LXR | KVM | PM | Time | Interrupt | Systems Performance | Bootup Optimization




checkinstall记录make install安装的文件,生成相应的(Slackware/RPM/Debian)安装包;安装后加入系统包数据库中,方便从系统中移除以及发布。


1. checkinstall

1.1 安装checkinstall


sudo apt install checkinstall

1.2 使用方法

checkinstall -h可以得到试用方法,对checkinstal生成安装包行为进行配置,同时对安装包信息进行设置。


checkinstall 1.6.2, Copyright 2009 Felipe Eduardo Sanchez Diaz Duran
           This software is released under the GNU GPL.

Usage: checkinstall [options] [command [command arguments]]

*Package type selection*

-t,--type=<slackware|rpm|debian> Choose packaging system
-S                               Build a Slackware package
-R                               Build a RPM package
-D                               Build a Debian package

*Install options*

--install=<yes|no>             Toggle created package installation------------------默认会将执行一次make install,会将这些安装到系统中。no表示只生成安装包,不进行安装。
--fstrans=<yes|no>             Enable/disable the filesystem translation code

*Scripting options*

-y, --default                  Accept default answers to all questions--------------对选项默认采取y。
--pkgname=<name>               Set name---------------------------------------------安装包名称。
--pkgversion=<version>         Set version------------------------------------------安装包版本号。
-A, --arch, --pkgarch=<arch>   Set architecture
--pkgrelease=<release>         Set release
--pkglicense=<license>         Set license
--pkggroup=<group>             Set software group
--pkgsource=<source>           Set source location
--pkgaltsource=<altsource>     Set alternate source location
--pakdir=<directory>           The new package will be saved here
--maintainer=<email addr>      The package maintainer (.deb)
--provides=<list>              Features provided by this package
--requires=<list>              Features required by this package

1.3 使用介绍

1.3.1 准备源码

checkinstall依赖于当前Makefile,需要Makefile支持make install命令。


wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/hello/hello-2.10.tar.gz

1.3.2 生成安装包

通过下面的命令模拟一次make install命令,然后生成hello-x.x-xxxxxxx_amd64.deb安装包。

sudo checkinstall -y  --backup=no --install=no --pkgname=hello --pkgversion=1.0 --pkgrelease=`date +"%Y%m%d%H"`  --pkggroup=XGroup --maintainer=lu.baoquan@intellif.com --provides=Intellif --pakdir .

1.3.3 使用安装包(Debian)


sudo dpkg -i hello_1.0-2019120614_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -I hello_1.0-2019120614_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -r hello

参考文档:《How To Build Packages From Source Using CheckInstall》、《Checkinstall

2. makeself




2.1 获取makeself工具

git clone https://github.com/megastep/makeself.git

2.2 使用makeself

makeself的使用选项较多,但是使用./makeself.sh archive/ runtime_installer.sh "SDK Installer" ./install.sh即可创建runtime_installer.sh可执行自解压包。


Usage: ./makeself.sh [params] archive_dir file_name label startup_script [args]
params can be one or more of the following :
    --version | -v     : Print out Makeself version number and exit
    --help | -h        : Print out this help message
    --tar-quietly      : Suppress verbose output from the tar command
    --quiet | -q       : Do not print any messages other than errors.
    --gzip             : Compress using gzip (default if detected)
    --pigz             : Compress with pigz
    --bzip2            : Compress using bzip2 instead of gzip
    --pbzip2           : Compress using pbzip2 instead of gzip
    --xz               : Compress using xz instead of gzip
    --lzo              : Compress using lzop instead of gzip
    --lz4              : Compress using lz4 instead of gzip
    --compress         : Compress using the UNIX 'compress' command
    --complevel lvl    : Compression level for gzip pigz xz lzo lz4 bzip2 and pbzip2 (default 9)
    --base64           : Instead of compressing, encode the data using base64
    --gpg-encrypt      : Instead of compressing, encrypt the data using GPG
                       : Instead of compressing, asymmetrically encrypt and sign the data using GPG
    --gpg-extra opt    : Append more options to the gpg command line
    --ssl-encrypt      : Instead of compressing, encrypt the data using OpenSSL
    --ssl-passwd pass  : Use the given password to encrypt the data using OpenSSL
    --ssl-pass-src src : Use the given src as the source of password to encrypt the data
                         using OpenSSL. See "PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS" in man openssl.
                         If this option is not supplied, the user will be asked to enter
                         encryption password on the current terminal.
    --ssl-no-md        : Do not use "-md" option not supported by older OpenSSL.
    --nochown          : Do not give the target folder to the current user (default)
    --chown            : Give the target folder to the current user recursively
    --nocomp           : Do not compress the data
    --notemp           : The archive will create archive_dir in the
                         current directory and uncompress in ./archive_dir
    --needroot         : Check that the root user is extracting the archive before proceeding
    --copy             : Upon extraction, the archive will first copy itself to
                         a temporary directory
    --append           : Append more files to an existing Makeself archive
                         The label and startup scripts will then be ignored
    --target dir       : Extract directly to a target directory
                         directory path can be either absolute or relative
    --nooverwrite      : Do not extract the archive if the specified target directory exists
    --current          : Files will be extracted to the current directory
                         Both --current and --target imply --notemp
    --tar-extra opt    : Append more options to the tar command line
    --untar-extra opt  : Append more options to the during the extraction of the tar archive
    --nomd5            : Don't calculate an MD5 for archive
    --nocrc            : Don't calculate a CRC for archive
    --sha256           : Compute a SHA256 checksum for the archive
    --header file      : Specify location of the header script
    --follow           : Follow the symlinks in the archive
    --noprogress       : Do not show the progress during the decompression
    --nox11            : Disable automatic spawn of a xterm
    --nowait           : Do not wait for user input after executing embedded
                         program from an xterm
    --lsm file         : LSM file describing the package
    --license file     : Append a license file
    --help-header file : Add a header to the archive's --help output
    --packaging-date date
                       : Use provided string as the packaging date
                         instead of the current date.

    --keep-umask       : Keep the umask set to shell default, rather than overriding when executing self-extracting archive.
    --export-conf      : Export configuration variables to startup_script

2.3 使用自解压包


如果要查看更多信息输入./runtime_installer.sh --help,可以查看自解压包的信息、文件列表、传递参数等等。

Makeself version 2.4.0
 1) Getting help or info about ./runtime_installer.sh :
  ./runtime_installer.sh --help   Print this message
  ./runtime_installer.sh --info   Print embedded info : title, default target directory, embedded script ...
  ./runtime_installer.sh --lsm    Print embedded lsm entry (or no LSM)
  ./runtime_installer.sh --list   Print the list of files in the archive
  ./runtime_installer.sh --check  Checks integrity of the archive

 2) Running ./runtime_installer.sh :
  ./runtime_installer.sh [options] [--] [additional arguments to embedded script]
  with following options (in that order)
  --confirm             Ask before running embedded script
  --quiet               Do not print anything except error messages
  --accept              Accept the license
  --noexec              Do not run embedded script
  --keep                Do not erase target directory after running
                        the embedded script
  --noprogress          Do not show the progress during the decompression
  --nox11               Do not spawn an xterm
  --nochown             Do not give the target folder to the current user
  --chown               Give the target folder to the current user recursively
  --nodiskspace         Do not check for available disk space
  --target dir          Extract directly to a target directory (absolute or relative)
                        This directory may undergo recursive chown (see --nochown).
  --tar arg1 [arg2 ...] Access the contents of the archive through the tar command
  --ssl-pass-src src    Use the given src as the source of password to decrypt the data
                        using OpenSSL. See "PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS" in man openssl.
                        Default is to prompt the user to enter decryption password
                        on the current terminal.
  --                    Following arguments will be passed to the embedded script


posted on 2019-11-30 00:00  ArnoldLu  阅读(3706)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
