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 Linux Framebuffer子系统是传统的内核显示框架。有很多基于Frambuffer的用户空间形式框架,以及针对Framebuffer的测试工具。

1. Linux Framebuffer

Linux FrameBuffer相关的开源资源《fosdem_2020_nicolas_caramelli_linux_framebuffer.pdf》。

2. 基于FrameBuffer的图形框架

2.1 Mesa 3D

OpenGL(Open Graphics Library)是用于渲染2D、3D矢量图形的跨语言、跨平台的应用程序编程接口(API)。

OpenGL ES (OpenGL for Embedded Systems) 是 OpenGL 三维图形 API 的子集,针对手机PDA和游戏主机等嵌入式设备而设计。

OpenVG(Open Vector Graphics),OpenVG™ 是针对诸如Flash和SVG的矢量图形算法库提供底层硬件加速界面的免授权费、跨平台应用程序接口API。

EGL是OpenGL ES和底层Native平台视窗系统之间的接口。更多参考《EGL Overview - The Khronos Group Inc》。

Mesa 3D是OpenGL的一个开源本的实现,支持3D硬件加速。Mesa实现了多种图形API,包括OpenGL ES、OpenCLK、OpenMAX、EGL等。Mesa 3D能够完全借助CPU和Linux Framebuffer(GLFBDEV(OpenGL Extension to the Linux Framebuffer)和EGL )实现OpenGL和OpenGL EL渲染。

2.2 DirectFB


DirectFB - eLinux.org

2.3 QT LinuxFB插件


3 基于FrameBuffer的测试工具

3.1 fb-test-app

3.1.1 fb-test


fb-test 1.1.0 (rosetta)
Usage: fb-test -f fbnum -r -g -b -w -p pattern
Where -f fbnum   = framebuffer device number
      -r         = fill framebuffer with red
      -g         = fill framebuffer with green
      -b         = fill framebuffer with blue
      -w         = fill framebuffer with white
      -p pattern = fill framebuffer with pattern number

例如fb-test -f 0 -p 0:

3.1.2 fb-test-rect


3.2 fbdump


fbdump  -fb /dev/fb0 > fb0.ppm

3.3 fbgrab


Possible options:
        -b n    force use of n bits/pixel, required when reading from file
        -C n    grab from console n, for slower framebuffers
        -c n    grab from console n
        -d dev  use framebuffer device dev instead of default
        -f file  read from file instead of framebuffer
        -h n    set height to n pixels, required when reading from file
                can be used to force height when reading from framebuffer
        -i      turns on interlacing in PNG
        -s n    sleep n seconds before making screenshot
        -v      verbose, print debug information.
        -w n    set width to n pixels, required when reading from file
                can be used to force width when reading from framebuffer
        -z n    PNG compression level: 0 (fast) .. 9 (best)
        -?      print this usage information

例如:fbgrab -d /dev/fb0 fb.png。

3.4 fbset


Usage: fbset [options] [mode]

Valid options:
  General options:
    -h, --help         : display this usage information
    --test             : don't change, just test whether the mode is valid
    -s, --show         : display video mode settings
    -i, --info         : display all frame buffer information
    -v, --verbose      : verbose mode
    -V, --version      : print version information
    -x, --xfree86      : XFree86 compatibility mode
    -a, --all          : change all virtual consoles on this device
  Frame buffer special device nodes:
    -fb <device>       : processed frame buffer device
                         (default is /dev/fb0)
  Video mode database:
    -db <file>         : video mode database file
                         (default is /etc/fb.modes)
  Display geometry:
    -xres <value>      : horizontal resolution (in pixels)
    -yres <value>      : vertical resolution (in pixels)
    -vxres <value>     : virtual horizontal resolution (in pixels)
    -vyres <value>     : virtual vertical resolution (in pixels)
    -depth <value>     : display depth (in bits per pixel)
    -nonstd <value>    : select nonstandard video mode
    -g, --geometry ... : set all geometry parameters at once
    -match             : set virtual vertical resolution by virtual resolution
  Display timings:
    -pixclock <value>  : pixel clock (in picoseconds)
    -left <value>      : left margin (in pixels)
    -right <value>     : right margin (in pixels)
    -upper <value>     : upper margin (in pixel lines)
    -lower <value>     : lower margin (in pixel lines)
    -hslen <value>     : horizontal sync length (in pixels)
    -vslen <value>     : vertical sync length (in pixel lines)
    -t, --timings ...  : set all timing parameters at once
  Display flags:
    -accel <value>     : hardware text acceleration enable (false or true)
    -hsync <value>     : horizontal sync polarity (low or high)
    -vsync <value>     : vertical sync polarity (low or high)
    -csync <value>     : composite sync polarity (low or high)
    -gsync <value>     : synch on green (false or true)
    -extsync <value>   : external sync enable (false or true)
    -bcast <value>     : broadcast enable (false or true)
    -laced <value>     : interlace enable (false or true)
    -double <value>    : doublescan enable (false or true)
    -rgba <r,g,b,a>    : recommended length of color entries
    -grayscale <value> : grayscale enable (false or true)
  Display positioning:
    -move <direction>  : move the visible part (left, right, up or down)
    -step <value>      : step increment (in pixels or pixel lines)
                         (default is 8 horizontal, 2 vertical)

3.5 fbterm


3.6 fbv


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