A*算法是一种经典的启发式搜索算法,公式表示为:f(n)=g(n)+h(n),其中f(n) 是从初始点到目标点的估价函数,g(n)是从初始点到节点n的代价,h(n)是从节 点n到目标节点的估计代价,保证找到最短路径关键在于估价函数h(n)的选取。
push startNode onto openList while(openList is not empty) { if current is goal return path remove currentNode from openList push currentNode onto closedList for each neighbor in negighbors { if neighbor is not in openList { save g, h, and f save current parent add neighbor to openList } if neighbor is in openList And g is better than previous g { save g and f save the current parent } } }
astar = init: (grid) -> for x in [0...grid.length] for y in [0...grid[x].length] grid[x][y].f = 0 grid[x][y].g = 0 grid[x][y].h = 0 grid[x][y].debug = "" grid[x][y].parent = null search: (grid, start, end) -> astar.init grid openList = [] closeList = [] openList.push start while openList.length > 0 # 获取最小的f(x)的点 lowInd = 0 for i in [0...openList.length] lowInd = i if openList[i].f < openList[lowInd].f currentNode = openList[lowInd] # 到达目标点,返回路径 if currentNode.pos is end.pos curr = currentNode ret = [] while curr.parent ret.push curr curr = curr.parent return ret.reverse() # 最短路径搜索过程 # 将当前点从openList移至closeList # 处理当前点的每个相邻点 openList.removeGraphNode currentNode closeList.push currentNode neightbors = astar.neighbors grid, currentNode for i in [0...neighbors.length] neighbor = neighbor[i] if closeList.findGraphNode(neighbor) or neighbor.isWall() # 无效点,跳至下一个相邻点 continue # gScore 是起始点到当前点所经过的距离 # 需要判断当前相邻是否是最短距离 gScore = currentNode.g + 1 # 1是当前点到相邻点的距离 gScoreIsBest = false if !openList.findGraphNode(neighbor) # 第一次到达当前点, 它必是当前最短距离 # 并且,需要计算 h(x) gScoreIsBest = true neighbor.h = astar.heuristic neighbor.pos, end.pos openList.push neighbor else if gScore < neighbor.g # 已经到达过该点,并且路径短于上次 gScoreIsBest = true if gScoreIsBest # 找到当前的最短路径,将它保存起来 neighbor.parent = currentNode neighbor.g = gScore neighbor.f = neighbor.g + neighbor.h neighbor.debug = "F: " + neighbor.f + " G: " + neighbor.g + " H:" + neighbor.h # 未找到最短路径,返回空 return [] heuristic: (pos0, pos1) -> return Math.abs(pos1.x - pos0.x) + Math.abs(pos1.y -pos0.y) neighbors: (grid, node) -> ret = [] x = node.pos.x y = node.pos.y ret.push grid[x-1][y] if grid[x-1]?[y]? ret.push grid[x+1][y] if grid[x+1]?[y]? ret.push grid[x][y-1] if grid[x]?[y-1]? ret.push grid[x][y+1] if grid[x]?[y+1]?
A* search algorithm description on wiki
vistual PathFinding.js