JAVA的众多锁的机制,包括Semaphore/ReentrantLock/ReentrantReadWriteLock等都是通过 AQS实现的,因为写了上述几个锁实现的源码分析,经常使用到AQS的原理和代码,因此这里做下AQS的源码分析。这样之后再翻看以AQS为基础的各种各样的锁实现就会好理解的多了。
* Provides a framework for implementing blocking locks and related
* synchronizers (semaphores, events, etc) that rely on
* first-in-first-out (FIFO) wait queues. This class is designed to
* be a useful basis for most kinds of synchronizers that rely on a
* single atomic {@code int} value to represent state. Subclasses
* must define the protected methods that change this state, and which
* define what that state means in terms of this object being acquired
* or released. Given these, the other methods in this class carry
* out all queuing and blocking mechanics. Subclasses can maintain
* other state fields, but only the atomically updated {@code int}
* value manipulated using methods {@link #getState}, {@link
* #setState} and {@link #compareAndSetState} is tracked with respect
* to synchronization.
提供一个依赖FIFO等待队列来实现阻塞锁和关联同步机制(信号量、事件等)的框架。该类被作为多数类型的同步机制的一个实用的基础,设计依赖一个atomic类型的int数据来代表一个状态。子类必须实现其protected类型的方法来改变这个状态,这个状态意味着对象被请求或者释放的一个说明。提供了这些,本类的其他方法都用来执行所有的队列和阻塞结构。子类可以维护其他的字段,但只有state状态的原子更新操作通过#getState, #setState, #compareAndSetState 被追踪来实现同步。
<p>This class supports either or both a default <em>exclusive</em>
* mode and a <em>shared</em> mode. When acquired in exclusive mode,
* attempted acquires by other threads cannot succeed. Shared mode
* acquires by multiple threads may (but need not) succeed. This class
* does not "understand" these differences except in the
* mechanical sense that when a shared mode acquire succeeds, the next
* waiting thread (if one exists) must also determine whether it can
* acquire as well. Threads waiting in the different modes share the
* same FIFO queue. Usually, implementation subclasses support only
* one of these modes, but both can come into play for example in a
* {@link ReadWriteLock}. Subclasses that support only exclusive or
* only shared modes need not define the methods supporting the unused mode.
static final class Node { /** Marker to indicate a node is waiting in shared mode 标记用来标明一个分享模式的节点 */ static final Node SHARED = new Node(); /** Marker to indicate a node is waiting in exclusive mode 标记用来标明一个排他模式的节点 */ static final Node EXCLUSIVE = null; /** waitStatus value to indicate thread has cancelled */ static final int CANCELLED = 1; // 表明线程被关闭的状态 /** waitStatus value to indicate successor's thread needs unparking */ static final int SIGNAL = -1; // 表明线程等待被唤醒的状态 /** waitStatus value to indicate thread is waiting on condition */ static final int CONDITION = -2; // 表明线程再等待condition条件的状态 /** * waitStatus value to indicate the next acquireShared should * unconditionally propagate */ static final int PROPAGATE = -3; // 表明下一个acquireShared会无条件的传递 // 等待状态(值为上述几种状态CANCELLED、SINGAL、CONDITION、PROPAGATE) volatile int waitStatus; // 前一个节点 volatile Node prev; // 后一个节点 volatile Node next; // 线程引用 volatile Thread thread; // 下一个等待者 (连接下一个等待条件者,或者是特殊的值Shared。因为条件队列的访问必须是独享模式,所以我们只能维护一个简单的队列来保存那些等待条件的node。他们之后会被 排列去重新请求。如果不是条件等待者,那么就用一个Shared的指定值来表明是共享模式下的值。) Node nextWaiter; final boolean isShared() { return nextWaiter == SHARED; } final Node predecessor() throws NullPointerException { Node p = prev; if (p == null) throw new NullPointerException(); else return p; } Node() { // Used to establish initial head or SHARED marker } Node(Thread thread, Node mode) { // Used by addWaiter this.nextWaiter = mode; this.thread = thread; } Node(Thread thread, int waitStatus) { // Used by Condition this.waitStatus = waitStatus; this.thread = thread; } }
private transient volatile Node head; /** * Tail of the wait queue, lazily initialized. Modified only via * method enq to add new wait node. */ private transient volatile Node tail; /** * The synchronization state. */ private volatile int state;
head 、tail 表示一个队列的头尾,state前文已经提过。剩下的就是方法了,我们来分析下AQS代码里的方法。
// 添加等待者,根据传入参数
private Node addWaiter(Node mode) { // 创建节点,参数是当前线程对象和上文中体到的独占or分享模式 Node node = new Node(Thread.currentThread(), mode); // Try the fast path of enq; backup to full enq on failure // 尝试最快的路径加入队列,如果失败则退回执行enq方法 Node pred = tail; if (pred != null) { // if条件里的操作,就是将新创建的node节点,加入到队列的最后,如果成功那么跟前边链接起来 = node,如果失败,则继续执行后续enq(node)代码 node.prev = pred; if (compareAndSetTail(pred, node)) { = node; return node; } } // 如果compareAndSetTail(pred, node)失败,也即多个线程争抢,那么失败的就只能乖乖的往后走了 enq(node); return node; }
// enq 将参数node设置为tail并连接入队列中,自旋操作直至成功才退出 private Node enq(final Node node) { for (;;) { Node t = tail; if (t == null) { // Must initialize
// t==null 也就是说队列中,还是空,那么这时候就执行初始化的操作:创建空节点并设置为head = tail = new Node()
if (compareAndSetHead(new Node())) tail = head; } else {
// 经过上述初始化,或者执行到这里时队列本身就不为空,那么这里执行的其实是addWaiter里边的代码,即:将当前node加入到队列的最末尾,并设置为tail node.prev = t; if (compareAndSetTail(t, node)) { = node; return t; } } } }