[bbk5183]第67集 第7章 - 数据库的维护 04

Advisory Framework

所有的Advisory Framework都是基于AWR(Automatic workload Repository)的.

Enterprise Manager and Advisors


Procedure Description
CREATE_TASK Creates a new task in the repository
DELETE_TASK Delete a task from the repository
EXECUTE_TASK Initiates execution of the task
INTERRUPT_TASK Suspends a task that is currently executing
GET_TASK_REPORT Creates and returns a text report for the specified task
RESUME_TASK Causes a suspended task to resume
UPDATE_TASK_ATTRIBUTES Updates task attributes
SET_TASK_PARAMETER Modifies a task parameter
MARK_RECOMMENDATION Marks one or more recommendations as accepted,rejected,or ignored
GET_TASK_SCRIPT Creates a script of all the recommedations that are accepted










The optimizer statistic num_rows will always reflect the true row count for a table.

  • True
  • Flase
posted @ 2013-05-30 17:22  ArcerZhang  阅读(145)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报