Chapter12 User-Managed Complete Recovery

1、在oracle的recovery中,分两种:complete recover and incomplete recovery

2、在NOARCHIVELOG MODE情况下,是没有完全恢复的.




假如the most recent backup,是在144(scn)处,当数据发生损坏在146处时,又假如redo log file文件中的数据没有被覆盖时(redo log file是一个被oracle循环写的文件),那么这个时候就可以restore 144的备份文件,再加上redo log file中的文件,即可将数据库恢复,数据损失最小,接近于0损失;否则在scn为346处,发生的数据损坏,redo log file中的数据早就被覆盖掉了,那么进行数据恢复时,只能restore 144的备份文件了,144之后至346处的数据将全部丢失;

4、Complete Recovery

  • Make sure that datafiles for restore are offline.
  • Restore only lost or damaged datafiles.
  • Do not restore the control file,redo log files,password files,or parameter files.
  • Recover the datafiles.

5、Complete Recovery in ARCHIVELOG Mode

  • Advantages
    • Only need to restore lost files
    • Recovers all data to the time of failure
    • Recovery time is the time it takes to restore lost files and apply all archived log files
  • Disadvantages
    • Must have all archived log files since the backup from which you are restoring

 6、Determine Files Need Recovery

  • View V$RECOVER_FILE to determine which datafiles need recovery.通过查询这个动态性能试图,可以知道哪个数据文件需要恢复.
    • SQL> select * from v$recover_file;
      no rows selected


  • View V$ARCHIVED_LOG for a list of all archived redo log files for the database.
  • View V$RECOVERY_LOG for a list of all archived redo log files required for recovery.当有需要恢复的redo log files时,v$recovery_log才会有记录.



posted @ 2013-03-26 11:33  ArcerZhang  阅读(163)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报