Oracle 查询练习
1 1.已知Oracle的Scott用户中提供了三个测试数据库表,名称分别为dept,emp和salgrade。使用SQL语言完成以下操作 2 1)试用SQL语言完成下列查询(单表查询): 3 a)查询20号部门的所有员工信息: 4 select * from emp e where e.deptno=20; 5 b)查询奖金(COMM)高于工资(SAL)的员工信息: 6 select * from emp where comm>sal; 7 c)查询奖金高于工资的20%的员工信息: 8 select * from emp where comm>sal*0.2; 9 d)查询10号部门中工种为MANAGER和20号部门中工种为CLERK的员工的信息: 10 select * from emp e 11 where (e.deptno=10 and e.job='MANAGER') 12 or (e.deptno=20 and e.job='CLERK') ; 13 e)查询所有工种不是MANAGER和CLERK,且工资大于或等于2000的员工的详细信息: 14 select * from emp 15 where job not in('MANAGER','CLERK') and sal>=2000; 16 f)查询没有奖金或奖金低于100的员工信息: 17 select * from emp where comm is null or comm<100; 18 g)查询员工工龄大于或等于10年的员工信息: 19 select * from emp where (sysdate-hiredate)/365>=10; 20 h)查询员工信息,要求以首字母大写的方式显示所有员工的姓名: 21 第一种写法: 22 select initcap(ename) from emp; 23 24 第二种写法: 25 select upper(substr(ename,1,1))||lower(substr(ename,2)) from emp; 26 i)查询在2月份入职的所有员工信息: 27 select * from emp where to_char(hiredate,'MM')='02'; 28 j)显示所有员工的姓名、入职的年份和月份,按入职日期所在的月份排序,若月份相同则按入职的年份排序: 29 select ename,to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') year,to_char(hiredate,'MM') 30 month 31 from emp 32 order by month,year; 33 k)查询'JONES'员工及所有其直接、间接下属员工的信息: 34 select e.* from emp e 35 start with ename='JONES' 36 connect by prior empno=mgr; 37 l)查询SCOTT员工及其直接、间接上级员工的信息: 38 select e.* from emp e 39 start with ename='SCOTT' 40 connect by prior mgr=empno; 41 2)试用SQL语言完成下列查询(多表查询): 42 a)查询从事同一种工作但不属于同一部门的员工信息: 43 select a.ename,a.job,a.deptno,b.ename,b.job,b.deptno 44 from emp a,emp b 45 where a.job=b.job and a.deptno<>b.deptno; 46 b)查询各个部门的详细信息以及部门人数、部门平均工资: 47 select d.deptno,count(e.empno),avg(e.sal),d.dname,d.loc 48 from emp e ,dept d 49 where e.deptno=d.deptno 50 group by d.deptno,d.dname,d.loc; 51 3)试用SQL语言完成下列查询(嵌套子查询): 52 a)查询10号部门员工以及领导的信息: 53 select * from emp where empno in( 54 select mgr from emp where deptno=10) or deptno=10; 55 b)查询工资为某个部门平均工资的员工信息: 56 select * from emp 57 where sal in(select avg(sal) from emp group by deptno); 58 c)查询工资高于本部门平均工资的员工的信息: 59 select * from emp e1 60 where sal >(select avg(sal) from emp e2 where e2.deptno=e1.deptno); 61 d)查询工资高于本部门平均工资的员工的信息及其部门的平均工资: 62 select e.*,a.avgsal 63 from emp e, 64 (select deptno,avg(sal) as avgsal from emp group by deptno) a where a.deptno=e.deptno and e.sal>a.avgsal; 65 4)试用SQL语言完成下列查询(聚合函数): 66 a)统计各个工种的人数与平均工资: 67 select count(*),e.job,avg(e.sal) from emp e 68 group by e.job; 69 b)统计每个部门中各个工种的人数与平均工资: 70 select deptno,job,count(empno),avg(sal) from emp e 71 group by e.deptno,e.job; 72 c)查询所有员工入职以来的工作期限,用“**年**月**日”的形式表示。 73 select e.ename,floor((sysdate-e.hiredate)/365)|| '年'|| floor(mod((sysdate-e.hiredate),365)/30) || '月'|| floor(mod(mod((sysdate-e.hiredate),365),30))|| '日'from emp e; 74 d)查询人数最多的部门信息: 75 select * from dept 76 where deptno in 77 (select deptno from 78 (select count(*) count,deptno from emp group by deptno) 79 where count in 80 (select max(count) from 81 (select count(*) count ,deptno from emp group by deptno) 82 ) 83 ); 84 e)以树状结构查询所有员工与领导之间的层次关系: 85 select substr(sys_connect_by_path(ename,'->'),3),level 86 from emp 87 start with mgr is null 88 connect by prior empno=mgr; 89 f)部门平均薪水最高的部门编号: 90 第一种方法: 91 select * from( 92 select avg(sal) avgsal,deptno 93 from emp group by deptno order by avgsal desc) 94 where rownum=1; 95 96 第二种方法: 97 select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno having avg(sal)=( 98 select max(avg(sal)) avgsal 99 from emp group by deptno) 100 g)部门平均薪水最高的部门名称: 101 select d.* from dept d where deptno 102 in(select deptno from emp group by deptno having avg(sal)= 103 (select max(avg(sal)) avgsal from emp group by deptno)) 104 h)平均薪水最低的部门的部门名称: 105 select d.* from dept d where deptno 106 in(select deptno from emp group by deptno having avg(sal)= 107 (select min(avg(sal)) avgsal from emp group by deptno)) 108 i)平均薪水等级最低的部门的部门名称: 109 select d.dname from dept d 110 where d.deptno in (select a.deptno from 111 (select e.deptno from emp e,salgrade s 112 where (e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal) 113 group by e.deptno order by avg(s.grade)) a 114 where rownum=1); 115 j)部门经理人中,薪水最低的部门名称: 116 select dname from dept where deptno= 117 (select deptno from 118 (select deptno from emp where job='MANAGER' group by deptno 119 order by min(sal)) where rownum=1); 120 k)比普通员工的最高薪水还要高的经理人名称: 121 select ename from emp where sal> 122 (select max(sal) from emp where job not in 123 ('MANAGER','PRESIDENT')) and job='MANAGER' or job='PRESIDENT'; 124 5)试用SQL语言完成下列查询(嵌套子查询): 125 a)查询所有员工工资都大于1000的部门的信息: 126 select * from dept where deptno in 127 (select deptno from emp 128 where deptno not in 129 (select distinct deptno from emp where sal<1000)); 130 b)查询所有员工工资都大于1000的部门的信息及其员工信息: 131 select * from emp e join dept d 132 on d.deptno 133 in (select deptno from emp 134 where deptno not in 135 (select distinct deptno from emp where sal<1000)) 136 and d.deptno=e.deptno; 137 c)查询所有员工工资都在900~3000之间的部门的信息: 138 select * from dept 139 where deptno not in 140 (select deptno from emp 141 where sal not between 900 and 3000); 142 d)查询所有工资都在900~3000之间的员工所在部门的员工信息: 143 select * from emp a 144 where a.deptno in 145 (select distinct e.deptno from emp e 146 where e.sal between 900 and 3000); 147 e)查询每个员工的领导所在部门的信息: 148 select d.* from dept d 149 where d.deptno in 150 (select distinct e2.deptno from emp e1,emp e2 151 where e1.empno=e2.mgr); 152 f)查询30号部门中工资排序前3名的员工信息: 153 select * from 154 (select sal from emp where deptno=30 order by sal desc) e 155 where rownum<4 156 g)查询工作等级为2级,1985年以后入职的工作地点为DALLAS的员工编号、姓名和工资: 157 select e.ename,e.empno,e.sal from emp e,salgrade s,dept d 158 where (e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal) 159 and (s.grade=2) 160 and to_char(e.hiredate,'yyyy')>1985 161 and e.deptno=d.deptno 162 and d.loc='DALLAS'; 163 6)用SQL语句完成下列操作: 164 a)将各部门员工的工资修改为该员工所在部门平均工资加1000: 165 update emp e set sal= 166 1000+(select avg(sal) from emp where deptno=e.deptno); 167 b)删除重复部门,只留下一项: 168 delete from dept d 169 where rowid<> 170 (select min(rowid) from dept where dname=d.dname and d.loc=loc); 171 c)更新员工工资为他的主管的工资,奖金: 172 第一种方法: 173 update emp e set sal=(select sal from emp where empno=e.mgr), comm=(select comm from emp where empno=e.mgr) 174 第二种方法: 175 update emp e set (sal,comm)=(select sal,comm from emp whereempno=e.mgr); 176 177 2.(可选题)某大学图书馆为了更好管理图书,使用Oracle数据库建立了三个表: 178 CARD 借书卡表: CNO(卡号),NAME (姓名),CLASS (班级); 179 BOOKS 图书表: BNO(书号),BNAME (书名), AUTHOR (作者),PRICE (单价),QUANTITY (库存册数); 180 BORROW 借书记录表: CNO (借书卡号),BNO (书号),RDATE (还书日期); 181 备注:限定每人每种书只能借一本;库存册数随借书、还书而改变。 182 1)试用SQL语言完成下列操作: 183 a)写出建立BORROW表的SQL语句,要求定义主码完整性约束和引用完整性约束: 184 CREATE TABLE BORROW( 185 CNO NUMBER REFERENCES CARD(CNO), 186 BNO NUMBER REFERENCES BOOKS(BNO), 187 RDATE date, 188 PRIMARY KEY(CNO,BNO) 189 ); 190 b)假定在建BOOKS表时没有定义主码,写出为BOOKS表追加定义主码的语句: 191 ALTER TABLE BOOKS ADD PRIMARY KEY(BNO) ; 192 c)将CARD 表的NAME最大列宽增加到10个字符(假定原为6个字符): 193 ALTER TABLE CARD MODIFY NAME varchar2(10) ; 194 d)为该表增加1列NAME(系名),可变长,最大20个字符: 195 ALTER TABLE CARD ADD 系名 varchar2(20) ; 196 2)试用SQL语言完成下列查询: 197 a)找出借书超过5本的读者,输出借书卡号及所借图书册数: 198 SELECT CNO, COUNT(*) FROM BORROW GROUP BY CNO HAVING COUNT(*)>5; 199 b)查询借阅了"水浒"一书的读者,输出姓名及班级: 200 SELECT NAME, CLASS FROM CARD WHERE CNO IN (SELECT CNO FROM BORROW BW, BOOKS BK WHERE BW.BNO=BK.BNO AND BK.BNAME='水浒') ; 201 c)查询过期未还图书,输出借阅者(卡号)、书号及还书日期: 202 SELECT * FROM BORROW WHERE RDATE<SYSDATE; 203 d)查询书名包括"网络"关键词的图书,输出书号、书名、作者: 204 SELECT BNO,BNAME,AUTHOR FROM BOOKS WHERE BNAME LIKE '%网络%'; 205 e)查询现有图书中价格最高的图书,输出书名及作者: 206 SELECT BNAME,AUTHOR FROM BOOKS WHERE PRICE=(SELECT MAX(PRICE) FROM BOOKS) ; 207 f)查询当前借了"计算方法"但没有借"计算方法习题集"的读者,输出其借书卡号,并按卡号降序排序输出: 208 SELECT a.CNO FROM BORROW a,BOOKS b WHERE a.BNO=b.BNO AND b.BNAME='计算方法' AND a.CNO NOT IN( SELECT aa.CNO FROM BORROW aa,BOOKS bb WHERE aa.BNO=bb.BNO AND bb.BNAME='计算方法习题集')ORDER BY a.CNO DESC; 209 g)查询当前同时借有"计算方法"和"组合数学"两本书的读者,输出其借书卡号,并按卡号升序排序输出: 210 SELECT DISTINCT a.CNO FROM BORROW a,BOOKS b WHERE a.BNO=b.BNO AND b.BNAME IN('计算方法','组合数学') ORDER BY a.CNO; 211 3)试用SQL语言完成下列操作: 212 a)将"C01"班同学所借图书的还期都延长一周: 213 UPDATE BORROW SET RDATE=RDATE+7 WHERE CNO IN (SELECT DISTINCT CNO FROM CARD WHERE CLASS='C01'); 214 b)从BOOKS表中删除当前无人借阅的图书记录: 215 DELETE FROM BOOKS WHERE BNO NOT IN(SELECT DISTINCT BK.BNO FROM BORROW BR, BOOKS BK WHERE BR.BNO=BK.BNO); 216 4)试用SQL语言完成下列操作: 217 a)如果经常按书名查询图书信息,请建立合适的索引: 218 CREATE INDEX IDX_BOOKS_BNAME ON BOOKS(BNAME) ; 219 b)在BORROW表上建立一个触发器,完成如下功能:如果读者借阅的书名是"数据库技术及应用",就将该读者的借阅记录保存在BORROW_SAVE表中(注ORROW_SAVE表结构同BORROW表): 220 CREATE TRIGGER TR_SAVE ON BORROWFOR INSERT,UPDATEASIF @@ROWCOUNT>0 INSERT BORROW_SAVE SELECT i.*FROM INSERTED i,BOOKS b WHERE i.BNO=b.BNO AND b.BNAME=N'数据库技术及应用'; 221 c)建立一个视图,显示"力01"班学生的借书信息(只要求显示姓名和书名): 222 CREATE VIEW V_VIEWASSELECT a.NAME,b.BNAMEFROM BORROW ab,CARD a,BOOKS bWHEREab.CNO=a.CNO AND ab.BNO=b.BNO AND a.CLASS=N'力01';
a rebirth