[bbk4345]小布-OCP 042全真试题讲解


[bbk4345]小布-OCP 042全真试题讲解



  • 1、Your test database is running in NOARCHIVELOG mode.What are the implications of this?
    • You can perform open database backups.
    • You can perform closed database backups.
    • You cannot perform schemal-level logical backups.
    • You can perform the backup of only the SYSTEM tablespace when the databse is open.
  • 2、Which two statements about Recovery Manager(RMAN) backups are true?(Choose two)
    • A.Online redo log files can be backed up.
    • B.Archived redo log files are backed up.
    • C.Only used data blocks can be backed up as backup sets.
    • D.Only consistent database backups can be performed.
    • E.RMAN backup can be taken if the database is configureed in ARCHIVELOG mode.


使用RMAN备份数据库,只备份Data Files 和 Archive log  file.

  • 3、The database is open,and you plan to perform Recovery Manager(RMAN)backups.Which three statements are true about these backups?(Choose trhee)
    • A.The backups would be consistent.
    • B.The backups would be inconsistent.
    • C.The backups need to be restored and database has to be recovered in case of a media failure. 
    • D.The backups need not be restored during recovery in case of a media failure.
    • E.The backups would be possible only if the database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode.
    • F.The backups would be possible only if the database is running in NOARCHIVELOG mode.




  • 4、You perform differential incremental level 1 backups of your database on each working day and level 0 backup on Sundays.
    • Which two statements are true about the differential incremental backups?(choose two) 
    • A.The backup performed on Sundays contains all the blocks that have ever been use in the database.
    • B.The backup performed on Sundays contains all the blocks that have changed since the last level 1 backup.
    • C.The backup performed on each working day contains all the blocks that have changed since the last level 0 or level 1 backup.
    • D.The backup performed on each working day contains all the blokcs that have changed since the last level 0 backup.

level 0相当于一种特殊的增量备份.

level 0就相当于全备,但是0级备份不等于全备.其中全备不能作为增量备份的基础,而0级备份则可以作为增量备份的基础.

0级备份的定义(全备),就是:The backup performed on Sundays contains all the blocks that have ever been use in the database. 

  • 5、According to your backup strategy,you performed an incremental level 0 backup of your database.Which statement regarding this backup is true?
    • A.The backup is similar to image copy.
    • B.The backup contains all used data blocks.
    • C.The backup contains only unused data blocks.
    • D.The backup contains all data blocks changed since the last incremental level 1 backup.

image copy类似于cp,dd命令的备份,而level 0的备份属于备份集的备份,有着本质的区别.

  • 6、On which three can you use Recovery Manager(RMAN) to perform incremental backup ?(Choose three)
    • A.data files
    • B.control files
    • C.tablespaces
    • D.password files
    • E.parameter file
    • F.whole database
    • G.flashback log file
    • H.archived log file
    • I.change tracking file



flashback log file、archive log file、change tracking file是对整个数据库文件的拷贝,不分块的概念的.因此不能进行增量备份.

  • 7、You backed up the control file to trace.Which statement is true about the trace file generated?
    • A.The trace file is in binary format.
    • B.The trace file has a SQL script to re-create the control file.
    • C.The trace file is a backup set created during the backup of the control file.
    • D.The trace file contains the instructions to manually re-create the control file.
    • E.The trace file is an image copy of the control file created during the backup of the control file.

trace file一般就是日志文件,日志文件一般就是文本文件.

trace file没有备份集的概念的,备份集的概念是针对于数据文件的.

所谓的image copy就是二进制文件.

  • 8、Your database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode,after which two operations you should take the backup of control file?(Choose two)
    • A.adding a new user to the database
    • B.dropping a user from the database
    • C.dropping a table from the database
    • D.dropping a data file from a tablespace
    • E.adding a new tablespace to the database.



  • 9、You executed the following command to back up your control file:


Which initialization parameter is used to specify the location of the trace file?


Your database is configured in NOARCHIVELOG mdoe.All the control files have been lost due to a hard disk failure bu the data files are not lost.You have the closed whole database backup available to you.


  • 10、Your database is configured in NOARCHIVELOG mode.All the control files have been lost due to a hard disk failure but the data files are not lost.You have closed whole database backup availbale to you.

Which two statements are true in this scenario?(Choose two)

    • A.the instance aborts.
    • B.The database cannot be recovered.
    • C.The database can be recovered by restoring the control files from the backup.(时间点不一致,无法通过拷贝方式,直接使用控制文件)
    • D.The database remains opened and you have to shut it down with the ABORT option.
    • E.The database can be restored till the point of the last closed whole database backup.
  • 11、In your database,the Log Writer(LGWR)process is unable to write to a member of a current redo log group due to read/write failure.Which two effects would you see in your database?(Choose two)
    • A.the database instance aborts.
    • B.the database operation temporaily halts till the member becomes available.
    • C.Writing proceeds as normal.LGWR writes to the available members of a group and ignores the unavailable members.
    • D.The member would be marked as STALE and an error message would be written to the alert log file and LGWR trace file.
    • E.The status of the group changes to INACTIVE and an error message would be written to the alert log file and LGWR trace file.

log file group的状态,CURRENT、INACTIVE、STALE




posted @ 2013-06-25 16:46  ArcerZhang  阅读(638)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报