OEL 6.3 安装zip支持包

[root@oggtarget software]# yum install unzip
Loaded plugins: security
ol6_UEK_latest                                                                                                                                                                          | 1.2 kB     00:00     
http://public-yum.oracle.com/repo/OracleLinux/OL6/UEK/latest/x86_64/repodata/primary.xml.gz: [Errno 12] Timeout on http://public-yum.oracle.com/repo/OracleLinux/OL6/UEK/latest/x86_64/repodata/primary.xml.gz: (28, 'Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transfered the last 30 seconds')
Trying other mirror.
ol6_UEK_latest/primary                                                                                                                                                                  |  20 MB     01:01     
ol6_UEK_latest                                                                                                                                                                                         428/428
ol6_latest                                                                                                                                                                              | 1.4 kB     00:00     
ol6_latest/primary                                                                                                                                                                      |  47 MB     02:51     
ol6_latest                                                                                                                                                                                         29565/29565
Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package unzip.x86_64 0:6.0-1.el6 will be updated
---> Package unzip.x86_64 0:6.0-2.el6_6 will be an update
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

 Package                                        Arch                                            Version                                              Repository                                           Size
 unzip                                          x86_64                                          6.0-2.el6_6                                          ol6_latest                                          149 k

Transaction Summary
Upgrade       1 Package(s)

Total download size: 149 k
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
unzip-6.0-2.el6_6.x86_64.rpm                                                                                                                                                            | 149 kB     00:01     
warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID ec551f03: NOKEY
Retrieving key from http://public-yum.oracle.com/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle-ol6
Importing GPG key 0xEC551F03:
 Userid: "Oracle OSS group (Open Source Software group) <build@oss.oracle.com>"
 From  : http://public-yum.oracle.com/RPM-GPG-KEY-oracle-ol6
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Running rpm_check_debug
Running Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
  Updating   : unzip-6.0-2.el6_6.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                    1/2 
  Cleanup    : unzip-6.0-1.el6.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                      2/2 
  Verifying  : unzip-6.0-2.el6_6.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                    1/2 
  Verifying  : unzip-6.0-1.el6.x86_64                                                                                                                                                                      2/2 

  unzip.x86_64 0:6.0-2.el6_6                                                                                                                                                                                   



posted @ 2015-04-05 18:20  ArcerZhang  阅读(333)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报