1 JQuery Ajax
同时要注意一定最好不要将$.ajax(...)放到了最外层,即放到了$(function () {...}中。
1.1 跨域的情况
// 调用发送数据调用事件的函数 $(".project_item_lst").bind('click', GetTargetXMXX); // ... $(function () { // .... $.ajax({ type: "POST", //Post传参 url: XMXX_Server_URL+"/GetXMXX?jsoncallback?",//服务地址 dataType: "jsonp", //contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8", jsonp: 'jsoncallback', data: { "bsm": bsm_2 },//参数birthday success: function (result) { // ... }, error: function (e) { window.alert(e.status); } // .... }
/// <summary> /// 项目列表左侧的操作服务 /// </summary> [WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] [System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItem(false)] // 若要允许使用 ASP.NET AJAX 从脚本中调用此 Web 服务,请取消注释以下行。 [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] public class XMXXOperate : System.Web.Services.WebService { /// <summary> /// 获取项目详情的接口 /// </summary> /// <param name="bsm">X2014121911854</param> /// <returns></returns> [WebMethod] public string GetXMXX(string bsm) { string jsonCallBackFunName; DataContractJsonSerializer json; string result = ""; XMXX dataResult; OracleConnect oracleConect; oracleConect = new OracleConnect(); dataResult = oracleConect.GetXMXXObject(bsm); // get jsoncallback HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8"; jsonCallBackFunName = HttpContext.Current.Request.Params["jsoncallback"].ToString(); json = new DataContractJsonSerializer(dataResult.GetType()); using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { json.WriteObject(stream, dataResult); result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ToArray()); } // return data result = jsonCallBackFunName + '(' + result + ')'; HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(result); // 此时返回的结果为Array [ object, ...,object] HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); return "ok"; } }
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
using System.Text;
<system.web> <!-- 。。。其他节点 --> <webServices> <protocols> <add name="HttpPost"/> <add name="HttpGet"/> </protocols> </webServices> </system.web>
1.2 非跨域情况
JS --> .ashx --> .asmx
JS --> .ashx
$(function () { // ... var URL_GetData = "../../Handler/GetData.ashx"; //发布到99服务器时:"../../ZJECMS_MainWeb/Handler/GetData.ashx"; // 调试时:"../../Handler/GetData.ashx" var RefreashDirs = function (bsm) { /// <summary> /// 请求,获取项目目录 /// </summary> /// <param name="bsm" type="string">项目标识码</param> $.ajax({ url: URL_GetData+'?Method=GetXMDIRS&bsm=' + bsm, async: false, type: 'POST', success: function (response) { // parse data and convert to the json object zNodes = eval(response) // ... // return zNodes; // cheeck this return }, error: function (e) { // window.alert(e.status); } }); } // ... }
using Newtonsoft.Json.Converters; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Web; namespace Project.Handle { /// <summary> /// GetData 的摘要说明 /// </summary> public class GetData : IHttpHandler { private HttpRequest Request; private HttpResponse Response; public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"; // context.Response.Write("Hello World"); // string uploadDir = Server.MapPath("~\\TempFile\\Upload"); Request = context.Request; Response = context.Response; string method = Request["Method"].ToString(); MethodInfo methodinfo = this.GetType().GetMethod(method); methodinfo.Invoke(this, null); } public bool IsReusable { get { return false; } } public void GetXMDIRS() { string bsm = Request["bsm"].ToString(); //XMXXOperate_Local.XMXXOperateSoapClient tsvc = new XMXXOperate_Local.XMXXOperateSoapClient(); XMXXOperate.XMXXOperateSoapClient tsvc = new XMXXOperate.XMXXOperateSoapClient(); string strJson = tsvc.GetTragetXMGDWJ(bsm); Response.Write(strJson); } } }
function login() { $.ajax({ url: 'common/handler/Login.ashx', type: 'POST', data: { 'username': $("#txtUsername").val(), 'password': $("#txtPassword").val() }, dataType: 'json', timeout: 50000, //contentType: 'application/json;charset=utf-8', success: function (response) { alert(response.message); }, error: function (err) { alert("执行失败"); } }); }
public class Login : IHttpHandler { public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; //GET方式获取传递的数据 //string username = context.Request.QueryString["username"]; //string password = context.Request.QueryString["password"]; //POST方式获取传递的数据 string username = context.Request.Form["username"]; string password = context.Request.Form["password"]; string message = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username)) { message = "用户名不能为空"; context.Response.Write("{\"success\":false,\"message\":\"" + message + "\"}");//此JSON格式非常重要,否则会执行jquery的的error函数 context.Response.End(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { message = "密码不能为空"; context.Response.Write("{\"success\":false,\"message\":\"" + message + "\"}"); context.Response.End(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { if (username.ToUpper() == "ADMIN" && password == "123") { message = "登录成功"; context.Response.Write("{\"success\":true,\"message\":\"" + message + "\"}"); } else { message = "用户名或密码错误"; context.Response.Write("{\"success\":false,\"message\":\"" + message + "\"}"); } } context.Response.End(); } public bool IsReusable { get { return false; } } }
非跨域情况下参考代码3 ajax请求asmx
$.ajax({ type: "POST", //Post传参 url: this.localHanler + '?Method=Login&username=' + $(id_user).val() + '&password=' + $(id_password).val(), async:false, contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8", timeout: 3000, success: function (result) { // var str = '{"name":"huangxiaojian","age":"23"}'//单引号写在{}外,每个属性名都必须用双引号,否则会抛出异常。 // JSON.parse(str) // JSON.stringify(a) var status_obj = eval(result)[0]; if (status_obj.b_user_passed == true) { // login success that.saveUserInfo(); show_msg('登录成功!正在为您跳转...', '../../index.html'); // /index.html } else { alert("账号密码不一致,请重新检查后再登录!"); } }, error: function (e) { alert("请求登录失败!"); show_loading(false); } });
/// <summary> /// 非跨域情况下的Ajax直接请求asmx方式 /// 重要经验! /// 2017.12.21 1002 /// </summary> /// <param name="username"></param> /// <param name="password"></param> [WebMethod(Description = "登录;非跨域", EnableSession = true)] public void LoginHandle(string username, string password) { DataResult data; string result = ""; DataContractJsonSerializer json; data = LoginProcess(username, password); json = new DataContractJsonSerializer(data.GetType()); using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { json.WriteObject(stream, data); result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ToArray()); } Context.Response.ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8"; Context.Response.Write(result);//这条返回纯json格式数据 // return result; }
2 注意事项
1. 文本
jsonX = string.Format("{{ id: {0}, pId:{1}, name:\"{2}\", t:\"{3}\",path:\"{4}\",iconSkin:\"{5}\"}}", ffid, 0, name, name, "", iconSkin);
2. blob
#region 多媒体信息显示处理 /// <summary> /// 根据bsm和ffid获取图片的二进制数据并返回 /// </summary> public void GetXM_Datas() { string bsm, ffid, strSRC,fileExt; XMXXOperate.XMXXOperateSoapClient tsvc; bsm = Request["bsm"].ToString(); ffid = Request["ffid"].ToString(); fileExt = Request["exten"].ToString(); tsvc = new XMXXOperate.XMXXOperateSoapClient(); strSRC = tsvc.GetXMPICSSRC(bsm, ffid); if (strSRC == "") { Response.Write("Error:文件不存在,请重试或联系管理员!"); return; } if (fileExt==".jpg") { // 调用图片处理模块,并返回二进制图片数据 GetServerPicBlob(strSRC); } else if (fileExt==".mp4") { Response.Write(strSRC); } else if (fileExt == ".srt") { GetVideoPathData(strSRC); } } private void GetServerPicBlob(string strPicPath) { Stream iStream = null; MemoryStream ms = null, ms2 = null; int buffer_size = 1024 * 100; // Buffer to read 10K bytes in chunk: byte[] buffer = new Byte[buffer_size]; // Length of the file: int length; // Total bytes to read: long dataToRead; // Identify the file to download including its path. string filepath = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("..//" + strPicPath);//data_test.png,oceans-clip.png, uav_image.jpg // Identify the file name. string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filepath); try { Response.ContentType = "image/png";//问题就在这里,解决百M关口 //http://www.cnblogs.com/huanhuan86/archive/2012/06/12/2546362.html Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename); // Open the file. //iStream = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);//用文件流来处理 // Total bytes to read: //dataToRead = iStream.Length; // 图片加水印,缩略处理 //byte[] byDataImg = new byte[iStream.Length]; //iStream.Read(byDataImg, 0, byDataImg.Length); //iStream.Close(); //ms = new MemoryStream(byDataImg); //byDataImg = null; // draw water shade Image img, img_small; Font ft,ft2; Brush b; Graphics g; SizeF szStr; Size smalledImg; Point location_str; string strCopyWrite; // initial img = Image.FromFile(filepath);//img = Image.FromStream(ms); smalledImg = GetFittedImageSize(img.Size); img_small = new Bitmap(smalledImg.Width, smalledImg.Height); //ms.Dispose(); g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(img_small); g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; b = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(80, 0, 255, 255)); ft = new Font("宋体", Math.Max(Math.Min((int)(img_small.Height * 0.048), 36), 10), FontStyle.Italic); ft2 = new Font("Times New Roman", 8, FontStyle.Italic); strCopyWrite = string.Format("ZJECMS Media ©{0} ZJHH", DateTime.Now.Year); szStr = g.MeasureString(strCopyWrite, ft); location_str = new Point((int)(img_small.Width * 0.95 - szStr.Width),(int)(img_small.Height * 0.95 - szStr.Height)); // draw g.DrawImage(img, 0, 0, img_small.Width, img_small.Height);// new Rectangle(0, 0, img.Width, img.Height) g.DrawString(strCopyWrite, ft, b, location_str); g.DrawString(string.Format("Scale {0}×{1}", img.Width, img.Height), ft2, b, location_str.X, location_str.Y+15); g.DrawLine(new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(8, 255, 0, 0)), 5), 0, 0, 500, 500); ms2 = new MemoryStream(); img_small.Save(ms2, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); // dispose g.Dispose(); img.Dispose(); img_small.Dispose(); b.Dispose(); ft.Dispose(); ft2.Dispose(); //img.Save(context.Response.OutputStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); //context.Response.End(); // Read the bytes. dataToRead = ms2.Length; ms2.Position = 0; // 这个必须要有 while (dataToRead > 0) { // Verify that the client is connected. if (Response.IsClientConnected) { // Read the data in buffer. length = ms2.Read(buffer, 0, buffer_size); // Write the data to the current output stream. Response.OutputStream.Write(buffer, 0, length); // Flush the data to the HTML output. Response.Flush(); dataToRead = dataToRead - length; } else { //prevent infinite loop if user disconnects dataToRead = -1; } } } catch (Exception ex) { // Trap the error, if any. Response.Write("Error : " + ex.Message); } finally { if (iStream != null) { //Close the file. iStream.Close(); } if (ms2 != null) { ms2.Close(); } } } private Size GetFittedImageSize(Size size) { float scale_w, scale_h, scale; Size size_new; size_new = new Size(); if (size.Width< cvs_width && size.Height< cvs_height) { size_new = size; } else if (size.Width>=cvs_width && size.Height< cvs_height) { // scaled by width scale_w = (float)cvs_width / size.Width; size_new.Width = cvs_width; size_new.Height = (int)(size.Height * scale_w + 0.5); } else if (size.Width < cvs_width && size.Height >= cvs_height) { // scaled by height scale_h = (float)cvs_height / size.Height; size_new.Width = (int)(size.Width * scale_h + 0.5); size_new.Height = cvs_height; } else { scale_w = (float)cvs_width / size.Width; scale_h = (float)cvs_height / size.Height; scale = scale_w <= scale_h ? scale_w : scale_h; size_new.Width = (int)(size.Width * scale+ 0.5); size_new.Height = (int)(size.Height * scale + 0.5); } return size_new; } private void GetVideoPathData(string strSRC) { // 解析文件,并生成坐标序列数据传递到前端调用百度地图进行显示 // F:\Learnings\BS\PublishNet\DATA\X2017071412954_无人机巡查\2、原始资料\原始资料\1临安\原始数据\昌北溪\视频 // 2017.7.31 FrameLocation parsedData; string json,filepath; filepath = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("..//" + strSRC); parsedData = SRTParse.ParseSRTFile(filepath); // 返回JSON数据,由前端解析并在Canvas中绘制 //IsoDateTimeConverter timeConverter = new IsoDateTimeConverter { DateTimeFormat = "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd hh:mm:ss" }; json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parsedData/*, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented, timeConverter*/); Response.Write(json); } #endregion
没有整理与归纳的知识,一文不值!高度概括与梳理的知识,才是自己真正的知识与技能。 永远不要让自己的自由、好奇、充满创造力的想法被现实的框架所束缚,让创造力自由成长吧! 多花时间,关心他(她)人,正如别人所关心你的。理想的腾飞与实现,没有别人的支持与帮助,是万万不能的。
没有整理与归纳的知识,一文不值!高度概括与梳理的知识,才是自己真正的知识与技能。 永远不要让自己的自由、好奇、充满创造力的想法被现实的框架所束缚,让创造力自由成长吧! 多花时间,关心他(她)人,正如别人所关心你的。理想的腾飞与实现,没有别人的支持与帮助,是万万不能的。