
老生常谈:值类型 V.S. 引用类型》中花了很大的篇幅介绍ref参数针对值类型和引用类型变量的传递。在C#中,除了方法的ref参数,我们还有很多使用ref关键字传递引用/地址的场景,本篇文章作一个简单的总结。

四、ref 结构体
五、ref 结构体字段



static void Update(ref Foobar foobar)
    foobar.Foo = 0;

static void Replace(ref Foobar foobar)
    foobar = new Foobar(0, 0);

public record struct Foobar(int Foo, int Bar);


var foobar = new Foobar(1, 2);
Update(ref foobar);
Debug.Assert(foobar.Foo == 0);
Debug.Assert(foobar.Bar == 2);

Replace(ref foobar);
Debug.Assert(foobar.Foo == 0);
Debug.Assert(foobar.Bar == 0);

C#中的ref + Type(ref Foobar)在IL中会转换成一种特殊的引用类型Type&。如下所示的是上述两个方法针对IL的声明,可以看出它们的参数类型均为Foobar&。

.method assembly hidebysig static
	void '<<Main>$>g__Update|0_0' (
	) cil managed

.method assembly hidebysig static
	void '<<Main>$>g__Replace|0_1' (
	) cil managed


我们知道数组映射一段连续的内存空间,具有相同字节长度的元素“平铺”在这段内存上。我们可以利用索引提取数组的某个元素,如果索引操作符前置了ref关键值,那么返回的就是索引自身的引用/地址。与ref参数类似,我们利用ref array[index]不仅可以修改索引指向的数组元素,还可以直接将该数组元素替换掉。

var array = new Foobar[] { new Foobar(1, 1), new Foobar(2, 2), new Foobar(3, 3) };

Update(ref array[1]);
Debug.Assert(array[1].Foo == 0);
Debug.Assert(array[1].Bar == 2);

Replace(ref array[1]);
Debug.Assert(array[1].Foo == 0);
Debug.Assert(array[1].Bar == 0);


var array = new Foobar[] { new Foobar(1, 1), new Foobar(2, 2), new Foobar(3, 3) };
Foobar foobar = array[0];
ref Foobar foobarRef = ref array[0];


var foobar = array[0];
ref var foobarRef = ref array[0];

上边这段C#代码将会转换成如下这段IL代码。我们不仅可以看出foobar和foobarRef声明的类型的不同(Foobar和Foobar&),还可以看到array[0]和ref array[0]使用的IL指令的差异,前者使用的是ldelem(Load Element)后者使用的是ldelema(Load Element Addess)。

.method private hidebysig static
	void '<Main>$' (
		string[] args
	) cil managed
	// Method begins at RVA 0x209c
	// Header size: 12
	// Code size: 68 (0x44)
	.maxstack 5
	.locals init (
		[0] valuetype Foobar[] 'array',
		[1] valuetype 
		[2] valuetype 

	// {
	IL_0000: ldc.i4.3
	// (no C# code)
	IL_0001: newarr Foobar
	IL_0006: dup
	IL_0007: ldc.i4.0
	// 	Foobar[] array = new Foobar[3]
	// 	{
	// 		new Foobar(1, 1),
	// 		new Foobar(2, 2),
	// 		new Foobar(3, 3)
	// 	};
	IL_0008: ldc.i4.1
	IL_0009: ldc.i4.1
	IL_000a: newobj instance void Foobar::.ctor(int32, int32)
	IL_000f: stelem Foobar
	IL_0014: dup
	IL_0015: ldc.i4.1
	IL_0016: ldc.i4.2
	IL_0017: ldc.i4.2
	IL_0018: newobj instance void Foobar::.ctor(int32, int32)
	IL_001d: stelem Foobar
	IL_0022: dup
	IL_0023: ldc.i4.2
	IL_0024: ldc.i4.3
	IL_0025: ldc.i4.3
	IL_0026: newobj instance void Foobar::.ctor(int32, int32)
	IL_002b: stelem Foobar
	IL_0030: stloc.0
	// Foobar foobar = array[0];
	IL_0031: ldloc.0
	IL_0032: ldc.i4.0
	IL_0038: stloc.1
	// ref Foobar reference = ref array[0];
	IL_0039: ldloc.0
	IL_003a: ldc.i4.0
	IL_0040: stloc.2
	// (no C# code)
	IL_0041: nop
	// }
	IL_0042: nop
	IL_0043: ret
} // end of method Program::'<Main>$'



var array = new Foobar[] { new Foobar(1, 1), new Foobar(2, 2), new Foobar(3, 3) };

var copy = ElementAt(array, 1);
Update(ref copy);
Debug.Assert(array[1].Foo == 2);
Debug.Assert(array[1].Bar == 2);
Replace(ref copy);
Debug.Assert(array[1].Foo == 2);
Debug.Assert(array[1].Bar == 2);

ref var self = ref ElementAt(array, 1);
Update(ref self);
Debug.Assert(array[1].Foo == 0);
Debug.Assert(array[1].Bar == 2);
Replace(ref self);
Debug.Assert(array[1].Foo == 0);
Debug.Assert(array[1].Bar == 0);

static ref Foobar ElementAt(Foobar[] array, int index) => ref array[index];

四、ref 结构体

如果在定义结构体时添加了前置的ref关键字,那么它就转变成一个ref结构体。ref结构体和常规结构最根本的区别是它不能被分配到堆上,并且总是以引用的方式使用它,永远不会出现“拷贝”的情况,最重要的ref 结构体莫过于Span<T>了。如下这个Foobar结构体就是一个包含两个数据成员的ref结构体。

public ref struct Foobar{
    public int Foo { get; }
    public int Bar { get; }
    public Foobar(int foo, int bar)
        Foo = foo;
        Bar = bar;


1. 不能作为泛型参数


// Error	CS0306	The type 'Foobar' may not be used as a type argument
var wrapper = new Wrapper<Foobar>(new Foobar(1, 2));

public class Wrapper<T>
    public Wrapper(T value) => Value = value;
    public T Value { get; }

2. 不能作为数组元素类型


//Error	CS0611	Array elements cannot be of type 'Foobar'
var array = new Foobar[16];

3. 不能作为类型和非ref结构体数据成员


public class Foobarbaz
    //Error	CS8345	Field or auto-implemented property cannot be of type 'Foobar' unless it is an instance member of a ref struct.
    public Foobar Foobar { get; }
    public int Baz { get; }
    public Foobarbaz(Foobar foobar, int baz)
        Foobar = foobar;
        Baz = baz;


    //Error	CS8345	Field or auto-implemented property cannot be of type 'Foobar' unless it is an instance member of a ref struct.
    public Foobar Foobar { get; }
    public int Baz { get; }
    public Foobarbaz(Foobar foobar, int baz)
        Foobar = foobar;
        Baz = baz;

4. 不能实现接口


//Error    CS8343    'Foobar': ref structs cannot implement interfaces
public ref struct Foobar : IEquatable<Foobar>
    public int Foo { get; }
    public int Bar { get; }
    public Foobar(int foo, int bar)
        Foo = foo;
        Bar = bar;

    public bool Equals(Foobar other) => Foo == other.Foo && Bar == other.Bar;

5. 不能导致装箱


//Error	CS0029	Cannot implicitly convert type 'Foobar' to 'object'
Object obj = new Foobar(1, 2);

//Error	CS0029	Cannot implicitly convert type 'Foobar' to 'System.ValueType'
ValueType value = new Foobar(1, 2);

6. 不能在委托中(或者Lambda表达式)使用


public class Program
    static void Main()
        var foobar = new Foobar(1, 2);
        //Error CS8175  Cannot use ref local 'foobar' inside an anonymous method, lambda expression, or query expression
        Action action1 = () => Console.WriteLine(foobar);

//Error CS8175 Cannot use ref local 'foobar' inside an anonymous method, lambda expression, or query expression
        void Print() => Console.WriteLine(foobar);

7. 不能在async/await异步方法中


async Task InvokeAsync()
    await Task.Yield();
    //Error	CS4012	Parameters or locals of type 'Foobar' cannot be declared in async methods or async lambda 
    var foobar = new Foobar(1, 2);


public Task InvokeAsync()
    var foobar = new Foobar(1, 2);
    return Task.CompletedTask;

8. 不能在迭代器中使用

如果在一个返回IEnumerable<T>的方法中使用了yield return语句作为集合元素迭代器(interator),意味着涉及的操作执行会“延迟”到作为返回对象的集合被真正迭代(比如执行foreach语句)的时候,这个时候原始方法的堆栈帧已经被回收。

IEnumerable<(int Foo, int Bar)> Deconstruct(Foobar foobar1, Foobar foobar2)
    //Error	CS4013	Instance of type 'Foobar' cannot be used inside a nested function, query expression, iterator block or async method
    yield return (foobar1.Foo, foobar1.Bar);
    //Error	CS4013	Instance of type 'Foobar' cannot be used inside a nested function, query expression, iterator block or async method
    yield return (foobar2.Foo, foobar2.Bar);

9. readonly ref 结构体


 ref struct Foobar{
    public int Foo { get; }
    public int Bar { get; }
    public Foobar(int foo, int bar)
        Foo = foo;
        Bar = bar;
public readonly ref struct Foobar
    public int Foo { get; 
; }
    public int Bar { get; 
; }
readonly ref
 struct Foobar
    public readonly int Foo;
    public readonly int Bar;
    public Foobar(int foo, int bar)
        Foo = foo;
        Bar = bar;

如果为属性定义了set方法,或者其字段没有设置成“只读”,这样的readonly ref 结构体均是不合法的。

public readonly ref struct Foobar
    //Error	CS8341	Auto-implemented instance properties in readonly structs must be readonly.
    public int Foo { get; set; }
    //Error	CS8341	Auto-implemented instance properties in readonly structs must be readonly.
    public int Bar { get; set; }
public readonly ref struct Foobar
    //Error	CS8340	Instance fields of readonly structs must be readonly.
    public int Foo;
    //Error	CS8340	Instance fields of readonly structs must be readonly.
    public int Bar;

五、ref 结构体字段

我们可以在ref结构体的字段成员前添加ref关键字使之返回一个引用。除此之外,我们还可以进一步添加readonly关键字创建“只读引用字段”,并且这个readonly关键可以放在ref后面(ref readonly),也可以放在ref前面(readonly ref),还可以前后都放(readonly ref readonly)。如果你之前没有接触过ref字段,是不是会感到很晕?希望一下的内容能够为你解惑。上面的代码片段定义了一个名为RefStruct的ref 结构体,定义其中的四个字段(Foo、Bar、Baz和Qux)都是返回引用的ref 字段。除了Foo字段具有具有可读写的特性外,我们采用上述三种不同的形式将其余三个字段定义成“自读”的。

public ref struct RefStruct
    public ref KV Foo;
    public ref readonly KV Bar;
    public readonly ref KV Baz;
    public readonly ref readonly KV Qux;
    public RefStruct(ref KV foo, ref KV bar, ref KV baz, ref KV qux)
        Foo = ref foo;
        Bar = ref bar;
        Baz = ref baz;
        Qux = ref qux;

public struct KV
    public int Key;
    public int Value;
    public KV(int key, int value)
        Key = key;
        Value = value;

1. Writable


KV kv = default;

var value = new RefStruct(ref kv, ref kv, ref kv, ref kv);
value.Foo.Key = 1;
value.Foo.Value = 1;
Debug.Assert(kv.Key == 1);
Debug.Assert(kv.Value == 1);
Debug.Assert(value.Foo.Key == 1);
Debug.Assert(value.Foo.Value == 1);
Debug.Assert(value.Bar.Key == 1);
Debug.Assert(value.Bar.Value == 1);
Debug.Assert(value.Baz.Key == 1);
Debug.Assert(value.Baz.Value == 1);
Debug.Assert(value.Qux.Key == 1);
Debug.Assert(value.Qux.Value == 1);

value.Foo = new KV(2, 2);
Debug.Assert(kv.Key == 2);
Debug.Assert(kv.Value == 2);
Debug.Assert(value.Foo.Key == 2);
Debug.Assert(value.Foo.Value == 2);
Debug.Assert(value.Bar.Key == 2);
Debug.Assert(value.Bar.Value == 2);
Debug.Assert(value.Baz.Key == 2);
Debug.Assert(value.Baz.Value == 2);
Debug.Assert(value.Qux.Key == 2);
Debug.Assert(value.Qux.Value == 2);

2. ref readonly

第一个字段被定义成“ref readonly”,readonly被置于ref之后,表示readonly并不是用来修饰ref,而是用来修饰引用指向的KV对象,它使我们不能修改KV对象的数据成员。所以如下的代码是不能通过编译的。

KV kv = default;

var value = new RefStruct(ref kv, ref kv, ref kv, ref kv);
//Error	CS8332	Cannot assign to a member of field 'Bar' or use it as the right hand side of a ref assignment because it is a readonly variable
value.Bar.Key = 2;
//Error	CS8332	Cannot assign to a member of field 'Bar' or use it as the right hand side of a ref assignment because it is a readonly variable
value.Bar.Value = 2;


KV kv = default;
var value = new RefStruct(ref kv, ref kv, ref kv, ref kv);

kv = value.Bar;
kv.Key = 1;
kv.Value = 1;
Debug.Assert(value.Baz.Key == 1);
Debug.Assert(value.Baz.Value == 1);


KV kv = default;
KV another = new KV(1,1);

var value = new RefStruct(ref kv, ref kv, ref kv, ref kv);
value.Bar = ref another;
Debug.Assert(value.Bar.Key == 1);
Debug.Assert(value.Bar.Key == 1);

3. readonly ref


KV kv = default;

var value = new RefStruct(ref kv, ref kv, ref kv, ref kv);
KV another = new KV(1, 1);
//Error	CS0191	A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or init-only setter of the type in which the field is defined or a variable initializer)
value.Baz = ref another;


KV kv = default;
var value = new RefStruct(ref kv, ref kv, ref kv, ref kv);

value.Baz.Key = 1; value.Baz.Value = 1;
Debug.Assert(value.Baz.Key == 1);
Debug.Assert(value.Baz.Key == 1);

4. readonly ref readonly

现在我们知道了ref前后的readonly分别修饰的是字段返回的引用和引用指向的目标对象,所以对于readonly ref readonly修饰的字段Qux,我们既不能字节将其替换成指向另一个KV的引用,也不能直接利用它修改该字段指向的KV对象。

KV kv = default;
var another = new KV(1, 1);
var value = new RefStruct(ref kv, ref kv, ref kv, ref kv);
//Error	CS0191	A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or init-only setter of the type in which the field is defined or a variable initializer)
value.Qux = ref another;
KV kv = default;
var value = new RefStruct(ref kv, ref kv, ref kv, ref kv);
//Error	CS8332	Cannot assign to a member of field 'Qux' or use it as the right hand side of a ref assignment because it is a readonly variable
value.Qux.Key = 1;
//Error	CS8332	Cannot assign to a member of field 'Qux' or use it as the right hand side of a ref assignment because it is a readonly variable
value.Qux.Value = 1;
posted @ 2023-07-03 08:41  Artech  阅读(4288)  评论(9编辑  收藏  举报