Chapter01-Netwoking Overview

一般情况存在大量并发的时候,就会使用Shared Server模式;为了应对更大规模的并发访问,oracle提供了OCM(Oracle Connection Manager);

Networking Overview

Oracle 9i Network Solutions

  • Connectivity
  • Directory Services
  • Scalability
  • Security
  • Accessibility

The connections types can be

在安装了oracle server的linux系统中,sqlplus连接oracle server,走的是RPC,进程间通讯;

  • Clinet-Server Application
  • Java Application 
  • Web Client Application

Oracle Protocol Support

  • TCP/IP
  • TCP/IP with SSL
  • Named Pipes
  • SDP

Two Types JDBC Drivers

Java Client Application   Java Applet/Application

JDBC OCI Driver(use OCI)

  JDBC Thin Driver
Presentation-TTC   Presentation-Java TTC
Oracle Net Fountation Layer   JavaNet
Oracle protocol Support   TCP/IP Network Protocol
Network Protocol TCP/IP,TCP/IP with SSL,and Named Pipes    




posted @ 2013-03-12 14:02  ArcerZhang  阅读(133)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报