Chapter11-RMAN Backups


2、Backup File Types

  • Tablespaces
  • Datafiles(current or copy)
  • Control file(current or copy)
  • Spfiles
  • Archived logs
  • Backup Sets

3、要执行RMAN数据库备份,必须要求Oracle Database Server必须处于archive mode下;

RMAN进行备份的时候,会将Online redo log files 进行一次alter system switch log file,然后再进行备份操作;把online redo log file的内容,写到archive log file里面,然后备份归档日志就可以了;因此RMAN不对online redo log file 做备份.

4、Backup Issues

  • Backup datafiles
  • Backup tablespaces
  • Backup the control file
  • Backup the server parameter file
  • Backup the archived log files
posted @ 2013-03-23 09:18  ArcerZhang  阅读(102)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报