


This is our new technology to render photo-realistic images at interactive frame rates with the help of modern GPUs supporting CUDA.


computes all dominant and subtle lighting effects in a scene without the need for tuning and tweaking parameters of the algorithm


resulting rendering performance scales almost perfectly with the number of CUDA devices in a multi-GPU setup。随GPU数目速度正比


For the first time, the physically correct behavior of light and shadow can be studied interactively in all aspects, without compromising quality.灯光阴影正确,可交互,且不影响质量


Unfortunately, a true interactive integration of iray is not available in Maya 2011On the other hand, the mental ray Standalone 2011 does provide the iray rendering components. This offers the possibility to start experimenting with the iray rendering mode in the typical iterative standalone rendering workflow  .create Maya scene >> export to .mi file >> render with Standalone 独立版比较全面,MAYA版不能体会真正的交互性、实时性


The iray rendering engine uses a fixed set of BRDF materials and shading effects. Many existing shaders are automatically mapped to this internal shading model. If a shader is not supported by the shader translation mechanism then the material or effect is skipped, which typically renders this effect black or invisible.A Maya scene can be tuned to use only the subset of shaders and effects which is supported byiray. ---有的材质并不支持

posted @ 2012-12-04 10:33  cgcaadcae  阅读(179)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报