    (4.2.14-1)

The HDF4 library for reading and writing HDF4 format

Required by: gdal-dev, gdal, gdal111dll


hdf5    (1.10.4-1)

The HDF5 library for reading and writing HDF5 format

Required by: netcdf, gdal111dll


iconv    (1.14-1)

Codepage translation Library

Required by: qgis-dev-deps, grass, spatialite, freexl, cairo, gdal111dll


iconv-vc14    (1.15-1)

Codepage translation Library

Required by: gdal-dev, gdal


icu-libs    (56.1-3)

ICU (library)

Required by: qtwebkit-qt5-libs


laszip2    (2.2.0-3)

The LASzip compression library (version 2)

Required by: liblas


libgeotiff    (1.4.2-1)

The Libgeotiff library, commandline tools and supporting tables.

Required by: liblas, gdal111dll


libjpeg    (6b-4)

A library for manipulating JPEG image format files

Required by: gdal-dev, libtiff, gdal111dll


libjpeg12    (6b-4)

A library for manipulating 12bit JPEG image format files

Required by: libtiff


libkml    (1.3.0-1)


Required by: gdal


liblas    (1.8.0-1)

The libLAS commandline utilities

Required by: grass


liblwgeom    (3.0.0-2)


Required by: spatialite


libmysql    (6.1.9-1)

MySQL Client Library.

Required by: gdal-dev, gdal, gdal111dll


libpng    (1.6.3-1)

the official PNG reference library

Required by: gdal-dev, grass, gdal


libpng-vc14    (1.6.29-1)

the official PNG reference library

Required by: openjpeg


libpq    (11.5-1)

The libpq library for accessing PostgreSQL + psql commandline client

Required by: gdal-dev, gdal, gdal111dll


libspatialindex    (1.9.0-1)

The libspatialindex library

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


libtiff    (4.0.8-1)

A library for manipulating TIFF format image files (runtime)

Required by: grass, proj-dev, openjpeg, liblas, libgeotiff, gdal111dll


libxml2    (2.9.1-1)

An XML read/write library

Required by: spatialite, cairo


libzip-devel    (1.2.0-2)

libzip (development)

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


libzip-libs    (1.2.0-2)

libzip (runtime library)

Required by: libzip-devel


msvc2015    (1.0.0-1)


Required by: spatialite, icu-libs


msvcrt    (1.0.3-1)

Microsoft Visual C/C++ Runtimes

Required by: grass, oci-devel, shell, openjpeg, msvcrt2015, oci, opencl, setup, libkml


msvcrt2008    (1.0.0-1)

Microsoft Visual C/C++ 2008 Runtimes

Required by: msvcrt


msvcrt2010    (1.0.0-2)

Microsoft Visual C/C++ 2010 Runtimes

Required by: msvcrt, xerces-c-vc10


msvcrt2012    (1.0.0-2)

Microsoft Visual C/C++ 2012 Runtimes.

Required by: boost-libs


msvcrt2013    (1.0.0-2)

Microsoft Visual C/C++ 2013 Runtimes

Required by: grass, liblas


msvcrt2015    (1.0-2)

Microsoft Visual C/C++ 2015 Runtimes

Required by: grass, libspatialindex, proj-dev, curl, geos, libmysql, sqlite3, libpq, xerces-c, hdf4, ogdi, iconv-vc14, zstd, libtiff, gdal, proj, libzip-libs, python3-core, qt5-libs, liblwgeom, msvc2015, exiv2, protobuf, openssl, hdf5, szip, laszip2, xz


netcdf    (4.7.3-1)

The NetCDF library and commands for reading and writing NetCDF format

Required by: gdal-dev, gdal, gdal111dll


oci    (

Oracle Instant Client

Required by: oci-devel


oci-devel    (

Oracle Instant Client (Development)

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


ogdi    (4.1.0-1)

OGDI data access library (mainly for VPF reading)

Required by: gdal-dev, gdal, gdal111dll


opencl    (2.0.10-5)

KhronosGroup OpenCL runtime

Required by: opencl-devel


opencl-devel    (2.0.10-4)

KhronosGroup OpenCL development files

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


openjpeg    (2.3.0-1)


Required by: gdal-dev, gdal, gdal111dll


openssl    (1.1.1d-2)

OpenSSL Cryptography (Runtime)

Required by: curl, libpq, python3-core, qt5-libs


openssl10    (1.0.2j-1)

OpenSSL 1.0 Cryptography (Old Runtime)

Required by: libzip-libs, openssl


pdcurses    (3.4-2)

PDCurses (MinGW built)

Required by: grass


proj    (6.3.1-1)

The PROJ library and commands for coordinate system transformations.

Required by: grass, spatialite, liblas, gdal, liblwgeom, gdal111dll


proj-datumgrid    (1.8-1)

Assorted PROJ datum grid shift files

Required by: proj-dev, liblas, proj


proj-dev    (7.1.0-37)

The PROJ library and commands for coordinate system transformations (nightly master).

Required by: gdal-dev


proj-dev-data    (1.1-4)

The PROJ data (nightly master).

Required by: proj-dev


proj-hpgn    (1.0-1)

PROJ.4 HPGN (HARN) grid shift files

Required by: proj-dev, liblas, proj


protobuf    (3.11.4-2)

Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format

Required by: protobuf-devel


protobuf-devel    (3.11.4-2)

Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format (development)

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


pyqt5    (5.11.3-2)

Python bindings for Qt5.

Required by: qgis-dev-deps, python3-qscintilla


python3-core    (3.7.0-4)

Python3 core interpreter and runtime

Required by: pyqt5, python3-devel, python3-qscintilla, python3-nose2, python3-future, python3-pyyaml, python3-mock, python3-six, sip-qt5, python3-gdal, python3-matplotlib, python3-wx, python3-numpy, python3-pillow, python3-pip, python3-ply, python3-pyopengl, python3-pywin32, python3-coverage, python3-pbr, python3-pyparsing, python3-cycler, python3-kiwisolver, python3-python-dateutil, python3-psycopg2-binary, python3-setuptools


python3-coverage    (4.5.1-1)

Code coverage measurement for Python

Required by: python3-nose2


python3-cycler    (0.10.0-2)

Composable style cycles

Required by: python3-matplotlib


python3-devel    (3.7.0-1)

Python3 library and header files

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


python3-future    (0.16.0-2)

Clean single-source support for Python 3 and 2

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


python3-gdal    (3.0.4-2)

The GDAL/OGR Python3 Bindings and Scripts

Required by: grass


python3-kiwisolver    (1.1.0-1)

A fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver

Required by: python3-matplotlib


python3-matplotlib    (3.1.3-1)

Python plotting package

Required by: grass


python3-mock    (2.0.0-2)

Rolling backport of unittest.mock for all Pythons

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


python3-nose2    (0.8.0-1)

nose2 is the next generation of nicer testing for Python

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


python3-numpy    (1.18.1-1)

NumPy is the fundamental package for array computing with Python.

Required by: grass, python3-gdal, python3-matplotlib


python3-pbr    (4.3.0-1)

Python Build Reasonableness

Required by: python3-mock


python3-pillow    (5.3.0-1)

Python Imaging Library (Fork)

Required by: grass


python3-pip    (20.0.2-1)

The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages.

Required by: grass


python3-ply    (3.11-2)

Python Lex & Yacc

Required by: grass


python3-psycopg2    (2.8.4-1)

psycopg2 - Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter (transitional)

Required by: grass



python3-psycopg2-binary    (2.8.4-1)

psycopg2 - Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter

Required by: python3-psycopg2


python3-pyopengl    (3.1.0-1)

Standard OpenGL bindings for Python

Required by: grass


python3-pyparsing    (2.4.6-1)

Python parsing module

Required by: python3-matplotlib


python3-python-dateutil    (2.8.1-1)

Extensions to the standard Python datetime module

Required by: python3-matplotlib


python3-pywin32    (224-1)

Python for Window Extensions

Required by: grass


python3-pyyaml    (5.3-1)

YAML parser and emitter for Python

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


python3-qscintilla    (2.10.8-1)

Python3 bindings for Qt5 QScintilla

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


python3-setuptools    (45.2.0-1)

Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages

Required by: python3-kiwisolver


python3-six    (1.14.0-1)

Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities

Required by: qgis-dev-deps, grass, python3-nose2, python3-mock, python3-wx, python3-cycler, python3-python-dateutil


python3-wx    (4.0.7-1)

wxPython - Python3 bindings for wxWidgets

Required by: grass


qca-qt5-devel    (2.1.3-1)

Qt5 Cryptographic Architecture headers and libraries (Development)

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


qca-qt5-libs    (2.1.3-1)

Qt5 Cryptographic Architecture runtime libraries

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


qscintilla-qt5    (2.10.8-1)

Qt5 source code editing component.

Required by: qgis-dev-deps, python3-qscintilla


qt5-devel    (5.11.2-1)

Qt5 headers and libraries (Development)

Required by: qgis-dev-deps, qca-qt5-devel, qtkeychain-qt5-devel


qt5-libs    (5.11.2-1)

Qt5 runtime libraries

Required by: pyqt5, qca-qt5-devel, qca-qt5-libs, qscintilla-qt5, qt5-devel, qtkeychain-qt5-devel, qtwebkit-qt5-libs, qtwebengine-qt5-libs, qwt-libs-qt5, qtkeychain-qt5-libs


qt5-libs-debug    (5.11.2-1)

Qt5 runtime libraries (debug version)

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


qtkeychain-qt5-devel    (0.9-1)

Platform-independent Qt API for storing passwords securely. (Development)

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


qtkeychain-qt5-libs    (0.9-1)

Platform-independent Qt API for storing passwords securely.

Required by: qtkeychain-qt5-devel


qtwebengine-qt5-libs    (5.10.1-1)

WebEngine for Qt5

Required by: pyqt5


qtwebkit-qt5-devel    (5.212-1)

WebKit for Qt5 (development)

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


qtwebkit-qt5-libs    (5.212-1)

WebKit for Qt5

Required by: pyqt5, qtwebkit-qt5-devel, qtwebkit-qt5-libs-debug


qtwebkit-qt5-libs-debug    (5.9.1-1)

WekKit for Qt5 (debug libraries)

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


qwt-devel-qt5    (6.1.3-5)

Qt5 widgets library for technical applications (Development)

Required by: qgis-dev-deps


qwt-libs-qt5    (6.1.3-5)

Qt5 widgets library for technical applications (runtime)

Required by: qwt-devel-qt5


rbatch    (149-4)

Windows batchfiles for use with R

Required by: grass


setup    (1.0.7-16)

OSGeo4W Installer/Updater

Required by: shell


shell    (1.0.2-4)

OSGeo4W Command Shell

Required by: expat, fcgi, gdal-dev, gsl-devel, iconv, python3-qscintilla, qca-qt5-devel, qscintilla-qt5, qt5-libs-debug, qwt-devel-qt5, qtkeychain-qt5-devel, libpng, libjpeg, liblas, avce00, gpsbabel, pdcurses, zlib, fftw, cairo, gsl-libs, qwt-libs-qt5, libxml2, setup, libpng-vc14, libgeotiff, gdal111dll, laszip2, libjpeg12


sip-qt5    (4.19.14-1)

Python3/C++ bindings generator (Development)

Required by: qgis-dev-deps, pyqt5


spatialite    (4.3.0a-6)

The SpatiaLite library for adding spatial capabilities to SQLite3 DBMS.

Required by: qgis-dev-deps, gdal-dev, gdal, gdal111dll


sqlite3    (3.29.0-1)

The SQLite3 library for accessing SQLite3 database files.

Required by: gdal-dev, spatialite, proj-dev, gdal, python3-core, qt5-libs, gdal111dll


szip    (2.1.1-1)

SZIP compression library

Required by: hdf4, hdf5


xerces-c    (3.2.0-1)

The Xerces-C 3 library for parsing XML files (runtime)

Required by: gdal-dev, gdal


xerces-c-vc10    (3.1.1-1)

The Xerces-C 3 library for parsing XML files

Required by: gdal111dll


xz    (5.2.3-1)

XZ-format compression library

Required by: libtiff, gdal


zlib    (1.2.8-1)

The zlib compression and decompression library (runtime)

Required by: grass, qt5-libs-debug, ogdi, openjpeg, gpsbabel, libtiff, cairo, qt5-libs, exiv2, protobuf, libkml


zstd    (1.3.2-1)

Zstandard Long Range Match Finder (runtime)

Required by: gdal-dev, grass, gdal, zstd-bin


zstd-bin    (1.3.2-1)

Zstandard Long Range Match Finder (binary)

Required by: grass


上面这一步是输入qgis-dev-deps ,其他的都不要,如果以前安装过QGIS最好要换一个安装目录,因为msinttypes中的头文件可能与VS2015中的文件件冲突,官方原话是这样的

接下来把git上下载的QGIS源码(建议用移动网络手机WiFi热点下载,实测电信30kiB/s, 移动 4G通用流量 500kiB/s,5G套餐流量,使用4G手机,最快达到5.05 MiB/s)。


可以看出,在2020.4.27的时候,qgis的源码已经达到了 1.64GB,下载时,一定要找一个网络比较稳定的时候。否则直接git clone将非常耗时。我之所以使用git clone, 是为了日后直接关联到 github远程仓库,同步远程仓库的

将源码文件夹解压出来,我是把文件都放在“OSGeo4W”安装的父目录下,当然这个是可以自定义的。例如,放到一个编译qgis源码的父目录下 E:\Projs\algs\qgis\。



3.2 Setting up the Visual Studio project with Cmake


以下保存为批处理文件 XXX\qgis-dev.bat,其中具体的路径,替换成自己机子环境对应的路径,

其中的路径包括 vs 、window sdk、OSGeo、cygwin64等。

@echo off
set VS140COMNTOOLS = D:\Go\Program\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0
call "D:\Go\Program\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64
set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Include
set LIB=%LIB%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Lib
call "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\o4w_env.bat"
call "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\py3_env.bat"
call "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\qt5_env.bat"
path %path%;D:\Go\Program\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin
path %PATH%;D:\Go\Program\CMake\bin;E:\ProgramFiles\cygwin64\bin
@set GRASS_PREFIX=C:\OSGeo4W64\apps/grass/grass-7.6.0
@set LIB=%LIB%;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\lib;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\lib
set LIB=%LIB%;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\Qt5\lib;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\lib
set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\Qt5\include;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\include


1)如果是vs2017, 上面两行蓝色的内容,并不好填写,可以省去。在cmake的时候,可以自动弹出窗口,选择设置。



New my file

@echo off
call "C:\Program\Dev\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64
set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;C:\Windows Kits\10\Lib\Include
set LIB=%LIB%;C:\Windows Kits\10\Lib
set OSGEO4W_ROOT=D:\Pros\Office\QGIS_Dev\OSGeo4W
call "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\o4w_env.bat"
call "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\py3_env.bat"
call "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\qt5_env.bat"
path %PATH%;D:\Pros\IDE\IDE Tools\cmake-3.17.1-win64-x64\bin;D:\Pros\IDE\IDE Tools\cygwin64\bin
@set GRASS_PREFIX=D:\Pros\Office\QGIS_Dev\OSGeo4W\apps\grass\grass78
@set LIB=%LIB%;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\lib;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\lib
set LIB=%LIB%;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\Qt5\lib;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\lib
set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\apps\Qt5\include;%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\include


在D:\QGIS目录下按住shift键不放,右击鼠标选择 “在此处打开power shell 窗口(s)” ,输入下面命令进入cmake窗口。




双击以上保存的 qgis-dev.bat,输入 cmake-gui,会弹出 cmake 的配置界面,写好 qgis 源码目录及build 目录。




Enable test

Install please


Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.17763.0 to target Windows 10.0.18363.

QGIS version: 3.13.0 Master (31300)

Found OpenCL C++ headers: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/include

Could not find GRASS 7

Found Proj: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/proj_i.lib version 6 (6.3.1)

Found GEOS: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/geos_c.lib (3.8.1)

Found GDAL: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/gdal_i.lib (3.0.4)

Found Expat: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/expat.lib

Found Spatialindex: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/spatialindex-64.lib

Found Qwt: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/apps/Qt5/lib/qwt.lib (6.1.3)

Found libzip: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/zip.lib

Found Sqlite3: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/sqlite3_i.lib

Found Protobuf: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/libprotobuf.lib

Found zlib: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/zlib.lib

Found PostgreSQL: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/libpq.lib

Found SpatiaLite: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/spatialite_i.lib

Qt WebKit support enabled

Found Qt version: 5.11.2

Found QScintilla2: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/apps/Qt5/lib/qscintilla2_qt5.lib (2.10.8)

Found QtKeychain: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/apps/Qt5/lib/qt5keychain.lib

Found QCA: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/apps/Qt5/lib/qca-qt5.lib (2.1.3)

Pedantic compiler settings enabled

Found Python executable: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/bin/python3.exe

Found Python version: 3.7.0

Found Python library: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/apps/Python37/libs/python37.lib

Found Python site-packages: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/apps/Python37/Lib/site-packages

Found PyQt5 version: 5.11.3

Found SIP version: 4.19.14

Found QScintilla2 PyQt module: 2.10.8

txt2tags not found - disabled

Found exiv2: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/exiv2.lib

Could NOT find PkgConfig (missing: PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE)

Found GSL: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/gsl.lib;D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/cblas.lib

Using PROJ 6 srs database.

Ctest Binary Directory set to: E:/Projs/algs/qgis/qgis_source/build/output/bin

Configuring done


点击Open Project后会打开VS2015,打开后出现的工程项目比较多,如果只要基本功能的话,可以只保留下面几项,如果后期需要再加上。




  • qgis:QGIS可执行程序
  • qgis_native:依赖项
  • libdxfrw:依赖项
  • qgis_app:
  • qgis_analysis:依赖项
  • qgis_core:依赖项,QGIS核心库
  • qgis_gui:依赖项,QGIS核心库
  • ui:QGIS所有的界面
  • gdalprovider:读取栅格数据驱动
  • ogrprovider:读取矢量数据驱动
  • version:版本

由于源代码为 utf-8 编码,本机 locale 为中文,编译时可能出现 ”Newline in constant“ 的错误,需显示告诉编译器源码为 utf-8 :

右键-Properties-- c/c++,Command Line,Addtional Options 里添加:


编译选项选择“RelWithDebInfo”,进行编译。由于源码比较多,先编译 core、native。总体耗时比较久,可能30分钟以上。







# for folders in vs studio .sln projects.

# added by weng. 20.4.27



# Enable solution folders.






set(QGIS_QGIS_TEST_ROOT_FOLDER "_qgis_test")






# Wrapper for test executables.



#        # ${ARGN} will store the list of source files passed to this function.

#        add_executable(${TARGET_NAME} ${ARGN})


#        target_link_libraries(${TARGET_NAME} colmap ${Boost_UNIT_TEST_FRAMEWORK_LIBRARY})

#        add_test("${FOLDER_NAME}/${TARGET_NAME}" ${TARGET_NAME})

#        if(IS_MSVC)

#            install(TARGETS ${TARGET_NAME} DESTINATION bin/)

#        endif()

#    endif()




# weng for qgis test folders. 20.4.27

# set_target_properties(clean-staged-${plugin} PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_ZZZ_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(libdxfrw PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_CORE_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(mdalprovider PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_CORE_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(owsprovider PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_CORE_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(postgresprovider PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_CORE_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(qgis PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_CORE_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(qgis_3d PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_CORE_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(qgis_analysis PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_CORE_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(qgis_app PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_CORE_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(qgis_core PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_CORE_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(qgis_desktop PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_CORE_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(qgis_gui PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_CORE_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(qgis_native PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_CORE_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(ui PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_CORE_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(version PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_CORE_ROOT_FOLDER}/)



# uninstall

set_target_properties(uninstall PROPERTIES FOLDER ${CMAKE_TARGETS_ROOT_FOLDER}/)  # weng for qgis test folders. 20.4.27




# server

# not all server about projects.

# weng for qgis test folders. 20.4.29

set_target_properties(qgis_server_full PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_SERVER_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(wms PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_SERVER_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(wfs PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_SERVER_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(wcs PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_SERVER_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(wfs3 PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_SERVER_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(wmts PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_SERVER_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(qgis_server PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_SERVER_ROOT_FOLDER}/)


set_target_properties(qgis_mapserv.fcgi PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_SERVER_ROOT_FOLDER}/)

set_target_properties(qgis_serverquerystringparametertest PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_SERVER_ROOT_FOLDER}/)



# Include helper macros and commands, and allow the included file to override

# the CMake policies in this file

include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/CMakeHelper.cmake NO_POLICY_SCOPE)



# move vs projects to folder. weng 20.4.27

include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/CMakeHelper_end.cmake NO_POLICY_SCOPE)



# weng for qgis test folders. 20.4.27

set_target_properties(qgis_${testname} PROPERTIES FOLDER ${QGIS_QGIS_TEST_ROOT_FOLDER}/)








build 完成后,输出在 C:\OSGeo4W64\QGIS\build\output\bin\RelWithDebInfo


gis 依赖比较多,可通过设置环境变量的方式来运行。以下内容保存为 qgis.bat。
@echo off
call "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\o4w_env.bat"
call "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\py3_env.bat"
call "%OSGEO4W_ROOT%\bin\qt5_env.bat"
start qgis

双击运行 qgis.bat。


(0)CMake问题: ADD_SUBDIRECTORY given source "native" which is not an existing directory.

CMake Error at src/CMakeLists.txt:1 (ADD_SUBDIRECTORY):

ADD_SUBDIRECTORY given source "native" which is not an existing directory.


Found exiv2: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/exiv2.lib

CMake Error at src/CMakeLists.txt:9 (ADD_SUBDIRECTORY):

ADD_SUBDIRECTORY given source "ui" which is not an existing directory.


CMake Error at src/CMakeLists.txt:14 (ADD_SUBDIRECTORY):

ADD_SUBDIRECTORY given source "providers" which is not an existing



CMake Error at src/CMakeLists.txt:22 (ADD_SUBDIRECTORY):

ADD_SUBDIRECTORY given source "test" which is not an existing directory.


CMake Error at src/CMakeLists.txt:26 (ADD_SUBDIRECTORY):

ADD_SUBDIRECTORY given source "plugins" which is not an existing directory.


CMake Error at src/CMakeLists.txt:34 (ADD_SUBDIRECTORY):

ADD_SUBDIRECTORY given source "python" which is not an existing directory.


CMake Error at src/CMakeLists.txt:50 (ADD_SUBDIRECTORY):

ADD_SUBDIRECTORY given source "process" which is not an existing directory.


Using PROJ 6 srs database.

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:993 (ADD_SUBDIRECTORY):

ADD_SUBDIRECTORY given source "tests" which is not an existing directory.



(1) protobufC++)的使用(windows

(2) Qt5Gui_DIR

WITH_Qt5SerialPort 取消

修改cmakelist, 新添加如下内容。

set(Qt5Gui_DIR "C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5Gui/")

set(Qt5Widgets_DIR "C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5Widgets/")

set(Qt5Network_DIR "C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5Network/")


set(Qt5Xml_DIR "C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5Xml/")

set(Qt5Svg_DIR "C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5Svg/")

set(Qt5Concurrent_DIR "C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5Concurrent/")

set(Qt5PrintSupport_DIR "C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5PrintSupport/")

set(Qt5Positioning_DIR "C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5Positioning/")


set(Qt5WebKit_DIR "C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5WebKit/")

set(Qt5WebKitWidgets_DIR "C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5WebKitWidgets/")


set(Qt5Test_DIR "C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5Test/")

set(Qt5UiTools_DIR "C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5UiTools/")

set(Qt5Sql_DIR "C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5Sql/")


set(Qt53DCore_DIR "C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt53DCore/")

set(Qt53DRender_DIR "C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt53DRender/")


set(Qt53DInput_DIR "C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt53DInput/")

set(Qt53DLogic_DIR "C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt53DLogic/")

set(Qt53DExtras_DIR "C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt53DExtras/")



Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.17763.0 to target Windows 10.0.18363.

QGIS version: 3.13.0 Master (31300)

Found OpenCL C++ headers: E:/Projs/algs/qgis/qgis_source/external/opencl-clhpp/include

Could not find GRASS 7

Found Proj: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_3_12/lib/proj_i.lib version 6 (6.3.1)

Found GEOS: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_3_12/lib/geos_c.lib (3.8.0)

Found GDAL: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_3_12/lib/gdal_i.lib (3.0.4)

Found Expat: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_3_12/lib/expat.lib

Found Spatialindex: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_3_12/lib/spatialindex-64.lib

Found libzip: D:\Pros\IDE\VS_LIBS\boost_comp\zlib_install\lib

Found Sqlite3: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_3_12/lib/sqlite3_i.lib

Found Protobuf: D:\Pros\IDE\VS_LIBS\vcpkg\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\lib

Found zlib: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_3_12/lib/zlib.lib

Found PostgreSQL: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_3_12/lib/libpq.lib

Found SpatiaLite: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_3_12/lib/spatialite_i.lib

Qt WebKit support DISABLED.

CMake Error at C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5UiTools/Qt5UiToolsConfig.cmake:74 (message):

Library not found: Qt5Cored

Call Stack (most recent call first):

C:/Program/Dev/Qt/Qt5.13.1/5.13.1/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5UiTools/Qt5UiToolsConfig.cmake:227 (_qt5_UiTools_process_prl_file)

CMakeLists.txt:444 (FIND_PACKAGE)


Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

See also "E:/Projs/algs/qgis/qgis_build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".

See also "E:/Projs/algs/qgis/qgis_build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".




(3)Could not load qgis_app.dll.

Error loading QGIS

Oops, looks like an error loading Qgis, Details Could not load qgis_app.dll.

Window Erro: The specified procedure could not be found.

Help: Check c:\OS.. qgis-bin.env for correct environmental paths.













是否和 D:\Pros\IDE\VS_LIBS\vcpkg\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\include__,  中的protobuf重复了。所以,将其include更改,再试一下。

发现不是和上述vcpkg中的protobuf冲突了,而是qgis_core.dll上引用的D:\Pros\Office\QGIS_Dev\OSGeo4W\lib下的"libprotobuf-lite.lib", 将其改为 libprotobuf.lib 即可。




ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt5.pyqtconfig'

1>------ 已启动生成: 项目: version, 配置: Release x64 ------

1>Building Custom Rule E:/Projs/algs/qgis/qgis_source2/CMakeLists.txt

1>CMake is re-running because E:/Projs/algs/qgis/qgis_source2/build/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is out-of-date.

1>  the file 'E:/Projs/algs/qgis/qgis_source2/CMakeLists.txt'

1>  is newer than 'E:/Projs/algs/qgis/qgis_source2/build/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp.depend'

1>  result='-1'

1>-- Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.17763.0 to target Windows 10.0.18363.

1>-- QGIS version: 3.13.0 Master (31300)

1>-- Found OpenCL C++ headers: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/include

1>-- Could not find GRASS 7

1>-- Found Proj: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/proj_i.lib version 6 (6.3.1)

1>-- Found GEOS: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/geos_c.lib (3.8.1)

1>-- Found GDAL: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/gdal_i.lib (3.0.4)

1>-- Found Expat: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/expat.lib

1>-- Found Spatialindex: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/spatialindex-64.lib

1>-- Found Qwt: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/apps/Qt5/lib/qwt.lib (6.1.3)

1>-- Found libzip: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/zip.lib

1>-- Found Sqlite3: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/sqlite3_i.lib

1>-- Found Protobuf: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/libprotobuf.lib

1>-- Found zlib: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/zlib.lib

1>-- Found PostgreSQL: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/libpq.lib

1>-- Found SpatiaLite: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/lib/spatialite_i.lib

1>-- Qt WebKit support enabled

1>-- Found Qt version: 5.11.2

1>-- Found QScintilla2: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/apps/Qt5/lib/qscintilla2_qt5.lib (2.10.8)

1>-- Found QtKeychain: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/apps/Qt5/lib/qt5keychain.lib

1>-- Found QCA: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/apps/Qt5/lib/qca-qt5.lib (2.1.3)

1>-- Pedantic compiler settings enabled

1>-- Found Python executable: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/bin/python3.exe

1>-- Found Python version: 3.7.0

1>-- Found Python library: D:/Pros/Office/QGIS_Dev/OSGeo4W/apps/Python37/libs/python37.lib

1>-- Found Python site-packages: D:/Pros/IDE/Python37/Lib/site-packages

1>Traceback (most recent call last):

1>  File "E:/Projs/algs/qgis/qgis_source2/cmake/FindPyQt5.py", line 34, in <module>

1>    import PyQt5.pyqtconfig

1>ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt5.pyqtconfig'


1>During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:


1>Traceback (most recent call last):

1>  File "E:/Projs/algs/qgis/qgis_source2/cmake/FindPyQt5.py", line 38, in <module>

1>    import sipconfig # won't work for SIP v5

1>ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sipconfig'

1>Traceback (most recent call last):

1>  File "E:/Projs/algs/qgis/qgis_source2/cmake/FindSIP.py", line 33, in <module>

1>    import sipconfig

1>ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sipconfig'

1>CMake Error at cmake/FindSIP.cmake:54 (MESSAGE):

1>  Could not find SIP

1>Call Stack (most recent call first):

1>  CMakeLists.txt:891 (FIND_PACKAGE)



1>-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

1>See also "E:/Projs/algs/qgis/qgis_source2/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".

1>See also "E:/Projs/algs/qgis/qgis_source2/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".

1>C:\Program\Dev\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(209,5): error MSB6006: “cmd.exe”已退出,代码为 1。

1>已完成生成项目“version.vcxproj”的操作 - 失败。




(6)Couldn't load SIP module.



D:\Pros\Office\QGIS_Dev\OSGeo4W\apps\Python37>python Scripts/pip.exe list


D:\Pros\Office\QGIS_Dev\OSGeo4W\apps\Python37>python Scripts/pip.exe list

Package           Version

----------------- ---------

bleach            3.1.0

certifi           2019.9.11

chardet           3.0.4

coverage          4.5.1

cycler            0.10.0

docutils          0.15.2

future            0.16.0

GDAL              3.0.4

idna              2.8

kiwisolver        1.1.0

matplotlib        3.1.3

mock              2.0.0

nose2             0.8.0

numpy             1.18.1

pbr               4.3.0

Pillow            5.3.0

pip               20.0.2


ply               3.11

psycopg2-binary   2.8.4

Pygments          2.4.2

PyOpenGL          3.1.0

pyparsing         2.4.6

PyQt5             5.11.3

python-dateutil   2.8.1

pywin32           224

PyYAML            5.3

readme-renderer   24.0

requests          2.22.0

requests-toolbelt 0.9.1

setuptools        41.2.0

sip               4.19.14

six               1.12.0

tqdm              4.36.1

twine             1.15.0

urllib3           1.25.5

webencodings      0.5.1

wheel             0.33.6

wxPython          4.0.7

WARNING: pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL, however the ssl module in Python is not available.

Could not fetch URL https://pypi.org/simple/pip/: There was a problem confirming the ssl certificate: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='pypi.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /simple/pip/ (Caused by SSLError("Can't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available.")) - skipping



D:\Pros\Office\QGIS_3_12\apps\Python37>python Scripts/pip.exe list

Package           Version

----------------- ---------

bleach            3.1.0

certifi           2019.9.11

chardet           3.0.4

coverage          4.5.1

cycler            0.10.0

decorator         4.4.1

docutils          0.15.2

ExifRead          2.1.2

future            0.16.0

GDAL              3.0.4

geographiclib     1.50

httplib2          0.11.3

idna              2.8

ipython-genutils  0.2.0

Jinja2            2.11.1

jsonschema        2.6.0

jupyter-core      4.4.0

kiwisolver        1.1.0

lxml              4.3.3

MarkupSafe        1.1.1

matplotlib        3.1.3

mock              2.0.0

nbformat          4.4.0

networkx          2.2

nose2             0.8.0

numpy             1.18.1

OWSLib            0.17.0

pandas            1.0.1

pbr               4.3.0

Pillow            5.3.0

pip               20.0.2


plotly            3.3.0

ply               3.11

psycopg2-binary   2.8.4

Pygments          2.4.2

pyodbc            4.0.24

PyOpenGL          3.1.0

pyparsing         2.4.6

pypiwin32         223

pyproj            2.5.0

PyQt5             5.11.3

python-dateutil   2.8.1

pytz              2019.3

pywin32           224

PyYAML            5.3

readme-renderer   24.0

requests          2.22.0

requests-toolbelt 0.9.1

retrying          1.3.3

scipy             1.4.1

setuptools        41.2.0

Shapely           1.7.0

simplejson        3.16.0

sip               4.19.14

six               1.12.0

tqdm              4.36.1

traitlets         4.3.3

twine             1.15.0

urllib3           1.25.5

webencodings      0.5.1

wheel             0.33.6

wxPython          4.0.7

xlrd              1.1.0

xlwt              1.3.0

WARNING: pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL, however the ssl module in Python is not available.

Could not fetch URL https://pypi.org/simple/pip/: There was a problem confirming the ssl certificate: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='pypi.org', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /simple/pip/ (Caused by SSLError("Can't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available.")) - skipping






而此时,千万不要听信网上的方法,删除 C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\QGIS 下的QGIS3文件夹。





D:\Pros\Office\QGIS_Dev\OSGeo4W\apps\Python37>python Scripts/pip.exe install jinja2 -i http://pypi.douban.com/simple --trusted-host pypi.douban.com


(8)processing 菜单消失,processing box工具箱找不到

Plugin processing: The plugin will be disabled because it crashed QGIS during last startup. Please report an issue and re-enable the plugin when the problem has been solved.









3.2 Packaging

To create a standalone installer there is a perl script named 'creatensis.pl' in 'qgis/ms-windows/osgeo4w'. It downloads all required packages from OSGeo4W and repackages them into an installer using NSIS.

The script can be run on both Windows and Linux.

On Debian/Ubuntu you can just install the 'nsis' package.

NSIS for Windows can be downloaded at:


And Perl for Windows (including other requirements like 'wget', 'unzip', 'tar' and 'bzip2') is available at:



3.3 Packaging your own build of QGIS

Assuming you have completed the above packaging step, if you want to include your own hand built QGIS executables, you need to copy them in from your windows installation into the ms-windows file tree created by the creatensis script.

cd ms-windows/
rm -rf osgeo4w/unpacked/apps/qgis/*
cp -r /tmp/qgis1.7.0/* osgeo4w/unpacked/apps/qgis/

Now create a package.


After this you should now have a nsis installer containing your own build of QGIS and all dependencies needed to run it on a windows machine.


3.4 Osgeo4w packaging

The actual packaging process is currently not documented, for now please take a look at:



posted @ 2021-07-31 17:01  wenglabs  阅读(3638)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报