[bbk5364]第19集 - Chapter 08 - Handling Exceptions(02)
Autonomous Transactions
Autonomous Transaction(AT),通过PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION;指明当前的事务操作只针对自身有效,不涉及到其他事务.
Trapping User-Defined Exceptions
User-Defined Exception
DECLARE v_deptno NUMBER := 500; v_name VARCHAR2(20) := 'Testing'; e_invalid_department EXCEPTION; BEGIN UPDATE dept SET department_name = v_name WHERE department_id = v_deptno; IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN RAISE e_invalid_department; END IF; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN e_invalid_department THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('No such department id!'); END; /
Propagating Exceptions in PL/SQL
- When an exception is raised,if PL/SQL cannot find a handler for it in the current block or subprogram ,the exception propagates.
- That is ,the exception reproduces itself in successive enclosing blocks until a handler is found or there are no more blocks to seache.
- If no handler is found,PL/SQL returns an unhandled exception error to the host enviroment.
Propagating Exceptions in a Subblock
Propagating Rules:Example 1
Propagaing Rules:Example 2
Propagating Rules:Example3
- You can use this procedure to issue user-defined error messages from stored subprograms.
- You can report errors to your applicaiton and avoid returning unhandled exceptions.
- error_number is in the range-20000..-20999,message is a character string of at most 2-48 bytes.
- Is used in two different places:
- -Executable section
- -Exception section
- Returns error conditions to the user in a manner consistent with other Oracle Server errros.
Executable section:
Exception section:
DECLARE v_deptno NUMBER := 500; v_name VARCHAR2(20) := 'Testing'; e_invalid_department EXCEPTION; PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_invalid_department,-20188); BEGIN UPDATE dept SET department_name = v_name WHERE department_id = v_deptno; IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20188,'This is your Error Message!'); END IF; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN e_invalid_department THEN --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(SQLCODE || '->' || SQLERRM); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(SQLERRM); END; /
e_invalid_department EXCEPTION; --定义一个EXCEPTION类型的变量,名称叫做e_invalid_department;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(e_invalid_department,-20188); --通过此函数指令,将-20188与异常类型变量e_valid_department进行关联;
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20188,'This is your Error Message!'); --通过此过程,就可以将ERROR CODE: -20188与ERROR MESSAGE:'This is your Error Message进行关联';
完成上述几步之后,在后面的代码块中,就可以使用Oracle Server build in`s function:SQLCODE and SQLERRM;