[bbk3204] 第67集 -Chapter 17-Monitoring and Detecting Lock Contention(00)


After completing this lesson,you should be able to do the following:

  • Define levels of locking
  • Identify causes of contention
  • Prevent locking problems
  • Use Oracle utilities to detect lock contention
  • Resolve contention in an emergency
  • Resovle deadlock conditions

Modes of Locking

Oracle Database uses two modes of locking in a multiuser database:

  • Exclusive lock mode prevents the associates resource from being shared.This lock mode is obtained to modify data.The first transaction to lock a resource exclusively is the only transaction that can alter the resource until exclusive lock is release.
  • Shared lock mode allows the associated resource to be shared.depending on the operations involved.Multiple users reading data can share the data,holding share locks to prevent concurrent access by a writer (who needs an exclusive lock).Several transaction can acquire share locks on the same resource.

Locking Mechanism

  • Automatic management
  • High level of data concurrency
    • -Row-level locks for DML transactions
    • -No locks required for queries
  • Multi-version consistency
  • Exclusive and Share lock modes
  • Locks held unitl commit or rollback operations are performed

Data Concurrency

Three Types of Lokcs

  • DML or data locks:
    • -Table-level locks(TM)
    • -Row-level locks(TX)
  • DDL or dictionary locks
  • Latch locks

DML Locks

A DML transaction gets at least tow locks:

  • A shared table lock
  • An exclusive row lock

Enqueue Mechanism

The enqueue mechanism keeps track of:

  • Users waiting for locks
  • The requested lock mode
  • The order in which users requested the lock
posted @ 2013-05-10 11:21  ArcerZhang  阅读(183)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报