




JML是一种为 Java量身定做的形式化的行为接口规范语言 ( BISL), 用来规范 Java程序模块 (如类和接口 )的行为及详细设计决策。它沿袭了 BISL良好定义的形式语义, 同时也继承了DBC语言较强的执行能力。使用 JML书写的形式化的接口规范可以推动程序的自动化测试, 减少单元测试的负担。



目前, 许多基于 JML的验证、调试和测试工具已经非常成熟, 例如运行时刻的断言检查器 (Runti me Assertion Checker)、JmlUnit、JMLAutoTest等等。利用这些支撑工具, JML 规范可以被翻译为可识别的程序代码, 并被动态断言检查器检验, 也可以进行测试框架、测试用例等的自动生成。

Openjml可以对生成的类文件进行JML规范检查。Openjml使用SMT Solver来对检查程序实现是否满足所设计的规格(specification)。目前Openjml封装了四个主流的solver,z3由Microsoft开发的,并已在github上开源,其正式发布版。cvc4由Standford开发,可以通过下载



(2)部署SMT Solver,至少选择3个主要方法来尝试进行验证,报告结果

尝试着测试了MyPath.java 源代码如下

import com.oocourse.specs1.models.Path;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;

public class MyPath implements Path {
    //@ public instance model non_null int[] nodes;
    private ArrayList<Integer> path;
    private int disNum;

    public MyPath(int... nodeList) {
        path = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0;i < nodeList.length;i++) {
        disNum = -1;

	//@ also    
    //@ ensures \result == nodes.length;
    public /*@pure@*/int size() {
        return path.size();

    /*@ also
	  @ requires index >= 0 && index < size();
      @ assignable \nothing;
      @ ensures \result == nodes[index];
    public /*@pure@*/ int getNode(int index) {
        return path.get(index);

	//@ also
    //@ ensures \result == (\exists int i; 0 <= i && i < nodes.length; nodes[i] == node);
    public /*@pure@*/ boolean containsNode(int node) {
        return path.contains(node);

	/*@ also
      @ ensures \result == (\num_of int i, j; 0 <= i && i < j
                && j < nodes.length;nodes[i] != nodes[j]);
    public /*pure*/ int getDistinctNodeCount() {
        if (disNum == -1) {
            Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>();
            disNum = set.size();
        return disNum;

	//@ also
    //@ ensures \result == (nodes.length >= 2);
    public /*@pure@*/ boolean isValid() {
        return path.size() >= 2;

    /*@ also
      @ public normal_behavior
      @ requires obj != null && obj instanceof Path;
      @ assignable \nothing;
      @ ensures \result == (((MyPath) obj).size() == nodes.length) && (\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < nodes.length; nodes[i] == ((MyPath) obj).getNode(i));
      @ also
      @ public normal_behavior
      @ requires obj == null || !(obj instanceof Path);
      @ assignable \nothing;
      @ ensures \result == false;
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj == null || !(obj instanceof Path)) {
            return false;
        else {
            if (path.size() != ((Path) obj).size()) {
                return false;
            boolean flag = true;
            for (int i = 0;i < path.size(); i++) {
                if (path.get(i) != ((Path) obj).getNode(i)) {
                    flag = false;
            return flag;

    public int compareTo(Path o) {
        for (int i = 0;i < Math.min(path.size(),o.size()); i++) {
            if (path.get(i) < o.getNode(i)) {
                return -1;
            else if (path.get(i) > o.getNode(i)) {
                return 1;
        return path.size() - o.size();

    public Iterator<Integer> iterator() {
        return path.iterator();

    public int hashCode() {
        return path.hashCode();

java -jar openjml.jar -cp specs-homework-1-1.1-raw-jar-with-dependencies.jar -check MyPath.java


java -jar openjml.jar -cp specs-homework-1-1.1-raw-jar-with-dependencies.jar -exec Solvers-windows/z3-4.7.1.exe -esc MyPath.java


MyPath.java:16: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (PossiblyNegativeIndex) in method MyPath
MyPath.java:9: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (NullField) in method MyPath
    //@ public instance model non_null int[] nodes;
MyPath.java:100: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (InvariantLeaveCaller: openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):71: 注: ) in method compareTo:  (Caller: MyPath.compareTo(com.oocourse.specs1.models.Path), Callee: java.util.ArrayList.size())
        return path.size() - o.size();
openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):71: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:100: 注:
    //-RAC@ public invariant content.theSize >= 0;
MyPath.java:93: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (InvariantLeaveCaller: openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):71: 注: ) in method compareTo:  (Caller: MyPath.compareTo(com.oocourse.specs1.models.Path), Callee: java.util.ArrayList.get(int))
            if (path.get(i) < o.getNode(i)) {
openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):71: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:93: 注:
    //-RAC@ public invariant content.theSize >= 0;
MyPath.java:100: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (ArithmeticOperationRange) in method compareTo:  overflow in int difference
        return path.size() - o.size();
MyPath.java:96: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (InvariantLeaveCaller: openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):71: 注: ) in method compareTo:  (Caller: MyPath.compareTo(com.oocourse.specs1.models.Path), Callee: java.util.ArrayList.get(int))
            else if (path.get(i) > o.getNode(i)) {
openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):71: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:96: 注:
    //-RAC@ public invariant content.theSize >= 0;
MyPath.java:96: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (InvariantLeaveCaller: openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):70: 注: ) in method compareTo:  (Caller: MyPath.compareTo(com.oocourse.specs1.models.Path), Callee: java.util.ArrayList.get(int))
            else if (path.get(i) > o.getNode(i)) {
openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):70: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:96: 注:
    //-RAC@ public invariant content.owner == this;
MyPath.java:100: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (InvariantLeaveCaller: openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):70: 注: ) in method compareTo:  (Caller: MyPath.compareTo(com.oocourse.specs1.models.Path), Callee: java.util.ArrayList.size())
        return path.size() - o.size();
openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):70: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:100: 注:
    //-RAC@ public invariant content.owner == this;
MyPath.java:93: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (InvariantLeaveCaller: openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):70: 注: ) in method compareTo:  (Caller: MyPath.compareTo(com.oocourse.specs1.models.Path), Callee: java.util.ArrayList.get(int))
            if (path.get(i) < o.getNode(i)) {
openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):70: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:93: 注:
    //-RAC@ public invariant content.owner == this;
openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):70: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Invariant) in method compareTo
    //-RAC@ public invariant content.owner == this;
openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):71: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Invariant) in method compareTo
    //-RAC@ public invariant content.theSize >= 0;
MyPath.java:39: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition: MyPath.java:37: 注: ) in method containsNode
        return path.contains(node);
MyPath.java:37: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:39: 注:
    //@ ensures \result == (\exists int i; 0 <= i && i < nodes.length; nodes[i] == node);
MyPath.java:77: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assignable: MyPath.java:62: 注: ) in method equals:  \everything
            if (path.size() != ((Path) obj).size()) {
MyPath.java:62: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:77: 注:
      @ public normal_behavior
MyPath.java:81: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (InvariantLeaveCaller: openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):71: 注: ) in method equals:  (Caller: MyPath.equals(java.lang.Object), Callee: java.util.ArrayList.size())
            for (int i = 0;i < path.size(); i++) {
openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):71: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:81: 注:
    //-RAC@ public invariant content.theSize >= 0;
MyPath.java:81: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (InvariantLeaveCaller: openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):70: 注: ) in method equals:  (Caller: MyPath.equals(java.lang.Object), Callee: java.util.ArrayList.size())
            for (int i = 0;i < path.size(); i++) {
openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):70: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:81: 注:
    //-RAC@ public invariant content.owner == this;
MyPath.java:77: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (ExceptionalPostcondition: MyPath.java:62: 注: ) in method equals
            if (path.size() != ((Path) obj).size()) {
MyPath.java:62: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:77: 注:
      @ public normal_behavior
MyPath.java:77: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (ExceptionalPostcondition: openjml.jar(specs/java/lang/Object.jml):76: 注: ) in method equals
            if (path.size() != ((Path) obj).size()) {
openjml.jar(specs/java/lang/Object.jml):76: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:77: 注:
      @   public normal_behavior
MyPath.java:82: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assignable: MyPath.java:62: 注: ) in method equals:  \everything
                if (path.get(i) != ((Path) obj).getNode(i)) {
MyPath.java:62: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:82: 注:
      @ public normal_behavior
openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):70: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Invariant) in method equals
    //-RAC@ public invariant content.owner == this;
openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):71: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Invariant) in method equals
    //-RAC@ public invariant content.theSize >= 0;
MyPath.java:65: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (UndefinedBadCast) in method equals:  a java.lang.Object cannot be proved to be a MyPath
      @ ensures \result == (((MyPath) obj).size() == nodes.length) && (\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < nodes.length; nodes[i] == ((MyPath) obj).getNode(i));
MyPath.java:87: 警告: Associated method exit
            return flag;
MyPath.java:87: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition: MyPath.java:65: 注: ) in method equals
            return flag;
MyPath.java:65: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:87: 注:
      @ ensures \result == (((MyPath) obj).size() == nodes.length) && (\forall int i; 0 <= i && i < nodes.length; nodes[i] == ((MyPath) obj).getNode(i));
MyPath.java:87: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition: openjml.jar(specs/java/lang/Object.jml):78: 注: ) in method equals
            return flag;
openjml.jar(specs/java/lang/Object.jml):78: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:87: 注:
      @     ensures \result;
MyPath.java:43: 警告: NOT IMPLEMENTED: Not yet supported feature in converting BasicPrograms to SMTLIB: JML Quantified expression using \num_of
      @ ensures \result == (\num_of int i, j; 0 <= i && i < j
MyPath.java:49: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Precondition: openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Set.jml):81: 注: ) in method getDistinctNodeCount
openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Set.jml):81: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:49: 注:
    boolean addAll(/*@non_null*/ Collection<? extends E> c) throws NullPointerException;
openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):268: 警告: Precondition conjunct is false: !\key("RAC") ==> (!containsNull ==> !c.containsNull)
      @   requires !\key("RAC") ==> !containsNull ==> !c.containsNull;
openjml.jar(specs/java/util/Collection.jml):277: 警告: Precondition conjunct is false: c == null
      @  requires c == null;
MyPath.java:52: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition: MyPath.java:43: 注: ) in method getDistinctNodeCount
        return disNum;
MyPath.java:43: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:52: 注:
      @ ensures \result == (\num_of int i, j; 0 <= i && i < j
MyPath.java:33: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition: MyPath.java:30: 注: ) in method getNode
        return path.get(index);
MyPath.java:30: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:33: 注:
      @ ensures \result == nodes[index];
MyPath.java:108: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition: openjml.jar(specs/java/lang/Object.jml):63: 注: ) in method hashCode
        return path.hashCode();
openjml.jar(specs/java/lang/Object.jml):63: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:108: 注:
    //-RAC@ ensures \result == theHashCode;
MyPath.java:58: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition: MyPath.java:56: 注: ) in method isValid
        return path.size() >= 2;
MyPath.java:56: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:58: 注:
    //@ ensures \result == (nodes.length >= 2);
MyPath.java:24: 警告: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition: MyPath.java:22: 注: ) in method size
        return path.size();
MyPath.java:22: 警告: Associated declaration: MyPath.java:24: 注:
    //@ ensures \result == nodes.length;
54 个警告

java -jar openjml.jar -cp specs-homework-1-1.1-raw-jar-with-dependencies.jar -rac MyPath.java

MyPath.java:43: 注: Runtime assertion checking is not implemented for this type or number of declarations in a quantified expression
      @ ensures \result == (\num_of int i, j; 0 <= i && i < j
MyPath.java:9: 警告: JML model field is not implemented: nodes
    //@ public instance model non_null int[] nodes;
1 个警告




public class Demo {
    /*@ public normal_behaviour
      @ ensures \result == lhs - rhs;
    public static int compare(int lhs, int rhs) {
        return lhs - rhs;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

java -jar jmlunitng.jar Demo.java

├── Demo_InstanceStrategy.java
├── Demo_JML_Data
│   ├── ClassStrategy_int.java
│   ├── ClassStrategy_java_lang_String1DArray.java
│   ├── ClassStrategy_java_lang_String.java
│   ├── compare__int_lhs__int_rhs__0__lhs.java
│   ├── compare__int_lhs__int_rhs__0__rhs.java
│   └── main__String1DArray_args__10__args.java
├── Demo_JML_Test.java
├── PackageStrategy_int.java
├── PackageStrategy_java_lang_String1DArray.java
└── PackageStrategy_java_lang_String.java

之后编译 javac -cp jmlunitng.jar D*.java生成了一些.class文件

之后运行java -cp jmlunitng.jar Demo_JML_Test 结果如下:

[TestNG] Running:
  Command line suite

Failed: racEnabled()
Passed: constructor Demo()
Passed: static compare(-2147483648, -2147483648)
Passed: static compare(0, -2147483648)
Passed: static compare(2147483647, -2147483648)
Passed: static compare(-2147483648, 0)
Passed: static compare(0, 0)
Passed: static compare(2147483647, 0)
Passed: static compare(-2147483648, 2147483647)
Passed: static compare(0, 2147483647)
Passed: static compare(2147483647, 2147483647)
Passed: static main(null)
Passed: static main({})

Command line suite
Total tests run: 13, Failures: 1, Skips: 0


java -jar jmlunitng.jar -cp specs-homework-1-1.1-raw-jar-with-dependencies.jar MyPath.java

javac -cp "specs-homework-1-1.1-raw-jar-with-dependencies.jar;jmlunitng.jar" *.java

java -cp "specs-homework-1-1.1-raw-jar-with-dependencies.jar;jmlunitng.jar" MyPath_JML_Test


[TestNG] Running:
  Command line suite

Failed: racEnabled()
Failed: constructor MyPath(null)
Passed: constructor MyPath({})
Failed: <<MyPath@1>>.compareTo(null)
Passed: <<MyPath@1>>.containsNode(-2147483648)
Passed: <<MyPath@1>>.containsNode(0)
Passed: <<MyPath@1>>.containsNode(2147483647)
Passed: <<MyPath@1>>.equals(null)
Passed: <<MyPath@1>>.equals(java.lang.Object@60215eee)
Passed: <<MyPath@1>>.getDistinctNodeCount()
Failed: <<MyPath@1>>.getNode(-2147483648)
Failed: <<MyPath@1>>.getNode(0)
Failed: <<MyPath@1>>.getNode(2147483647)
Passed: <<MyPath@1>>.hashCode()
Passed: <<MyPath@1>>.isValid()
Passed: <<MyPath@1>>.iterator()
Passed: <<MyPath@1>>.size()

Command line suites
Total tests run: 17, Failures: 6, Skips: 0

可以看到它测试了边界的数据,比如对于getNode()测试了下标是负数和0的情况,导致了失败Failed。对于compareTo()测试了输入为null的情形,这是我没有考虑到的地方。以及构造函数输入为null的情形。但是getNode()方法的规格有@ requires index >= 0 && index < size();这个前置条件的。

 * Test Oracle Class for MyPath
 * For Use With OpenJML RAC
 * Generated by JMLUnitNG 1.4 (116/OpenJML-20131218-REV3178), 2019-05-21 16:36 +0800.
 * (do not modify this comment, it is used by JMLUnitNG clean-up routines)

import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.jmlspecs.jmlunitng.iterator.IteratorWrapper;
import org.jmlspecs.jmlunitng.iterator.ParameterArrayIterator;
import org.jmlspecs.jmlunitng.testng.BasicTestListener;
import org.jmlspecs.jmlunitng.testng.PreconditionSkipException;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.TestException;
import org.testng.TestNG;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite;

import org.jmlspecs.utils.JmlAssertionError;
import org.jmlspecs.utils.Utils; 

 * Test oracles generated by JMLUnitNG for OpenJML RAC of class
 * MyPath.
 * @author JMLUnitNG 1.4 (116/OpenJML-20131218-REV3178)
 * @version 2019-05-21 16:36 +0800

public /*@ nullable_by_default */ class MyPath_JML_Test {
   * The main method. Allows the tests to be run without a testng.xml or
   * the use of the TestNG executable/plugin.
   * @param the_args Command line arguments, ignored.
  public static void main(String[] the_args) {
    final TestNG testng_runner = new TestNG();
    final Class<?>[] classes = {MyPath_JML_Test.class};
    final BasicTestListener listener =
      new BasicTestListener(new PrintWriter(System.out));
    testng_runner.setXmlSuites(new ArrayList<XmlSuite>());

   * A test to ensure that RAC is enabled before running other tests;
   * this also turns on RAC exceptions if they were not already turned on.
  public void test_racEnabled() {
    Utils.useExceptions = true;
     "JMLUnitNG tests must not be RAC-compiled when using OpenJML RAC.");
     "JMLUnitNG tests can only run on RAC-compiled code.");

   * A test for method containsNode.
   * @param the_test_object The MyPath to call the test method on.
   * @param node The int to be passed.
  @Test(dependsOnMethods = { "test_racEnabled" }, 
        dataProvider = "p_containsNode__int_node__0")
  public void test_containsNode__int_node__0
  (final MyPath the_test_object, 
   final int node) {
      if (the_test_object == null) {
        throw new PreconditionSkipException
        ("could not construct an object to test");
    try {
    catch (final JmlAssertionError $e) {
      if ($e.jmlAssertionType.equals("Precondition") &&
          $e.getStackTrace().length >= 4 &&
          "test_containsNode__int_node__0".equals($e.getStackTrace()[3].getMethodName())) {
        // meaningless test because precondition failed
        throw new PreconditionSkipException($e.getMessage());
      } else {
        // test failure because something else failed
        throw new TestException($e.getMessage());
    } catch (final Throwable $e) {
      // test failure for some reason other than assertion violation
      throw new TestException($e.getMessage());

   * A test for method hashCode.
   * @param the_test_object The MyPath to call the test method on.
  @Test(dependsOnMethods = { "test_racEnabled" }, 
        dataProvider = "p_instance_only")
  public void test_hashCode__0
  (final MyPath the_test_object ) {
      if (the_test_object == null) {
        throw new PreconditionSkipException
        ("could not construct an object to test");
    try {
    catch (final JmlAssertionError $e) {
      if ($e.jmlAssertionType.equals("Precondition") &&
          $e.getStackTrace().length >= 4 &&
          "test_hashCode__0".equals($e.getStackTrace()[3].getMethodName())) {
        // meaningless test because precondition failed
        throw new PreconditionSkipException($e.getMessage());
      } else {
        // test failure because something else failed
        throw new TestException($e.getMessage());
    } catch (final Throwable $e) {
      // test failure for some reason other than assertion violation
      throw new TestException($e.getMessage());

   * A test for method equals.
   * @param the_test_object The MyPath to call the test method on.
   * @param obj The Object to be passed.
  @Test(dependsOnMethods = { "test_racEnabled" }, 
        dataProvider = "p_equals__Object_obj__10")
  public void test_equals__Object_obj__10
  (final MyPath the_test_object, 
   final java.lang.Object obj) {
      if (the_test_object == null) {
        throw new PreconditionSkipException
        ("could not construct an object to test");
    try {
    catch (final JmlAssertionError $e) {
      if ($e.jmlAssertionType.equals("Precondition") &&
          $e.getStackTrace().length >= 4 &&
          "test_equals__Object_obj__10".equals($e.getStackTrace()[3].getMethodName())) {
        // meaningless test because precondition failed
        throw new PreconditionSkipException($e.getMessage());
      } else {
        // test failure because something else failed
        throw new TestException($e.getMessage());
    } catch (final Throwable $e) {
      // test failure for some reason other than assertion violation
      throw new TestException($e.getMessage());

   * A test for method isValid.
   * @param the_test_object The MyPath to call the test method on.
  @Test(dependsOnMethods = { "test_racEnabled" }, 
        dataProvider = "p_instance_only")
  public void test_isValid__0
  (final MyPath the_test_object ) {
      if (the_test_object == null) {
        throw new PreconditionSkipException
        ("could not construct an object to test");
    try {
    catch (final JmlAssertionError $e) {
      if ($e.jmlAssertionType.equals("Precondition") &&
          $e.getStackTrace().length >= 4 &&
          "test_isValid__0".equals($e.getStackTrace()[3].getMethodName())) {
        // meaningless test because precondition failed
        throw new PreconditionSkipException($e.getMessage());
      } else {
        // test failure because something else failed
        throw new TestException($e.getMessage());
    } catch (final Throwable $e) {
      // test failure for some reason other than assertion violation
      throw new TestException($e.getMessage());

   * A test for method size.
   * @param the_test_object The MyPath to call the test method on.
  @Test(dependsOnMethods = { "test_racEnabled" }, 
        dataProvider = "p_instance_only")
  public void test_size__0
  (final MyPath the_test_object ) {
      if (the_test_object == null) {
        throw new PreconditionSkipException
        ("could not construct an object to test");
    try {
    catch (final JmlAssertionError $e) {
      if ($e.jmlAssertionType.equals("Precondition") &&
          $e.getStackTrace().length >= 4 &&
          "test_size__0".equals($e.getStackTrace()[3].getMethodName())) {
        // meaningless test because precondition failed
        throw new PreconditionSkipException($e.getMessage());
      } else {
        // test failure because something else failed
        throw new TestException($e.getMessage());
    } catch (final Throwable $e) {
      // test failure for some reason other than assertion violation
      throw new TestException($e.getMessage());

   * A test for method getDistinctNodeCount.
   * @param the_test_object The MyPath to call the test method on.
  @Test(dependsOnMethods = { "test_racEnabled" }, 
        dataProvider = "p_instance_only")
  public void test_getDistinctNodeCount__0
  (final MyPath the_test_object ) {
      if (the_test_object == null) {
        throw new PreconditionSkipException
        ("could not construct an object to test");
    try {
    catch (final JmlAssertionError $e) {
      if ($e.jmlAssertionType.equals("Precondition") &&
          $e.getStackTrace().length >= 4 &&
          "test_getDistinctNodeCount__0".equals($e.getStackTrace()[3].getMethodName())) {
        // meaningless test because precondition failed
        throw new PreconditionSkipException($e.getMessage());
      } else {
        // test failure because something else failed
        throw new TestException($e.getMessage());
    } catch (final Throwable $e) {
      // test failure for some reason other than assertion violation
      throw new TestException($e.getMessage());

   * A test for method getNode.
   * @param the_test_object The MyPath to call the test method on.
   * @param index The int to be passed.
  @Test(dependsOnMethods = { "test_racEnabled" }, 
        dataProvider = "p_getNode__int_index__0")
  public void test_getNode__int_index__0
  (final MyPath the_test_object, 
   final int index) {
      if (the_test_object == null) {
        throw new PreconditionSkipException
        ("could not construct an object to test");
    try {
    catch (final JmlAssertionError $e) {
      if ($e.jmlAssertionType.equals("Precondition") &&
          $e.getStackTrace().length >= 4 &&
          "test_getNode__int_index__0".equals($e.getStackTrace()[3].getMethodName())) {
        // meaningless test because precondition failed
        throw new PreconditionSkipException($e.getMessage());
      } else {
        // test failure because something else failed
        throw new TestException($e.getMessage());
    } catch (final Throwable $e) {
      // test failure for some reason other than assertion violation
      throw new TestException($e.getMessage());

   * A test for method iterator.
   * @param the_test_object The MyPath to call the test method on.
  @Test(dependsOnMethods = { "test_racEnabled" }, 
        dataProvider = "p_instance_only")
  public void test_iterator__0
  (final MyPath the_test_object ) {
      if (the_test_object == null) {
        throw new PreconditionSkipException
        ("could not construct an object to test");
    try {
    catch (final JmlAssertionError $e) {
      if ($e.jmlAssertionType.equals("Precondition") &&
          $e.getStackTrace().length >= 4 &&
          "test_iterator__0".equals($e.getStackTrace()[3].getMethodName())) {
        // meaningless test because precondition failed
        throw new PreconditionSkipException($e.getMessage());
      } else {
        // test failure because something else failed
        throw new TestException($e.getMessage());
    } catch (final Throwable $e) {
      // test failure for some reason other than assertion violation
      throw new TestException($e.getMessage());

   * A test for a constructor.
   * @param nodeList The int[] to be passed.
  @Test(dependsOnMethods = { "test_racEnabled" }, 
        dataProvider = "p_MyPath__int1DArray_nodeList__0")
  public void test_MyPath__int1DArray_nodeList__0
  (final int[] nodeList) {
    try {
      new MyPath(nodeList);
    catch (final JmlAssertionError $e) {
      if ($e.jmlAssertionType.equals("Precondition") &&
          $e.getStackTrace().length >= 4 &&
          "test_MyPath__int1DArray_nodeList__0".equals($e.getStackTrace()[3].getMethodName())) {
        // meaningless test because precondition failed
        throw new PreconditionSkipException($e.getMessage());
      } else {
        // test failure because something else failed
        throw new TestException($e.getMessage());
    } catch (final Throwable $e) {
      // test failure for some reason other than assertion violation
      throw new TestException($e.getMessage());

   * A test for method compareTo.
   * @param the_test_object The MyPath to call the test method on.
   * @param o The Path to be passed.
  @Test(dependsOnMethods = { "test_racEnabled" }, 
        dataProvider = "p_compareTo__Path_o__27")
  public void test_compareTo__Path_o__27
  (final MyPath the_test_object, 
   final com.oocourse.specs1.models.Path o) {
      if (the_test_object == null) {
        throw new PreconditionSkipException
        ("could not construct an object to test");
    try {
    catch (final JmlAssertionError $e) {
      if ($e.jmlAssertionType.equals("Precondition") &&
          $e.getStackTrace().length >= 4 &&
          "test_compareTo__Path_o__27".equals($e.getStackTrace()[3].getMethodName())) {
        // meaningless test because precondition failed
        throw new PreconditionSkipException($e.getMessage());
      } else {
        // test failure because something else failed
        throw new TestException($e.getMessage());
    } catch (final Throwable $e) {
      // test failure for some reason other than assertion violation
      throw new TestException($e.getMessage());

   * Data provider for method boolean containsNode(int).
   * @return An iterator over strategies to use for parameter generation.
  @DataProvider(name = "p_containsNode__int_node__0", 
                parallel = false)
  public static IteratorWrapper<Object[]> p_containsNode__int_node__0() {
    return new IteratorWrapper<Object[]>
    (new ParameterArrayIterator

   * Data provider for method boolean equals(Object).
   * @return An iterator over strategies to use for parameter generation.
  @DataProvider(name = "p_equals__Object_obj__10", 
                parallel = false)
  public static IteratorWrapper<Object[]> p_equals__Object_obj__10() {
    return new IteratorWrapper<Object[]>
    (new ParameterArrayIterator

   * Data provider for method int getNode(int).
   * @return An iterator over strategies to use for parameter generation.
  @DataProvider(name = "p_getNode__int_index__0", 
                parallel = false)
  public static IteratorWrapper<Object[]> p_getNode__int_index__0() {
    return new IteratorWrapper<Object[]>
    (new ParameterArrayIterator

   * Data provider for constructor MyPath(int[]).
   * @return An iterator over strategies to use for parameter generation.
  @DataProvider(name = "p_MyPath__int1DArray_nodeList__0", 
                parallel = false)
  public static IteratorWrapper<Object[]> p_MyPath__int1DArray_nodeList__0() {
    return new IteratorWrapper<Object[]>
    (new ParameterArrayIterator

   * Data provider for method int compareTo(Path).
   * @return An iterator over strategies to use for parameter generation.
  @DataProvider(name = "p_compareTo__Path_o__27", 
                parallel = false)
  public static IteratorWrapper<Object[]> p_compareTo__Path_o__27() {
    return new IteratorWrapper<Object[]>
    (new ParameterArrayIterator

   * Data provider for methods with no parameters.
   * @return An iterator over the main class strategy.
  @DataProvider(name = "p_instance_only", 
                parallel = false)
  public static IteratorWrapper<Object[]> p_instance_only() {
    return new IteratorWrapper<Object[]>
    (new ParameterArrayIterator(MyPath_InstanceStrategy.class));



需要完成的任务为实现两个容器器类 PathPathContainer


public class MyPathContainer implements PathContainer {
    private HashMap<Path, Integer> map;
    private HashMap<Integer, Path> idmap;
    private HashMap<Integer,Integer> dismap; //记录每个节点出现的次数






需要完成的任务为实现容器类 Path 和数据结构类 Graph



public class MyGraph implements Graph {
    private HashMap<Path, Integer> map;
    private HashMap<Integer, Path> idmap;
    private HashMap<Integer,Integer> dismap; //记录每个节点出现的次数
    //邻接表存储的图 from-><to,num> 记录边(from->to) 重边数目为num
    private HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer,Integer>> lgraph;
    //用于记录两点之间的最短距离 from-><to,dist>
    private HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer,Integer>> dist;

本次作业构成了图的结构,需求增加了判断连通性和求最短路,所以需要加入一个邻接表用于记录这个图的结构HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer,Integer>> lgraph,并且考虑到时间的效率,用一个数据结构对计算结果进行缓存HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer,Integer>> dist,当查询计算过的结果的时候可以直接返回结果,不需要重复计算,这样可以避免过多的重复计算,缩减CPU时间。其他结构则继承自上次的代码结构。




需要完成的任务为实现容器类 Path ,地铁系统类 RailwaySystem



public class MyRailwaySystem implements RailwaySystem {
    private HashMap<Path, Integer> map;
    private HashMap<Integer, Path> idmap;
    private HashMap<Integer,Integer> dismap; //记录每个节点出现的次数
    //邻接表存储的图 from-><to,num> 记录边(from->to) 重边数目为num
    private HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer,Integer>> lgraph;
    //用于记录两点之间的最短距离 from-><to,dist>
    private HashMap<Integer, HashMap<Integer,Integer>> dist;
    //邻接表存储的图 记录起点和与他邻接点的对应关系 这个图是进行过拆点之后的图
    private HashMap<Pair<Integer,Integer>,HashSet<Pair<Integer,Integer>>> graph;
    private HashMap<Integer,HashMap<Integer,Integer>> traDist;
    private HashMap<Integer,HashMap<Integer,Integer>> priDist;
    private HashMap<Integer,HashMap<Integer,Integer>> pleDist;
    private HashMap<Integer,Integer> vis;

第11次作业,则在图结构的基础上,增加了最少换乘次数,最低票价,最少不满意度,连通块个数的需求,连通块个数可以直接采用bfs进行染色的方法进行计算,而对于三个“最少”的请求,其实实际上他们的方法是相通的,采用拆点的方式,记录了一个新的图HashMap<Pair<Integer,Integer>,HashSet<Pair<Integer,Integer>>> graph,在这个图的基础上,其实这三个需求都是基于权重的最短路,都可以采用dijkstra算法贪心求解。并且同样类似于前一次作业,采用了缓存的方式记录了结果,这里使用了三个HashMap分别缓存三种需求的计算结果(traDist,priDist,pleDist)避免了重复计算。注意dijkstra算法需要堆优化。否则O(N^2)复杂度必然超时。其他部分结构继承自前一次作业。










由于JML 是一种精确的形式规范描述语言,它能准确表达方法的功能需求,也可以利用自身开发的工具进行高效率的测试。JML 可精确地表达功能模块的行为规范,避免了使用自然语言产生的需求不精确、可能产生歧义的问题,使用 JML 书写的形式化接口规范可以推动程序的自动化测试。

JML有自己的测试工具,有自己的语法规范,相比于采用普通的文本进行程序的规范书写,JML有着独有的优势,它不涉及到具体的代码实现,是代码与需求之间的沟通桥梁。JML语言有前置条件和后置条件,他们是彼此独立的,前置条件出现问题那么说明是用户的输入有问题,后置条件出现问题则说明是程序方法的设计有问题。这样的描述使得程序的可读性更好,设计起来也更加容易,读者的理解也更加容易,可以很清晰的了解一段代码的作用。JML 的形式规范是抽象的,只要阅读某个函数(方法)的形式规范,就能明白这个方法的功能,而不需要阅读这个方法里面用到的其他方法的规格,这样的实现是规模化,模块化的,规格中使用到的其他方法都应该是pure的,这样的方法不会修改变量,不会对程序产生影响。JML语言作为一种注释的形式出现在java代码中,不影响正常的程序运行,而且可以通过JML的工具(比如Openjml)进行静态的检查,检查 JML 形式规范是否正确等。如果你的代码没有实现规格中要求的功能,就会给你报错,这是检验一个代码正确性的好办法。基于JML可以进行程序的自动化测试。


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