[bbk4956]第65集 第7章 - 数据库的维护 02

SQL> select tablespace_name,contents from dba_tablespaces;

------------------------------ ---------
SYSTEM                         PERMANENT
SYSAUX                         PERMANENT
UNDOTBS1                       UNDO
TEMP                           TEMPORARY
USERS                          PERMANENT
EXAMPLE                        PERMANENT
TAB_U2                         PERMANENT
TAB_U3                         PERMANENT
TS0                            PERMANENT
TS1                            PERMANENT
TS2                            PERMANENT

------------------------------ ---------
TS3                            PERMANENT
TS4                            PERMANENT
FBDA_TBS                       PERMANENT

14 rows selected.

tablespace_name SYSAUX ,系统辅助表空间,AWR(Automatic Workload Reponsitory)的信息就是存放在此表空间中.

system build-in user SYSMAN,AWR的数据,就是属于SYSMAN的.

Automatic Workload Repository(AWR)自动负荷信息库

  • Built-in reponsitory of perform perfomance
  • Snapshots of database metrics taken every 60 minutes and retained for eight day.
  • Foundation for all self-management functions

AWR Infrastructure

AWR Baselines

Enterprise Manager and the AWR

Managing the AWR

  • Retention period
    • Default:Eight days
    • Consider storage needs
  • Collection interval
    • Default:60 minutes
    • Consider storage needs and performance impact
  • Collection level
    • Base(disable most ADDM functionality)
    • Typical(recommended)
    • All(adds addtional SQL tunning information to snapshots)

实际业务需求:假如有新的应用添加,新应用的SQL执行性能需要监控,此时就可以将collection level调整为ALL(假设之前是typical),等新的应用调整、磨合的差不多了,相对稳定了,就可以将collection level 调整为typical.

Statistics Levels

posted @ 2013-05-30 15:48  ArcerZhang  阅读(127)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报