[bbk3106]第13集 - Chapter 07 - 介绍oracle的asm存储设备
AMS Installation Best Practices
- For higher availability and manageability ,it is recommended that the ASM instance be installed in a separate ORACLE_HOME than the database ORACLE_HOME.
- 为了便于对oracle instance及ams instance的管理,建议将二者各自的安装目录不放在一起.
- This separation of ORACLE_HOMEs,allows independent upgrades of the databse and AMS.Additionally,de-installation of database software can be performed without impacting the ASM instance.
- 在升级或者卸载数据库及ASM相关软件时,不受影响.
ASM Howto
Oracle@Database Administroator`s Guide,Chapter 12
Some ASM views
Ref:Oracle@Database Reference,Part III
- v$asm_disk(_stat)
- v$asm_diskgroup(_stat)
- v$asm_operation
- v$asm_client
- v$asm_file
- v$asm_template
- v$asm_alias