今早在 https://attachments.me/hirehack/public/computer.html 做题,有一题是 递归求嵌套数组中最大值:
/* This challenge requires that, given as input an array which may contain: - integer values. - inner-arrays of integer values. - any recursive combination thereof. Return the largest value contained in the array or any of its sub-arrays. Input: [1, [2, [3, 4]], [5, [6, 7]]] Output: 7 */
function recursiveMax(input){ var nums=[]; for(var i=0;i<input.length;i++){ var obj=input[i]; if(obj instanceof Array){ nums.push(recursiveMax(obj)); } else{ nums.push(obj); } } return Math.max.apply(null,nums); } //Test recursiveMax([1,[[2,3],4,5,6,7],8,9,10]);//output 10