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Uploading files is a common requirement in web applications. In ASP.NET Core 1.0 uploading files and saving them on the server is quite easy. To that end this article shows how to do just that.Begin by creating a new ASP.NET Core project. Then add HomeController to the controllers folder. Then add UploadFiles view to Views > Home folder of the application.

So, you installed .NET Core RC2 , you followed the getting started tutorial and you got your “Hello World!” printed on your command prompt just by using the CLI. Then you went the next step and you tried to use Visual Studio Code and the C# extension to edit the application outside of Visual Studio. And finally you want to try and debug and set a breakpoint inside the application, but you encountered some pr

Exciting times lie ahead for .NET developers. During Build, Microsoft’s biggest developer event of the year, clear roadmaps were given on the future of .NET and C#. Microsoft is re-positioning .NET to be a platform that can be written anywhere and run anywhere, which is a departure from it’s long history of proprietary technologies.

Whether you have already drawn insights from our (free) 2016 .NET Developer Community Report or not, you will likely find this new slice of the results delicious. This infographic presents a few interesting cross-sections of data from our 2016 .NET Developer Survey, some of which are not included in the report.


Criminals have long employed the tactic of masking their true identity, from disguises to aliases to caller-id blocking. It should come as no surprise then, that criminals who conduct their nefarious activities on networks and computers should employ such techniques. IP spoofing is one of the most common forms of on-line camouflage. In IP spoofing, an attacker gains unauthorized access to a computer o

Oracle uses a Data Dictionary to store details of all the Tables, Columns etc.. (check out the associated Data Model). You will normally be interested only in your own Tables, which are provided by the 'USER' views, which are for the User who is currently logged in.
The System Administrator or DBA will usually be interested in the 'ALL' Views, which show data for all Users.
[J.D. Meier's Blog]“Life is like skiing. Just like skiing, the goal is not to get to the bottom of the hill. It’s to have a bunch of good runs before the sun sets.” – Seth Godin
It's been a good run. After more than 10 years in patterns & practices, I'm on to my next adventure here at Microsoft.
For this post, I wanted to take a stroll down memory lane. During my time at patterns & practices,


Change Data Capture records INSERTs, UPDATEs, and DELETEs applied to SQL Server tables, and makes a record available of what changed, where, and when, in simple relational 'change tables' rather than in an esoteric chopped salad of XML. These change tables contain columns that reflect the column structure of the source table you have chosen to track, along with the metadata needed to understand the c

Rob beat me to it. Blogging about T4 (the Text Template Transformation Toolkit) had been on my list literally for a year. He and I were singing its praises last night. Hopefully I can add something small to the conversation.
What's the story? Well, T4 is a code generator built right into Visual Studio. To be clear, you HAVE THIS NOW on your system…go play. Now's the time to introduce code generation to y

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) 中的可靠会话使用传输窗口保存客户端和服务上的消息。可配置属性 MaxTransferWindowSize 指示传输窗口可以保存多少条消息。在发送方,这指示在等待确认消息时传输窗口可以保存多少条消息,在接收方,则指示为服务缓冲多少条消息。选择合适的大小可影响使用网络的效率以及运行服务的最佳容量。
当编写一个允许从不同的客户端启用可靠会话通信的服务时,可能会有许多客户端同时建立与该服务的可靠会话。在这些情况下,服务的响应取决于 MaxPendingChannels 属性。当发送方创建到接收方的可靠会话通道时,发送方和接收方之间的握手将建立可靠会话。建立可靠会话之后,该通道会放入到挂起的通道队列中以供服务接受。此 MaxPendingChannels 属性指示有多少个通道可以处于此状态。


In my current project the MVP pattern is used in the supervising controller mode. The MVP pattern is an adaption of the old MVC pattern that incorporates that the capabilities of WinForms views have become smart enough to lift some of the burdens previously implemented in the controller. This applies to e.g. handling click events and data-binding; a presenter only injects the model into the view which

As discussed last time, delegates can produce memory leaks in our applications if not used carefully. Most often, this happens with events when we add a handler to an event, forget to remove it and the object on which the event is declared lives longer than the object that handles it. The following diagram illustrates the problem.

[From J.D. Meier's Blog]A final PDF is now available for our patterns & practices Application Architecture Guide, second edition. This is our platform playbook for the Microsoft application platform.

[For Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz’s Article:http://dobbscodetalk.com/index.php?option=com_myblog&show=CRUD-is-bad-for-REST.html&Itemid=29]In one of my previous posts (Rest: good, bad and ugly), I made a passing comment, about how I think using CRUD in RESTful service is a bad practice. I received a few comments / questions asking why do I say that – so what’s wrong with CRUD and REST?

Why don't you partition your table if you have millions of rows and get complaints about the degradation of performance?
This is the question I asked my friend and I was amazed to find out he, along with many people, wasn't aware of this feature of SQL Server. This feature was first made available in SQL Server 2005, and today I will discuss what partitioning is.

Are you creating a new Web site and developing a user registration system that requires new visitors to sign-up and create a user ID and password? Stop now and read this. There are now more effective approaches for dealing with Web accounts which are more powerful and are better for you and your users...

In the last year or so, after quite a lull, the software architecture business has gotten rather exciting again. We're finally seeing major new topics emerging into the early mainstream that are potential game-changers, while at the same time a few innovations that have been hovering in the margins of the industry are starting to break out in a big way.
The big changes: The hegemony of traditio