[bbk4759] 第28集 - 第三章 Flashback Table 05
实现Flashback table操作的前提条件
权限及及开启movement row功能
实验:flashback table操作
error where deptno=20---7369-1900
3、flashback version query
4、flashback table---recover
1、比incomplete recovery 影响返回小,保证数据库online
2、当表的子集发生错误操作时,可以通过flashback table功能实现.
SQL> create table emp1 as select * from emp; Table created. SQL> select empno,sal,deptno from emp1 where deptno = 20; EMPNO SAL DEPTNO ---------- ---------- ---------- 7369 800 20 7566 2975 20 7788 3000 20 7876 1100 20 7902 3000 20 SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') current_date from dual; CURRENT_DATE ------------------- 2013-05-17 07:43:04
SQL> update emp1 set sal = 1900 where deptno = 20; 5 rows updated. SQL> commit; Commit complete.
step 3 :使用flashback version query,定位数据变化.
SQL> l 1 select versions_xid,versions_starttime,versions_endtime,empno,sal 2 from emp1 3 versions between timestamp 4 to_timestamp('2013-05-17 07:43:04','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') 5 and maxvalue 6* where empno = 7369 SQL> / VERSIONS_XID VERSIONS_STARTTIME VERSIONS_ENDTIME EMPNO SAL ---------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ---------- ---------- 02001000EE080000 17-MAY-13 07.55.05 AM 7369 1900 17-MAY-13 07.55.05 AM 7369 800
SQL> alter table emp1 enable row movement; Table altered.
SQL> flashback table emp1 to timestamp 2 to_timestamp('2013-05-17 07:43:04','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'); Flashback complete.
SQL> select empno,sal,deptno from emp1 2 where deptno = 20; EMPNO SAL DEPTNO ---------- ---------- ---------- 7369 800 20 7566 2975 20 7788 3000 20 7876 1100 20 7902 3000 20
Flashback Table:Considerations
- The FLASHBACK TABLE command executes as a single transaction,acquiring exclusive DML locks.
- Flashback Table操作相当于一个DML操作,独立的锁机制;要么都成功,要么都失败
- Statistics are not flashed back.
- 执行Flashback table之后,数据字典中相应的statistics data不会发生变化.
- Current indexes and dependent objects are maintained
- Oracle database在执行Flashback table后,会自动维护相应的索引及对象信息;
- 比如与表对应的materialized views数据,oracle database也会自动进行维护,与变化后的数据保持一致.
- Flashback Table operations
- Cannot be performed on system tables
- 假如在system用户下,建了业务表,这种表也是不能进行闪回操作的.
- Cannot span DDL operations
- Generate undo and redo data